3/s -- " --^ -- ---'~ ) SPECIAL JDHE TERM, •.D. 1918. OOU1f'PY OF EHRA. ) Jnns E9th, 1918.' BE IT ]l"~IIBERED, That on this the E9th day of Jane A.D, 1918, there wee began sad holden a Special Term of the Commiselonera' Court of %err County, Tsaee, at the Oonrt Hones thereof in the town of %errville, Tszaa. Officers present: Hon. Lee wallaoe, James Crotty. Hugo HledenYeld, J.R.Lea~ell, Oonnty Clerk and J.T.Yoora, Sheriff. County Jadgs, Commleaioner preolnot Ho.E, Commleeloner Prsolnct Ho.E, Commleeloner Precinct Ho.4, CoarL hating been regularly opened, and the following prooeedings were had, to-wit:-= Claims Hoe. 6949 to 6888 lnoluel~e were allowed agsinet %err County, as shown by reference to 1[lnntea of Accounts Allowed In Book Ho. 3, on page 137, which ere made apart of these ~mlaatee. There being no farther business to Dome before the Court at thin time, !t Ss ordered that same now etnnda ad~onrned until next term of said Court. The foregoing minatee on page 31b hereof read and found correct, In open CoarL are hereby approved. Atteat• ~LRar c7~ - ,~ ~ Dan y a gee. -7- -o- o. o- o-o-o. o-o- o-o-o- o-o-o-o-o- THE STATE OF TESAS, Oonnty of Herr. ) BE IT REI1IfHE:?ED, That on this the 4th day of duly •.D. 1918, there was began and holden a Special Term of the Commissioners' Court of Herr County, Texas, aL the Court Hones thereof in the town of %err~llls, Tszae. OFFIC&'3S PRESENT. Hon. Lee Ballsoe, ------------------------------ County Judge. Arthur Heal,. ----------------------------- Commiaeioner Preolnat Ho.l, C.A. Rodgera, --°---°--~--------------- Commineloner Preolnet Ho.4, d.R.Leeoill, County Clerk and J.T.Yoore, Sheriff. The Court haoing been regularly opened and the following prooeedings were had, to-wit; ~ 4gy IH CCMtSISSIORI£RS COIIRT, ~ 9paotal July Term, A.D. 1918. %:1tR COUBTY, TEEAB. ) duly Ath,1918. It La or dared by the •ourt'thaL the sum of One Hundred and Twenty- 91x ($1£6.00) Doll are be and the acme La hereby transferred from Bohool Dietrlot Ho.l® to Sohool Dietrlot Ho.17, and the enm of Forty-two and 13/100 ($4E.1$) Hollare be and the same le hereby'tranaferred from Sohool Dietrlot Ho.3 to Sohool DLetrloL Ho.19. and the Clerk of Chia •oart instructed to fnrniah the School Depository a certified Dopy oP this order for hie inetructlone. There being no farther bnalneea Lo Dome before the Court, and Lhe foregoing minutes ge 31b hereof wore read Ln open Court and found Corr eat are hereby approoad~and Court rued until neat term. ascent; If!/~~~~ County Clerk.