3S3 Ths foregoing minuae from pag• 326 to 3b3 incl usiv ea hereof, wore read Ln open court and Sound correct, ar• hereby aPP roved, and Court ad,7ourned unt 11 next term, i Attest: County Clerk. - oun y Ju -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-r,-o-~,-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-- THE STATE OF TEXAS, 1 1 COUNTY OF KE3't. 1 BE IT ~:'reEtiBE^_~ED, That on this th• E6th day of September A.D. 1918 there was begun and holden a gpeolal 'germ of the Commlaeionera Court oP Kerr County, Tease, at the Court house thereof Ln the town of Kerrville, Texea; OFFIC~';S Y:~~SENT: Hon. Lee Wallace, ------------------°-------------- County Jddge, Arthur :veal, --------------------------------- CommLastoner Yrecinet No.l, James Crotty, --------------------------------- Commissioner Precinct No.2, Hugo WLedenEeld,------------------------------- Commissioner Precinct No.3, C.A.*iodgers ------------------------------ CommCsatoner precLnet No.4, J.T.MOOr e, Sheriff and Jno.3 .Leavel 1, County, Clerk. The Court having been regularly openr:d and the follov/Lng proceedlrgs were had,to-wit: Na.341; Ks'S': COUNTY: Payment for Wheat & Oata. The sum of X125.41 Ls ordered paid to Chas.Boerner out of the llaought 3eltef Act Fund for SO18 lba of wheat; and the sum of .184.91 ordered paid to Oscar Behr, oub of Drought iiellef Fund Aot for 410+1ba wheat, and the sum of $360,28 Ls ordered paid to Arno Schwethelm, for 9925-1Dd~oP"Seed Oata. All of above seed stuff being seed purchased for aerr uo unty and^,r the Drought .iel Lef Act Fund. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-^-o- Nos. 342 & 343; KL:i3 COUNTY. Lee LYallace & Arthur .;cal. It Ls ordered by the Court that the cum of X18.80 be paid to Arthur $eal and the sum of $b.75 be paLd to Judgo Lee ~uallace, both said enmetbo be paCd out of the Drought 9ellef Fund Aot, for expenses lac erred by Judgo Lee Wallace and Com:..lastoner Arthur for trip to Auatln Ln regard to the llrought 'iellef Act Fund Yor Kerr County. -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-~- No.344; Ksz12 COUNTY. DET,II1aUEIST TAX ~'.20LL. Delinquent .lolls prepared by J.T.16oora, Tax collector for Kerr County, Te-.as, show tag de llnqucnc Les from the year 1915 to 1917 Lncl uslvee, were exam Lned and Pound correct were Ln all things approved. -----o- o- o- o-o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o-o--- No.345 K~3:i COUNTY. Constable's Bond. Bond of Lbti J.3urb er, as constable for Just Lce Prec Lnet No.2, Kerr County, 'Texea, under appointment b~ this court at its former term is hereby approved. - o- o- n-o-o-o-o-o- o- o- o-o- o- o- o- o- No.3ti KEH.R COUNTY. 4 T_tANSF~tING. The sum of $409.47 is ordered transferred Yrom the Special ~rund to the General +und of Kerr County, Texas, and the Speolal Sund and the Court House Hepatr fnnd of Kerr County Ls hereby .ordered to be diaoonttnued and all funds coming into sa taxes to saLd Yculde is ordered to b6 p~ld into the general fund.