~; ZVi f~08L' 1i1V, @Y4 OLY@L 4Y0°V VY@1 Y@i4 YL V4 YY919V3, Y49 VVY+Y +9 V •y9 V)/.+~+V.. 1!MR• said s~! ~l loatlon should be granted and that saki applicant, be extended a loan Ot ;36.b0 3'•~0 !n seed and feedatuffs, to consist of the following; 10 bushels of Wheat ~- ' 10 Buehole of Oats. And the clerk of this court be, and he is hereby directed to Sea®e to said appllcant an order on thLa court for the number of buahela and pounds of tho above described seed and taadstuffe, ae above stated, conditioned that said applicant shall sign a oontraot in dupll- aste,~attested by said clerk, to the effect that Bald appllcant, for and !n aonaideratlon of ~. the seed and feed furnished him ae deearlbed In this order and of the value of ~p36.50 agrese In wrltlag to pay to Berr County, Texas, the said sum of $36,b0 on Ang. 1, 1919, together with tive per cent interest per annum from date ditthia oontraot until paid, together with ten per sent attorney's fees on said amount ie suit should be brought on same for_lts collsa tl on, as le provided for Ln Seotlon 5, of the Aet of the Thirty<~'lfth Legislature, Fourth Called Session, 1918, known as the"Drought $allef Aot,~ ~} 51.3 0-0-0-0-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-0-0-o-0-o-0-0-0-0 State of Teses, County of Kerr. Be it remembered that on this the E6th day of Sept. A.D. 1918, came on to be heard and considered the ab cgs application of J. C. Stark, of Kerr County, Texas, for s loan to purchase seed for planting purposes and feedatuffs for the work stook of said appllcant for the year 1918, and after due aonalderatlon thereof, the court is of the opinion that Bald application should be granted and that said appllnant be extended a loan of $E8.76 in seed and feedatuffs, to consist of the followings 6 Bushels of Wheat 15 Bushels of Oats. And Lhe clerk of Lhi• court be, and he la hereby dlreoyed to lases to said applicant an order on this court for the number of.buehel8 and poands of the above d®Saribed seed and ' ieedatuffe, ae above stated, condltlonen that said appllcant shall sign '~, o,ontract !n dupll- a cafe, attested by Bald clerk, to the effect that said appllcant, for and In oonelderatlon ai. the seed and feed furnished him ae described In this order attd of the3aralas of y1E8.7b agrese in writing to pay to Kerr ttounty. Texas, the said sum Of $$˘.71b on 4R'R• 1, 1919, together Y with five per cant interest par annum from data of this coatraAt until paifl, together with ten per Dent attorney's fees on Bald amount 1e salt le broughL'on same for its colleotlon, ae is provided inr in Section b, of the Aot of the Thirty-!12th >:eglslature, lonrth Called Session, 1918, known ae the "Drought 3eliaf Act." ~ 56 y- o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-ova o-o-o-o- lTATs of TEX03, 1 Bounty of Kerr.-~ ~ ~ ~ ' $e it remembered that on this the 26th day of ,Sep t. A.D.1918, came- on to be heard and considered the application of ter. W.3.Bioholq, of Kerr Qounty, .}~sas, for a Lob. t0 pn;chase seed for plant Ln~ pu;p os ae and, ie edet uffe for the work stook of ea ld appllcant ,for the year 1918, and attar due conslderatlon thereof, thecourt La of the opinion that sal ,, appltcatlon,rshould be granted and that asi3 applicant be extended a loan of jE7.b0 In seed '~ and te-dat µf is, to constot of the following: 10 buahela of Wheat, Apd the clerk of this ,' oouiJt be, and he Ls hereby directed to issue to eaLd appllagnttan order on this court for th -~ number of bushels and pounds o$ the_~bo~, dpaF_i'.,lbed weed sat feedatuffs, as above stated, ;,, c ondltioned that said applicant shall aigna contract in duplicate, attested by said clerk, 'sa. 