Rsla~lppllostias phoald be granted and that Bald appllsaat ba ezEaa~rd ~ ~~ ~~p,"~ la seed sad tudetnffa, to eoaelet of the follewlagt `Sw • -;; . 8 bushels of N(~eat. Lad the clerk of this ooart be, and he le hereby directed to Sune to said applicant an order on shit court for the number of bushels sad pounds of the shove described Bead ani feedetaifs, as above stated, coadltloaed that eatd applloaat snail alga a contract la dnpli- ~; oats, attested by Bald clerk, to the effect that Bald applloaat, for and la ooaelaeratioa 2a.7o of the seed sad feed Ynrniehad him ae described la thta order and of the vales of g7av80 U agrees Sa wrltlag to pay to, Karr Yount y, azae, the raid cam of ~4~9r89 os Lnguet 1, 1919, together with five per Dent latereat per aaaam from date of this aoatraot uatll pal d, to- gether with tea per neat atto-ney~s iesa oa said amoaet if snit ehoald be bsoaght oa same for lta oollaatlon, ae la provlded for la 8sotloa b, of the Lot of the 5thirty-ilYLh Legle- latare, rourth Called Sesaloa; 1918, known ae the "Drought ttallaf Lot.° ,~~ 567 ---------•----------------------------- State of Tezas, County of Herr. Be It remembered that on this 4th day of acv. •.y. 1918, Dame oa to be hears and ooasldared the appllcatlon of ar. utto genre, of Herr County, sexes, fCor a loan to pns- ohaea seed far plsating parpotes and tsedetufis for the work stook of said applloaat for th year 1918, and after dne eoaeldsr atlon thereof, the court Le of the oplaloa Chas tali appal oatloa should be greeted sad that said applicant be eztended a loan of X47.18 Ln teed sal faeaetufis, to consist of the tollowlag: 10 Hushole of meat, YO nnshels of Uata. Ind the Clark of this sours be, sad hs Se hereby directed to issue to said applloaat a order on this Court for the nambar of bushels sad pgaab of the above described seed sad ie ttoifs, as above stated, ooadltioaad that Bald applloaat shall alga a contract !n dnplloata attested by Bald clerk, Lo the effect that Bald applloaat, for sad la ooaeldesatloa of th• sand and feed furnishes him ae deaorlbod la this order and of the value of y47.12 egress la writing to pay to xerr Gouaty, ~cazae, the said anm of X47.12 pa Lagust 1, 1819, together with flue per neat latareat par ananm from date of this ooatract until paid, together with ten per oast attorsay'a iesa oa saki amonat if salt should be brought on same for Lte oolle~ tion, ae Se provlded far In 3eotion 6 of the tot of the Thirty-fifth Leglelature, Boarth Called Seeelon, 1918, known ae the "Drought gellof Le t.° ,S(oS ----------------------------------------- STLTP OF TEXL3. COUBTY 08 KERB. Be it remembered that on this the 4th day of Bovember L.D. 1918, came on is be heard and ooaelderad the applioatloa of ialfer paakrat:, of Karr County, Tazaa, for a loan to purchase aced for plaatlag parpotea and fn detutfsibos the work stook of said sppll- oast for Lhe yeaf 1918, and after due ooaalderatloa thereof, the court Ls of the oplalea that raid appllontioa ahoald be grantee ana that Bald applloaat be s:tended a loan of X62.88 la seed atd¢dudatnfL, to Dossier of the followlagt ED Huahele of Nheat. pad the Clerk of t61s court be, and 6e Le hereby directed to leans to said applieaat an order on this ooart for the number of bnehels and pouade of tbs above deaorlbod seed a: faedatufis, sa above stated, condltioaea that said applicant shall saga a coatraot la dnp: rata, attested by said clerk, to the effect that said applloaat, for and in ooatideratloa of the eead sad toed im~alahea him to deaorlbod In this ardor and for the veins of X62.88 3 fo L agrees to writing to pq to Barr Conaty, Tezae, the Bala sum of lbE.83 oa Anguet 1, 1919, together with five per cant latareet per annum from date of this ooatraot until pal d, to- gether with ten per Dent attorney's tees on Bald amount li salt ehonld be brought on eesu for Lts colleotlon, as le provided for Ln Seotloa 5 of the Act of the t'hlrty-fifth Lagiala- tnre, n•onrth Called SeseLoa, 2818, known ea the "Drought Relief Act." ~ I S("4 -----° ----------------------------------- STATB OP TExAS. COUNTY OF EERR. Bs it remembered that on thle the 4th day of November A.D. 1918, came oa to be heard and ooasidered the application of llr. Joe 9penrath Jr. of Kerr County, Texea, for a loan to parohn5e seed tea pleating purpoaee ~d feedetuife for the work sotok of Ball appllcaat for the year 1918, and after due ooaeideratloa thereof, the court le of tpe opinla: that Bald applloattoa should be granted and that said applloa=t be eztasded a loan of ~84.E8 16 Bashele o2 heat 40 Bushels of Opts. Aad the clerk of this co art be, and he Le hereby dlreoted to issue to acid applicant u order on thle oourt for the number of bnehsle and pounds of the above described seed and feedstnifa, as above etsted, ooadltioaed that ea id appllcaat shall alga a contract la dnpll- oats, attested by Bald Clerk, to the effeot that Bald appllcaat, for sad La oonalderatLOa of the seed and feed TnrnLahaa him ea deecrlbed is thin order and of the value of p84.E8 agrees la writing to pay to Karr County, Tazae, the bald sum of lg4.E8 on Angast let, 1919, together with flue per Dent latareet per annum from dote of thin contract natal paid, to- gether with tan per cent attorney's fees oa said amohat if ehlt!ehould be brought oa came for !ta oolleotioa, ae Le provided for La Seotloa 8 of the Aot of the T-irty~Flfth Leglala- turs, Fourth Called Seaeslen, 1918, ffiowa ae the "Drought Rallsf dot." 9TeT& 0! T&xA9~ COUNTY OF BBRR. Be it rememberai that on thl^ the 4th day of aovamaar A.D. 1918, coma oa to be heard and ooasidered the applioatloa of Adolf Steller of xarr County, Tezae, for a lou to purohase eaad for plant lag purpoese and taadetuffe for the work stook of said appllcaat for the ye sr 1918, and after due ccael derat Loa thereof, the oourt is of the op Laloa that sal application should bs greeted and that eaad applicatt:~ba extended a loan of X88.36 la uH sad fesdatnife, to ooaelst of 46s following; 10 Buehela of wheat, 60 Buehela of Oats. And the clerk of this co art be, and fie is hereby directed to laene to call sppllcant a order on th Le oourt for the number of buehele end pounds of the above described esed and ieedetu°fa, ae above etatsd, coadlttoaed that Bald sppllcant shall alga a contract la dnpli- oate, attested by Bald clerk, to the effeei that Bald applLoent, for and la coneideratLOa of the esed sad teed dnralahed him se deeoribea La thle order and of the value of 168.36 agrees la writing to pay to xerr County, rszae, the said sum of X88.35 on August 1, 1919, together with fLve per cent Latereet per annum from date of this contract aatll pal d, to- gether with tea per Dent attorney's fear on said amount if suit ahoula be brought oa same for its oolleotloa, os la provided tar In oaotloa b of the Act of the Thirty-xitth Leglala- tare, Foarth Called Seaeloa, 1918, known as the "Drought Reltsf Aot."