3a S" '!~ 8~'ATE OT TiLB, ) 1 COiRtTY OF %EBR. ) HH IT HEmIHERHD, 4'hat on thin the 13th day of Yay, L,D, 1818, there was begun and holden a Regu3lrc Term of the Oosnmissionere' Court la nad Yor %srr Connty,Tszna, at the Court Home thersoi in the town of Serrville, Tezae: OFPICBR3 PRBSBMTs Hon. bas fallaos, F.~.%arger, James Crotty, Hugo iisdenield, C.~.Rodgere, County Jnage, Ooramiseioser Preoinot Ho.l Commissioner Preoinot Bo.E, Commissioner Preoinot Ho.B, Oommieeioner Preoinot Ho.4, J.R.beavell, Conaty Clerk sad J.T.YOOre, Sheri if. Court having been regularly opened, the following proosedings were had, to-wit:-- o. L88, %err Oomty, 4ooonnts •Ilowed. 4oaomta agaiaat ~rr Comfy allowed ne shown in Yinntee of 4oeonnte of sommieaioaers' Court Hoot 2 oa pages 138 YS.aeQ, w61oh are hereby referred to and made a part of these miantee. .E84 -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- Lrr Oonnty, /trip of bead Eb ft. by Sb6 it. vonahsr for y1H.60 Se ordered drawn oa koad and Bridge Fend lpport to Commiaaionere' Preoinot Io.4, of %erz County, as pnrohase price for strip of land par from Orris 6arinnd and wife for road purposes out of Survey Bo.lEe, F. Trevino, near the town of Ingram, Texas. .E96. -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- %srr County. Offioere Reports. Quarterly rspozta oi, 1. B,Ailliameon, County Treasurer, J.R,Leavell, County Olsrk and H,H.Taraer, Jnsties of Psao• Preoinot 90.1, %err Connty,Tszea,wers as:~mined anfl approved. .s94. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Comfy. Treaefer of Tends. Ths esa ot~Ht.81 ie hereby ordered transferred from Spaeisl Fund to Dietriot Fend 9e.1, amd the sum of 70 oents ie also ordered transferred from 9psoial to Court House and Jsil Fnnd to Dalsnoe said sooomta. -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0.-- as7. COU9TY. apportionment of State-Highway Fend. The sum of ~H60.00 ie ordered apportlomel~;to the four Commiesioaers' Preoinots ae follows: The enm oi:{~lird0"-'apportioned to Prsoinot~eZl= Ths Sum of .b0 apportioned to Preoinot 9o.t; the sm of ~110.b0 apportioned to Preoinot 9o.b, and enm of ~E46.80 apportloned to preoinet 90,4. -o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-- s9e OOif9TY, paupers Sor new •ssartsr. Ths fallowing named persons ere •aah allowed the enm of X4.00 per month for . Jwaa a»d,Jal~: ri81-