'yo the ofiact that eaLd applicant, for and in cons ides utlon, of=the eaed ;and feed furnished !n ~h~;s ~rl~fr .cu+d, o$ thg value oY ~>57,~0 s~r~s l.n ~P~~+~ing:Lo pay'to 3> 9 ~Countq, d'eaab',~tiha sold eum'ofs#E?.60 on Uecembar 1, 1918, together with rive per interest par annum from date of thle contract until pet d, together with ten per cent aft orne; fees on said amount LP Dolt should be brought on sane for its collection, as 1s provLded for Ln Sect ton b of the act cY the 'thLrty-Ytfth Legislature,. Nourth Called dessCOn,1918, known ea the "Drought !iel Lef act^. 'ihe foregoing minutes frnm page 353 to 359 inclustvss mere read in oven court and foun3 correct were appdoved, t`.Ls the 26th da;T of September A.ll. 1918, Attest:- C~u~.- Cou~,~iaige.-- ~ ~ ~ ro.s COUNTY JUDs 0'iD:':.~ A'0', ~L 3,CT10h. By authority vested Ln me b,/ lap Z hereby order a 3eneral ~'1 ectLo7i for tF,e purpose of electtnb United St~etos Senator, l:embar of Congress, ;;over nor, r,leutenar,t-9ovsrnor, Comp frolic r, TT'aaa urer, Comm lseionor of the venrr al Lund ~fflco, Attorney 3eneral, Super- intendent of Publ Le InstructLOn, Coc;m LSS Cor. ,r of ;,gr LC Ulture, 9ne ChleP JustCce of the Supreme Court ( nnexpLred term), One Jud;;e of the Court of Cr Lmtnal Appeals, One Chief Justice of the Court of Civil Appeals for the 4th Supreme Judicial DSatrLet, Senator and ::epresentat t^es to the Thirty-31xth LegCslature, and Ul sir tct Attorney, as named to the Governor's Yroclgtaatton and ^uch ~n untr :+nd rrecinet OYY is ere as the law roquir~:a to be elocted; ?or or n~aCnst amendment to Section 10, Artlele 1 of the ConstCtution pr ov [3Cng for pros ee a8ton of Cr Cm Lnal c~~s es by LnformatLon, or Lndictm eat, and taking of testimony of rLt na~a es, under c~~r taLn elreumstances, and for or a;ainst the amen dm er.t to the constl- tutLOn of the State of 'teas nrov Cdt n;' Per the 1^vy of a special school tax for the main- tenance of the public :.hhonls of the Mute and to prov lie fr.;a teat bo^,ks to the Publle schools of th.^. 3ta,te of ^.eaas. ~41tne:~s my hand and offic Seal this Oct.5th,19_9, Dun y Ju: ~~, ~~~~rr Dun ,7, lex~is. '-'- -----0.0-0-0-0-0-0-~-0-0-0-0-0-0-0------------ THC 9TAT1, uF TEEdS, ) COUNTY OF KEEiR. BE IT A81Ia1IHEftED, That on this the 4th daf of November A.D. 1918, there wsa begun anfl holden a~$paoisl l~erro of tho Comm isaionera Court of Kerr County, Tease, at the Court House theyiot In the town of Kerrville, Tease: Oifloers Present; Hon. Lee eallsoa, uoanty dodge. Arthur :1ea1, Coamiissloner Preoinot No.l, Jsmes Crotty, Commleeloner Preolnet fto.2, Hugo 8ledenfeld, Costmlasloner PrecLnet Ho.b, Tha Court havCSg bean regularly opened, tho following prooeodinge were had, to-wit:-- }frought xelief Act. S6~ 03DE.R8 OF THL COtd1QIS9I0ftE'i8 COURT GRANTING TH3 RELIBP'. STATrs 0! T&BAB. COOaTY O! a.1giR. Bs Lt~eme~eged Chat om this the 4th day of november A.u, 1918, Dame veto be haste sad ooasiderad the a}pkioatioa of Yheodor carts, at Harr Connty,Taxsa, for i loan to pnrohaaa seed for pleating parpoaee and feedatuffs for the walk stook of aeid sppllout for the yeas 1918, aad~itter dos eoaelderatloa thereof, the oourt ie of the opiaiox Shat