~ a V e.~'r ali:i•l vv vu i i . ...r.,.... w .,..-'- ...».-..- ...-~ _ `' Agreement this day made between the Ooa:miselonere Court of %arr County, Tex:~s, and .-;oy Llttlofiod, of Ingram, •1'exae, that Kerr County, agrees to pay to said :Loy Llttlefted the sum ofyT40,00 td put a Cement S1ab,to meet the approval oY Commisalonere Arthur ?veal and C.A.iodg ere, Sant below his water d˘w to he constructed across the Johnson's Creek et the YLrat Crossing of the Sunctton and XerrvLlle Public Road. S˘id Slab to be not less th˘n 10 inches thick and not less than 18 feet wide across said CroeaLng, to meet wLth the approval of saLd comp Lsatonera above named and ˘ppolnted as ˘ cownittee by this court to investigate said work and accept or reject same when said work is Pin is he d, -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-~-o-o-o-o-o- H0.848 %Ei;.; CuVNTY. Car Load of Wheat. Voucher ordere3 drawn on the Drought .~ellef dot Fund oY Kerr County, In favor of Faul Ingenhuett, Por the sum oY ;1717.16 Por one Oar load oP wheat purchased from sold Ingenhuett, under Drought :Le11eY Aet A'und, Por Seed wheat for Kerr co unity. - o- o-o-o-o- o-o-o-o-o-o-o- o-o- N0.349, KN:!;Tt COUNTY. Car Load oY Oats, Voucher or dared drawn Ln Y&vor oY Charles Schreiner Bank, for the aunt of ;-1458.20, on the Drought iLeltef Act Fund, Yor Csr goad of Uate purchased by Kerr Co., from James K. Bridges and Company oP LScKinney, Texas, which Car Load oP Oats Schreiner Bank paid for at the request of Ifs rr County, through hor legal agent, the Comm Lsston era' Court. - o-o- o- o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- n- :~ 554 DROU OdT '; 3L 1 '*N ACT. Ordasavr 2d : uOnwiI93I0Nr~;S COURT 3f;;YdTIN3 TB. .;cLIEF. State oP Texea, County oY Kerr. , Be it remombered that on this the 26th day pf Sept. A,D. 1918, came on t0 be heard and considered the abeveand Yoragoing application oY A. L. Colbath of Karr County, Texea, Por a loan to purchase seed for planting purposes and Yeedatutfe Yor the work stock of Bald applicant for the year 1918, and aYter due aonelderatlon thereof, the court Ls of the opinion that said application should be grante3 and that Bald applicant be extended a loan oY ~104.7b In seed and Yeedstuffa, to consist of the Yollowing: 10 bushels oP Wheat 76 bushels of oats. And the clerk oP this court be, and he is hereby direatad to issue to said applloan an order on this court Por the number of bushels and pounds of the above described seed and feedstuYYs, ea above stated, conditioned that Bald applicant shall sign a contrsat in dnpll- cats, attested by said clerk, to the effect that eaLd applicant, Yor and In consideration , of tho seed and seed furnished him se descrtbed in thta order ai;d of the valve oY ;p104,7b agrees in writing to pay to Kerr County, Texas, the said sum of X104.76 on Aug. 1, 1919, i together with five per cent intereet per annum Yrom data oY this contrsat antil paid, togeth-~ er with ten per cent attorney's Peea on sold amount 1P snit should be brought on same Por Lta oollectlon, as la provLded for in Section 5, of the Act of the Thirty-Ylfth Leglalatnre Fourth Called Sesalon, 1918, known se the "Drought ;;elief Aot." 5 S S o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o state of Tezae, County oY Kerr. Be It romembered that on this the 26th day of Sept. d.D. 1918, came on to be ~ heard and considered the above and foregoing application of W. C. Smith of %err County, Tessa, 3or a loan to pnrohsse •eod toe plantln$ purposes as;d teedatu~is for the ro rk stook