3° 7 gietrlot Sohool 30.8, Taz of 16 seats on each III00.00 Valnation~ Maintenance Dlatrict 9ohool Ho.l6, Tsa of hj~y cents on each D100.00 Valuatlon. Blatrlet 9ohool No.17, 'fax of 3b cents on each X100.00 valnation~ Bond Issue. Dlatrict Sohool Ho.18, Fax of 10 cents on each D100.00 valuation.,iielntenance. Hietrict 9ahaol Ho.19, •i'sa of yy cents on snob 3100,00 Valuatlon. Dlatrict aohool Ho.El, Tax of EO cents ~n each ;100.00 Valuatlon, Maintenance. Confederate rensLone b cents oa each ;100.00 Valuatlon. Occupation Tax, one-half that charged by the Mate. County Poll tax twenty-five cents on each male -0-o-0-o-0-o-0-0-0-0-o-0-o-o-0-0-0-- In Commisaionera' Court. ) Regular May Term, 1918. (TRAHSFE3S) Ho.30E. May 14th, 1918. %err County,Texae. ) It La ordered by the Court that the sum of j24.6b cents be end same Ls hereby transferred from H. & B.Pund Ho. 3, apportioned to Commieaionera Yrecinet Ho,B to Aoad District land Ho.3, and !t Ls further ordered that said cum of 3E4.65 be and the semi le transferred 'from f~oed Dlatrict No.3, to the ueneral Road and Bridge land. !t is further ordered that the cum of X12.18 be and the same Se hereby ordered transferred tram pond Dlatrict land No.E, to the Oaneral Road and Bridge Ynnd. Said amounts beLng enr~le mousy turned in by Tax Collector to the two Road Dlatrict Panda,. over the eueouLlts saeeeaed by the rollac - -o-o-0-0-o-0-0-0-o- o-o-o-o-o- In Commieaionars' Court, ) Bo.303. Regular Mey Term, 1918. 1 May 14th, 1918. %err County,~t~ease. ) It is ordered by the Court that genry aehwethelm, be and he Sa hereby appointed Bheep~Inspector for %err County, for a period beginning May 15th, 1918 and ending November lbth, 1918, at a salary of 42b.00 per month, salary payable gaarterly. -o-oyo-o-o-o-o-o-0-o-o-0-o-ao- In Commisalonera' Court, ) Ho. 304. Regular Me`y Perm, 1918. %err Coanty,l•taae. ) May 14th, 1918. 1t Se ordered by the Co art that the Janitor's Salary for the Court House be and the sews le hereby raised from the sum of II1b.00 per month, to the enm of 817.60 per month, beginning with Hew 4uarter, May 1st, 1918. Payable quarterly ae has heretofore been the custom. -o- o- o-o- o- 0-0-0- o-- o- o- o-o-o- IH COMMI99IOHERS' COIIRT, ) Ho.306 Regular May Term, 1918. May 14th, 1918. Y`ERR COUNTY, T&%A3. 1 On this the 14th day of May A.D. 1918, came on to be considered the duplicates oY the Annual Reports of the Treasnror or DepoaLtory of the school lands of Center roint Independent Distrlat, showing receipts and diabnrsemente for the year beginning September lst,1916 and ending Aagnat 31, 1917; and the daplicate of the annual report of the depository of the 9choal wands of %err County, showing recetpte and diabureementa for the year beginning September let, 1916 and ending August 31,1917, and after comparLr~g said reports ae required by law, by checking the items of said ieports wLth the uriginal Vonohere presented to the Coast by the xreaeurer or Depository of suo4 Sohool sands of %err County aaF of thi Center Point Ind'mpebAenpl 9ietrict, end Plnding same ot)rre4t le hereby la all .., .zr. approved, and aaopte4 and sue 91e r$ oI Ti¢te Gourd ar uer eu vv k~+w v.r-. - x:. farther lnetracted to promptly oertify the sotlon of this Court on said reports to the State uepartment of hdncatlon. ~Grw.'. ---o- o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-- M- ' IB c01GlLI3SI0aERR COUttT, ) Bo.306. iiegalar Ysy Term, 1918. ~ 14th, 1918. ' KERi uOUNTY,'1`liXA3. It Le ordered by the Yourt that the sum of ;E.16 be pald to Judge Lee Wallsoe, out of the Hoad Dlstrlct Funfl Bo. 3, of xerr Bounty, rexsa, to re-lmbnrae Bald amount paid by Bald Jagg• in parohaalag the gb00.00 worth of ear bavinga 6ertlfloatee heretofore ordered pnrahasad out of Bald Hoad Dletriot 7nnd Ro.3 of Kerr County. -o-o-o-o- o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- o-o- IN C0181ISSI0NRS COURT, 1 ReBnlar 11av 1vrm, A.D. 1918. 1 Mo. 307. Ye,Y 14th, 1918. $ERR COUNTY, ~'EYA3. ! B89IGNATSON. Rho H®algaetlon of F.A.$arger, as County Yommisaioner and rioad 6ommle- eloper for Commissioners' preolnet No.l, of said Kerr aonnty, ~rezae, was acoapted, and Arthur :Leal, appointed to fill the unexpired term of Yr. Karger. And ir. rieal,Appagring -heforectha Caurt on same day and sowpted the appointment and qualified a s such County Commlealoner and Road Yommiseioner for Commiselonere' rreolnot No.l, of B ald Kerr County, 'iezae, by glvlag the required bonds, which ware duly approved and recorde d in tha office of Qounty clerk Kerr County, xezae. -8-0- 0- 0- 0- O-O- 0- 0- 0- 0- 0- ~} $ 2 REPORT of •. B. YS11Lameon, County rreeaurer of Herr county, .iez~s, of Heoelpte and Ezpenditurea from )ebruary 1. 1918 to April 30, 1918, inelwplvf; JURY YUND. 111t. Olaaa. Balanos last Report, Piled ---------------- , b86.8b 90 Amount reoaived elnoa last Jioport--------------------------- 389.49 Hy Amount paid out since last Heport, p;t. "A" -----°--~----- 1b.b0 " E} per oent Commission on amount seoalved,------------------ 8.08 n E} w w w pBld Out -------------~__-_-_ .34 AHOONT TO HAhABCE,______________________________ 901.4E ' __ ._ ._.___.._.:__._------ _. --- 9#6.34 9Eb.34 BALANCE----- ROAD -ND BRIDO& FUND. 2nd Claea. Balano• last Report, Filed To Amount reoeived einoe feat Report, By Amount pall onL since last Report, 8z. "B" " " Transferred to other rands, elnh• last Report, " 8} per cant. Co®nlaelaa on amoant roaalv9d, • E} n w w n n paid Oat, "Amowlt Lo Balance, BALABCI 801.4E 1880.78 b897,86 3E13.70 E04.3b lE8.E0 4E.30 8960.09 7678.64 7678.64 X3980:64 r 3