3S3 The foregoing minuae from pag• 3E6 to 3b3 lnelusives hereof, wore read In open court and found correct, ar• hereby approved, and Court ad,journrd until next term, i Attsat• - County Clerk. __ ~ ~~ oun y Ju -o-o-o-o-o-n-o-o-o-o-o-o-ao-o-o-o-~,-o-'~-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-- THE STATE OF TEXAS, 1 1 COUNi'Y OF KE.Za, 1 BE ZT :iEMa^61BE:'iED, That on this th• E6th day of September A.D. 191E there was begun and holden a Special Term of the Commleaionera Court of Kerr County, Texea, at the Court house thereof Ln the town of LSerrvLlle, Texas; OFFICERB P:iESENT: Hon. Lee Wallace, ---------------------------------- County Jddge, Arthur :ueal, ---------------------------------- Commissioner rrectnet No.l, James Crotty. -------------------------------- Comm l:>eioner preclnet No.2, Hngo WSedenEold,------------------------------- CommLseionor PrecLrct No.3, C.A.Rodgers ------------------------------ GommLsetoner PrecLnet I'o.4, J.T.Moore, Sheriff and Jno,:~,Leavell, County, Clerk. The Caurt having been regularly opened and the following proceedings were had,to-wit: N o.341; %h~ : COUNTY: P s yment for Wheat & Oats. The sum of {1125,41 Ls ordered paid to Chas.Boerner out of the llaought Re1LeP Act Fund for 1018 lba of wheat; and the sum of .184.91 ordered paid to Oscar Behr, cub o! drought Relief Fund Act for 410+1be wheat, and the sum o! $360.28 is ordered paid to Arno .5chwethelm, for 99£b-1De~~of°Seed Oata. All of above eeed stuff being seed purchased for Herr County und~,r the Drought _iellef Act Fund. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-ao-o-o- Noe. 348 & 343; KE:z3 COUNTY. Lee Wallace & Arthur ':cal. It Ls ordered by the Court that the sum of .18.80 be paid to Arthur Real and the sum of jb.75 be paid to Judgo Lee ~iellace, both saCd eume*bo be paCd out of the Drought 9elief Fund Aot, for expenses Eno urred by Judgo Lee Wallace and Com;..LosLoner flrtbur for trip to Austin Ln regard to the llrought Relief Act Fund for Kerr County, -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-'7- No.344; K,R COUi1TY. DEL ITZQUELdT TAX ~`.;oLL. Delinquent .dolls prep ar e3 by J.T.Moore, Tax Collector for Kerr County, Te-,as, ahowtng del inqueneies from the yenr 1915 to 1917 inclua LVee, wero examinod and found correct were Ln all things approved. -----o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o--- No.345 K6Fiii COUNTY. Constable's Bond. Bond of Litt J.Surber, as constable for Justice Precinct No.2, Kerr County, ~1'exae, under appointment bf this court at its former term Ls hereby approved. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-~~-o-o- No.344 %EH.R COUNTY. t, TRANSFE':4ING. The sum of X409.47 to ordered transferred from the Special rand to the General rand of Kerr County, Tazae, and the Special Fund and the Court House Repair fund of Kerr County la hereby ordered to be disoont[nued and all funds coming Lnto ae taxes to Bald innfle le ordered to b6 paid into the general fund.