Yeedetnffe, sa above stated, conditioned that said applioant shall sign a gontraot 1p dup l fonts, attested by said clerk, to the effeot that said applioant, Yor sad in oonaiderati~ of the seed and feed furnished him ae desarlbed in this order and oY tha value of X39.00, agrees in writing to pay to Kerr County, Texas, the Bald sum of X39,00 on Aug. 1, 1919, to gat her with Yive peroont interest per annum from dots of thin oontraot pntil paid, to- gather with ten per Dent attorney's fees on said amount it suit should be brought oa same for its oolleotion, as is provided for in Seotlon b of the Aot of the Thirty-fifth Legis- lature, Fourth Called Session, 1918, known ae the "Drought Relief dot.` 537 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 STATE OF TE%AS, COiJS7TY OF KERR. ~ Be it remembered that on this the 21st, day of Sept., A. 8., 1918, Dame oa to be heard and considered the application of E'. T. Vaughn, of Kerr County, Sense, Yor b loan to purohase seed for planting purposes and Yeedetuffe for the work stook of Bald applioant for the year 1918, and after due oonaideratloA thereof, the oourt 1s of the opinion that said applioation should ba granted and that s81d applioant be extended a loss oY 39.00, in seed and feedatuffa, to ooneiat of the following; 15 bushels of wheat. And the clerk of this court be, sad he is hereby dirooted to issue to said appllaant an order on thin oourt for the number of bushels sod pounds of the shove dea- aribed seed and YaedatnYYa, ea above stated, conditioned that said applioant shall sign a ocntraot in duplioate, attested by said clerk, to the wYfeat that Bald applioant, for and .in aonaideratioa of the seed and feed furnished him 9s $eeoribed in this order and of the value oY $39.00, agrees in writing to pay to Kerr Cqunty, Taxae, the said sum oY X39.00, oa Aug. 1, 1919, together with five per Dent interest per snnnm from date of this ogntrao until paid, together with ten par sent attorney's Yeas oa Ee,~d amount if suit should be brought on acme Yor its oolleotion, ae ie provided for is SeotioA b of the Aat oY the Thirty-fifth Legialatnre, Fourth Cabled Session, 1918, known as the "prought Relief Aot." 3 $ o-0-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o STATE OF TE%AS, I COUNTY OF KERR. !{ Be it remembered that on this the 21 at. day of,.Sept., A, D. 1918, Dame on to be heard and canaldered the applioation of J. B. Graham, of Kerr County, Texan, for a loan to purchase seed Por planting purposes and feedstnYfa for the work stook oY said applioant for the year 1918, and after dun consideration thereat, the oourt ie of the opinion that said applioation should ba granted and that said applioant be ezteaded a lose oY $31.b0, 1n need and YeedetuYYe to coaaist of the followings 30 bushels of oats. And the olerk of thin court be; and he ie hereby directed to issue to said applioant an order oa this court for the number of bushels and pounds oY the above dea- arlbed seed and YeedatnfYe, sa above stated, conditioned that said applioant shall sign a oontraot in dnpliaste, attested by said clerk, to the effept that acid applioant, Yor and in oonelderation oY the need and Yaed furnished him ea deaoribed in this order and of the value of $31.b0, agrees in writing to pay to Kerr County, Texas, the said sum of ~31.b0, on Aug, 1, 1919, together with five per cent interest par annum from data oY this aontrao until paid, together with ten p'er cant attorney's Yeea on said amount if suit should be brought on same for its oolleotion, ae 1s provided Yor in 8eetion b of the Aot of the Thirty-fifth Leglelature, Fourth Called Session, 1918, known to the "Drought Relief Aat." o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o 3~t6 x'~ 1. id