3 ~- 3 ~} Se~ 9 ( STATE OF TEXAS, ~ ~. COUIITY OF KERR. I Be it remembered that on this the 20th. dap of Sept., A. D. 1918, came on to be hear and considered the application of Zu. R. Porter, 08 Kerr County, Texas, for a loan to purahas seed for planting purposes and feedstuffa for the work stook of said applicant for the year 1918, and after due aonaideration thereof, the court is oY the opinion that said applioatio should be granted and that said applicant be extended a loan of $63.00 in seed and feedstuff , to consist of the Yollowing: 60 bushels of oats. And the clerk of this court be, and he is hereby directed to issue to said applicant ea order on this court for the number of buahela and pounds of the above described seed anfl feedstuffa, ea above stated, conditioned that said applicant shall sign a contract in dupli oats, attested by said clerk, to the afi'ect that said applicant, for and in oonaideration o the seed and Peed furnished him ae described in this order and of the value of $63.00, agre i^ writing to pay to Kerr County, Texas, the said sum oY $63.00, on Aug. 1, 1919, together with five per Dent interest per annum from date of this contract until paid, together with ten per Dent atto rney'e fees on Bald amount if suit should be brought on same for its collection, ea Se provided Por in Section 5 of the Act of the Thirty-fifth legs slat nre, Fourth Called Session, 1918, known sa the "Drought Belief Aot." ~ 53 0 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 STATE OF TE%AS, COUNTY OF KERR. I '~` Be it remembered that on this the 20th. day of Sept., A. D. 1918, came on to be hear and considered the application of T. A. Dowdy, of Kerr County, Texas, for a loan to purchsa seed for planting purposes and feedatufis for the work stook of said applicant for the year 1918, and after due consideration thereof, the court is of the opinion that said appllcatlo should ba granted and that said applicant ba extended a loan oY $120..0, in seed and feed- stuffs, to consist of the following; 30 bushels of wheat; 40 buahela of oats. And the clerk oP this court be, and he is hereby directed to Seaue to said applicant an order on th is court for the number of bushels and pounds of the above described seed and feedstuffa, ae above stated, conditioned that said applicant shall sign a contract in dupli cats, attested by said clerk, to the effect that said apFlio ant, for and in son eideration o the seefl and teed furnished him as described in this order and oP the value of $120,00, egr in writing to pay to %arr County, Texas, the said sum of $210.00, on Aug. 1, 1919, together with Pive per cent interest per annum from date oP this contract until paid, together with ten *er cent nttorney'a Peea on said amount if au it should be brought on same for its oolleatiod, as is provided for in Section 5 of the Act of the Thirty-fifth legislature, Fourth Called Session, 1918, known ea the Drought Relief Aot." .~. 53 ~ o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o STATE OF TEXAS: ' i COUNTY OF KERR. 1 Be it remembered that on this the EOth. say of Sept., A. D. 1918, Dane on to be hears and considered the application of J. W. DiokeT, oP Kerr County, Texas, for a loan to pnr- ehhee eeefl Por planting purposes and PeedetufPS for the work stock of said applicant for the year 1918, anfl after due oonalderatlon thereof, the court is of the opinion that said appli nation should be granted and that said applicant be extended a loan of $b7,b0, in seed and feedstuffa, to consist of the Yollowing: 10 bushels of whet; .30 buahela oP oats. And the clerk oY this court be, and he is hereby directed to issue to said appliasn an order on this court. Yot tie !lumber oP bushels and pdunda of the above described seed and .. .4i_ '