3~3 Qlalma against Karr County dllewed,ias shown by reference to Hinutea of Acoonnta Allowed by Court Ln Book 3 on page 143, Glalma Nos. 6062 to 6076 inclusive, which minatea are made a part of these minutes. ----------------------- There being no fort hnr ilunir,e5 to come bo'nra the uo urt ~t this tine, court Ad~our n~*d. The ForegoLr-g min ut,;s Prom page 322 to 323 [ncl us LVe more read in open Court, found correct were annroved. Atttest: y y.,aw j~.._,t,~v~--~,~~ ~ County Clerk. ~~___.^_~au~J Su~3e: -----0-0-0-~'0-n-n-n-0-~~ ?-~-°-n-n_0-'0.--- THB STATE OF TE&13, ) 1 COUNTY OF KSRFi. 1 BE IT 1'r11:~ffisaED, 'f hat on this the 7Ehy. day of September A.U. 1918, there wee begun and holden a aP eotel Term of the commissioners' Court of Herr county,Teaaa, at the Court House thereof, Ln the town of Kerrville, Texas, Officers Present: Hon. Lee Wallace, --------------------------- county Judge, Arthur Seal, --------- ---------------- Commissioner Precinct No.1 Jam ea Crotty, -------------------------- Commissioner Precinct No.E, $ugo Wledenfeld, ----------------------- Gommlealoner. Precinct No. 3, J.T.MOOre, 3herLff and dno.~i.Leavell, County, Clerk. Court having been regularly opened the following proc eedLnga weave had, to-wlt:- No.3E5: %err County. Purohasing Saed UndBr Drought 3ellaf Act, Poncher for 81462.80 Le ordered drawn on Drought ~telleY Act Bnnd to take up Sight Jraft drawn on Korr County, by Jarees E. Bridges and Company of, h[cKinney,Teaae for Car Load of Seed Oate, purchased by Kerr County, under Bald Draught Re11eY~Act. No.3E6. 8E??R COU2tTY. Edwin Linder, Purchasing Seed. Vsnohbr'f6r:r#290.88 [e ordered drawn on Urought Hellof Act Fund Ln favor of Edwin Linder of Comfort, Texas, Yor 93: 43/60 bushels of Seed Wheat purchased bg Kerr County ender the Brought :lelief Act. No.3E7, KEliPi COUNTY. Arno 9ohwethalm. Purchasing Seed. Voucher Yor X845.25 ordered drawn on Drought 8ellef Act Fund 1n favor of Arno Schwethelm, oY Comfort, Texas, for 360 bushels of Saed Wheat, purchased under Drough _iellef Act, for Kerr County. No.3E8. KEi~t COUNTY. Fralght on ]ides. Yor Kerr Co ., Voucher Yor ~E.88 is ordered drawn on Ad valorem Fund o2 Kerr County, Sn Yavor of L.D.Lowther, General Agent for S,A. & A.P.L2y.Co., to pay freight, storage and drayage on barrel of Floor OL1 purchased for Kerr~County. No.329, ~BER3 COUtaTY. J.A.LaAnweber. (Trustee) It to ordered by the Court that J.A.Lalnweber be and he Ls hereby appointed Trustee~tor 3ohool Bistret No.2, at Ingram, Rerr County, Texas.