3 ~~ tows of an eitnated In stswn County, herein above deacrlbed, Lt Ss hereby ordered, declared and deoreedby the Commisaloners Court of Berr County, Texas, that the said above deacrlbed deed so executed and delivered by acid A.1SeFarland to the said Richard Clardy on November 1st, 1883, and the release acknowledging payment ox rata aererrea payment of 5726.7b and the releaeLng eP said lien secarlug same, ae executed by W.G.Garrett on November 30th, 1893, be and the same hereby Ls, Ln all reepecta ratified, approved, and coniLrmed by Bald Kerr County, and that said deed and conveyance be taken adopted and con- nidered ae a bindiag act and deed of Bald Kerr County, acting by and through ita com:nlssioa- •re Bourt. ----o-o-o-o-.; o-o-o-o-o-o--- The for egoLng minutes from page 323 to 326 inclaslve were read Ln open Court and found correct, are hereby approved, and there being no further busineea to come before the Court at this time, Court Ad~ournad. ettaat/1 ,,pp ~~n.R•.1~~.~KO~ Co!inty 61erk. _ oun y u ge. ---------o- o- o-o-o-o- o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- o- o- o- o---------- THE STATE OF TE%A8,) COUNTY Ot' K>.'32. 1 BE IT RE3EEISBE:RED, That on thLa the 12th Say of September A.D. 1918, there was begun and holden s SpocLal Term of the comrfi.ssionara Court of Kerr county,~ceaes, at the Court Hoase thereof, Ln the town of Kerrv111o, Tezsa. OFFICL~ts PRESENT: Hon. Lee Wallace,------------------------- County Judge. Arthnr,Aeal, ----------------------- Commieatoner Precinct No.l, 0.A.Rodgera, ---------------------- Commisaloner Yreclnct No.4, J.T.Hoore, 3herLff, and Jno.R.Lesvall, County Clerk. Tha Oonrt havLng been regularly opened the following proceedinga were had, to-wit;-- No.331, KERR COUNTY. Pnrahaeing Seed. Yonoher for~1898,60 La ordered drawn on Drought belief Act Fund, in favor of Jamea E.Bridgee and Co., of HeKinney, Texea, to take up and pay off a certain 9Lght Draft drawn by said •ompany, through Schreiner Bank, on Kerr County, for one Car load of Seed Oats, purehaeed by Kerr County under the Drought Relief Act. .332. KE.4R COUNTY. B.B'.Hicke. poacher for ~11,E0 is ordered drawn on Drought Aellaf Aot Fund, in favor of B.a'.Hicks, for unloading ono Bar load of Oats for Kerr County, purchased under the t Relief Act. .333. KERB COUNTY. W.T.Tarver. Voucher for X13.00 La ordered drawn on Drought Relief Act Fend, in or of W.T.Tarver, for unloading one Car load of Oate for Kerz County, purehaeed under the. Relief Aat. 0.334. KERH CCDNTY. Arthur Heal. Yonoher for ~1b9.93 is ordered drawn on Drought Relief Act Fnnd, Ln savor of lrthar Real, fns Fseieht on two oar loads of Oate and Telegrams, paid out by geld thur >~egl,,ae`.gOSm;peEAney ef2'piCaolnot No.l, for 8err Coantp, Tezne. ,. 3!`..,