3S3 The foregoing minuea from page 3P6 to 3b3 inalusives hereof, ware read in open court and found correct, are hereby approved, and Court adjourned untCl next term, Attest; ~a~xy.c~dltJ•QLJE County Clerk. ~ . l/ L dun y Ju -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-„-o-~-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-- THE STATE OF TEXAS, ~ COUNTY OF KE:23. 1 BE IT :I:.xES'IBE'iED, That on this the E6th day of September d.D. 191E there was begun and holden a 8peolal Term oP the Commlaeionera Court of Kerr County, Texae, at the Court house thereof in the town of KerrvLlle, Texae; OFFICESS YaLSNT: Hon. Lee Wallace, ---------------------------------- County Jddge, Arthur :ueal, ------------------------- --------- Commissioner YrecLnct No.l, Jemea Crotty, ------------------------- -------- Commi^,eioner PrecLnet No.2, Hngo WtedenEold,------------------------ ------- Commissioner PrecLrct No.3, 0.A.3odgers ------------------------------ Commissioner Prec Lnet I?o.4, J.T.MOOre, Sheriff and Jno,R,Leavell, County, Clerk. The Court having been regularly opened and the following proceedings were ha d,to-wLt; N o.341; K~'R: COUNTY: P a ymert Por Wheat & Oata. The sum of ~j125,41 is ordered'4ai3 to Chas.Boerner out oP the llnought .;e11eP Act Fund Por b018 lba of wheat; and the sum of X184.91 ordered paid to Oscar Behr, oub of Drought !~ellef Fund Aet for 4101+1ba wheat, and the sum of $360,28 is ordered paid to Arno ;chwethelm, for 99ts-1be~oP"Seed Oats. All of above seed stuff being seed purchased for Herr County undr+r the Drought _ielLef Act Fund. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- Noe. 342 & 343; KEii3 COUNTY. Lee LYsllaea & Arthur :;e al. It Ls ordered by the Court that the eum of .18.80 be paid to Arthur Real and the sum of jb.75 be paid to Judgo Lee ,valises, both saLd eame'Co be patd out of the Drought Aellei Fund Act, Por expenses incurred by Judgo Lce Wallace and Com:..lasioner flrthur for trip to AuatLn Ln regard to the llrou~ht Zelief Act Fund Por Kerr County, -0-0-0-0- 0-0-0-0-0-0-0- 0-0-0-'1- IIO.344; K:^v-2 COUIITY. DET,INaUi~'IdT TAX '20LT.. Delinquent -io lls prepared by J.T.Moore, Tax Oo llector for Kerr County, Te-•:as, showing del LnqueneLes from the year 1915 to 1917 loci usLOes, were examined and found correct were Ln all things approved. -----o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o--- No.345 %r:Rs COUNTY. Constable's Bond. Bond of Lltl J.3urber, ae constable for JustLce Prectnet No.2, Kerr County, 'taxes, under enp ointment bf thLs court at its Former term Ls hereby approved. - o- o- o-o-o-~-o- o- o- o- o-o- o- o-o- o- No. 344 KEH.R COUNTY. L, ~ T:2ANSF~tING. The eum of $409.47 is ordered transferred Prom the Special rand to the General rand oP Kerr County, Texas, and the 9peolel Fund and the Court Houae 2epalr Pond oP Kerr County la hereby ordered to be diseoattnued and all Panda coming into ae fazes to said fanfla Ls ordered to be pa;Ld into the general Pund.