feedstu'ffa, as above stated, conditioned that applioant shall sign a aontraot 1n duplieat ` attested by said olerk, to the effect that said applioant, for and in consideration of th seed end feed furnished him as described in this order and of the value of°~~94.00, aggeee in writing to pay to ;{err ~.;ounty, Texas, the said sum of w94.00, together wlthfive per cent interest rer annum from date of this oontract until paid, together with ten per cent ,. attorney's Peas on said amount SP suit should be brought on same for its collection, as i provided Yor in Section 5 of the Act of the Thirty-Fifth Legislature, Fourth Called aesai 1918, known as the "Dr^ught Iiellef Act, ~ S a.9 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-o-o-oao-o-o-o-o-o-o-o .,TATE OF' TErA.:, 000'ITY OF KERF.. O Be 3t remembered that on this the 20th, day of Sept., A. D. 1918, car.~e on to be heard end considered the application of R. A. Holland of Kerr County, Texas, for s loan to purchase seed Yor planting purposes and feedstuffs for the work stock ^P ssid applicsnt for the year 1918, and after due consideration thereof, the court is of the opinion that said application should. be granted and that said applicant be extended a loa c°_ ~8?,50, in seed ar.d feedstuf+s, to consist of the Yollowing: 20 bushels of wheat; '0 bushels of oats. And the clerk of this court be, and he is hereby directed to issue to said applicant an order on this court for the nuciber of hnshela and po~zzds of the above descri seed and feedstuffs, as above stated, ccnditioned that said applicant shall sign a cortra in duplicate, attested by said clerk, to the effect that said aP?tic ant, for and in consi eraticn oT the seed and feed Yurn ished him as described in this order and of the value of e"83.50, agrees in writing to pay to Kerr County, Texas, the said cum of x"83.50, on Aug. 1 1919, together with five per Dent interest per annum from date of this oontract until pair together with ten ner cent attorney's fees on said amount df suit should be brought on same for its collection, as is provided for in Section b of the Act of the Thirty-fifth Legislature, Fourth Called Session, 1918, known as the "Drought Relief Act." ~ S ~g o-o-o-o-o-o-o-oao-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o STA','E Or TE:{Ao, Q CouS:iY OF KERF.. 4 Be it remembered that on this the 20th, day oY Sent „ A. D. 1918, came on to be heard and considered the applicatian of Dan R. Rees of Y.err County, Texas, for a loan to purchase seed for planting purposes and feedstuffs for the work stock of said applioant for the ;;ear 1918, and after due consideration thereof, the oourt if of the opinion that said aprlication should be granted and that said applioant be extended a to of $GO.00, in seed and Yeedstuffe, to consist nY the following: 20 bushels of oats; 15 bushels of wheat. And the ole rk of this e^urt be, and he 1s hereby directed to Saeue to said applicant an order cn this court for tn.e number ^f bushels and pounds of the above des- aribed seed and feedstuffs, as ab m-e stated, conditioned that said applicant shall sign a oontract in duplionte, attested by said olerk, to the effect that said applicant, for and in consideration of the seed and feed furni s.".ed him as desor ibed in this order and nY the value of 60,00, agrees 1n writing to pay to Kerr County, Texps, the saifl sure; of 60.00, on Avg. 1, 1919, together with five per cent interest per annum from date of this coot until paid, to-gather with ten per Dent attorney's fees on said amount if suit should be brow ght on same for its collection, as is Provided for in Section 6 of the Act of the Thirty-fifth 7,egislatura, Fourth G$11ed deasion, 191A, knnvn as the "DFOUght P.elief Aot. 3t} 2