YeedetufYa, ea above stated, conditioned that said applioant shall sign a oontraot 1n dup ~I.}.(o ;, lioate, attested by as id clerk, to the affeot that said applioant, for and in oooaidarati ~~ [,3 of tho seed and feed farnlehed him ae deearibed in this order and of the value qY $38.00, ~ '^•~°'~~~ ~^ agrees in writing to pay to Kerr County, Tease, the avid sum of $39,00 oA Aug. 1, 1919, ~~ together with five per cunt interest per annum from drta of this oontraot until paid, to- ~„ - gather with tea per sent attorney's fees on said amount if suit should be brought on same for its oolleotioa, as Se provided for in 5eotion 6 of the Aot of the Thirty-fifth Legie- latvre, Fourth Called Seeman, 1918, known ae the "Drought Relief Aot.• ~ 53,E o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o STATE OF TUBAS, I COUNTY ON' KERR. I "! Be it remembered that on thla the 21st. day of Sept., A. 8., 1918, came on ~ ~. to be heard and considered the appliaatlon of F'. T. Vaughn, of Kerr County, Sezae, for s ~,. loan to purchase seed Ypr planting purpoeea and feedstuffa for the work stook oY said , applioant for the year 1918, and after due aonaideration thereof, the oourt is of the opinion that said application should be granted end that said applioant be eatanded a loa~ of $38.00, in seed and Yeedstuffa, to oonaist of the following; lb bushels of wheat. And the olerk of this court be, and he is hereby direoted to issue to said, applioant an order on this oourt for the number of bushels and pounds of the above dea- oribed seed and faedatnfYS, ae above stated, oonditionad that said applloant shall sign s', oontraot in duplicate, attested by said olerk, to the affeot that Bald applioant, for and in aonaideration of the seed and feed furnished him es deeoriDed 1n this order and of the value of $39.00, agrees is writing to p~v to Kerr Cqunty, Texas, the acid sum of $39.00, on Lug, 1, 1919, together with Yive par Dent interest per annum from date of this oontraot until paid, together with ten par cent attorney's Yeas on 4a~ amount 1Y suit should be brought on acme for its oolleotion, as ie provided for in Sentlo4.b of the lot of the Thirty-fifth Legislature, Fourth Cabled Seeeion, 1918, known as the "prought 8a11ef Ao t," ~ 53 $ o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o ' STATE OF TE%A5, ' COUNTY Ok• KERR. Be it remembered that on Chia the 21 et. day oY-Sept., A, P. 1918, name on to be heard and aonaidered the applioatioa of 3. B. Graham, oY Kesr County, Teaaa, for e loan to purohsae seed for planting purpoeea and faedatnffs for the work stook oY eald applioant for the year 1918, and after due consideration thereof, the oourt is oY the opinion that said applioation should be granted and that said applioant be eatanded a loss of $31.b0, 1n seed and feedstuffe to consist of the followings 30 bushels of oats. And the alark of thla oourt ba; and he ie hereby direoted to issue to said . applioant an order on this oourt for the number of bushels and pcunda of the above dea- ', aribad seed and Yeedatnfta, ea above stated, conditioned that said applioant shall sign a ;x ;~ oontraot in duplicate, attested by aald alark, to the effeot that said applioant, for and .;~~ in oonaideration of the seed and Peed furnished him as desorlbed in this order and of the "~ value oY $31,b0, agrees in writing to pay to %err County, Tezsa, the said sum of $31.b0, ~; on bug. 1, 1919, together with five par Dent interest par annum from date of this contrao until paid, together with ten p'er cant attorney's Ease on said amount if suit should bs ". brought on eama for its col laction, ea ie provided for in Section 5 of the Aat of the i;~ Thirty-fifth Legislature, Fourth Called Seeeion, 1918, know^ as the "Drought Rel1eY dot," [?±; 0-0-0-0-0+0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-o-o-p-0-o-0-0