3 (0 1 agrus SY wrltlag to pf~y ti 8irr Coaaty, Tezes, th• sett cum of ;52.88 ox Anguet 1, 1919, together with Siva per oemt latereat per annum from date of this ooatraot until paid, to- gether with ten per cent attorney's fees on Bald amoaat if salt ehonld be brought ox emu for !ts colleotlon, as Le provided for Ln Seattoa 5 of the Act of the thirty-fifth l.eglala- tnre, r~onrth Called SoasLOa, 2918, known as the "Drought Rellaf Aot." ~. ~ Sf.4 ------------------------------------------ 9TAT% OF TExAS. COUBTY OF %ERR. Bs Lt remembered that on this th• 4th day of November A.D. 1918, cams ox to be heard sad coasldered the applloatioa of Mr. Joa Sponrath Jr. of Karr County, Texas, for a loan to pnrcha6• ewd tae plnxtiag purpasee and feaaetuffe for the work sotok of Ball applicant for the year 1918, and attar due eoaelderatlox thsrool, th• court la of ta• opixie Shat Bald applloatloa should b• granted sad that said applLcaat b• eztanded a loan of #84.28 16 Baehale of !Baal 40 Baehale of OLts. Aad the clerk of this court be, and ha la hereby dlreetod to Laeaa to Bald applLcaat as order oa this oo art for th• number of bnehele and poande of the above deacrLbed seed and feedetnifs, ae above etstsd, ooaditLOaed that said nppllcaxt shall eiga a coatreat Sa dnpll- cats, attested by Bald Clerk, to the effect that said appllosat, for and La conatdaratLoa of the eaad and Seed farnLShad him as deneribed In this order and of the value of F84.28 agrees la writing to pay to Karr County. Texan, th• gaid anm of ~84.E8 oa 6nguet let, 1919, together with five per cant Laterent per annum from date of this contract aatll pall, to- gether with tan per sent attorney's fees on said amoast if ehit!ehoull be brought oa same for !te colleotlox, ae Le provided for to Ssotloa 8 of the Act of th• Thirty-Fifth leglsla- turs, Foarth Culled Seaeslea, 1918, known sa th• "Drought Rallef Act." ~' ~ S~ 0 '--------'---'-°'--------------'-'--'-----'----'---- 9TATB OF TBaA3't CODBTY OF %gRR. H• it rememberol that oa thl^ Lh• 4tb day of novembor A.D. 1918, cams oa t• be heard sad ooaelderad th• applicatloa of Aflolf Steller of aerr County, Tezae, for a loan to purchssee eaad for planting purposes and feedetufta for the work stook of said applLcaat for th• ya dr 1918, and after due Douai derat ion thereof, the ooart is of the op LaLOa that a applicatloa should be grnate3 cad that entd applicaft~be extsadsd a loan of X88.36 la eaad sad feedstaffe, to coaeLet of th• followlxg: 10 Huehele of wheat, 60 Bushsln of Oats. And the clerk of this court be, sad he ie hereby dLreated to ieeno to Bald applLcaat u order on th la court for th• number of bushels and pounds ei the above deacrLbed seed sad feedatu°f e, as above etatsd, coxditlared that Bald applicant shall alga s contract la dupli- cate, attested by Bald clerk, to the affect that Bald applLcaat, far and La coneideratloa of the seed sad teed dnraishel hl~ se deacrLbed la this order and of the veins of X88.36 agrees in writing to pay to xarr Coaxty, •rezas, the said sum of X88.36 on Augnet 1, 1919, togothar wtbh fLv per Dent latereet per anxam from date of this contract anti! paid, to- gothar wLth tea per coat attorxey's Ease on eald amonxL Lt salt ehonld be brought oa same for lta oolleotloa, ae !s provided for la noatioa 6 of th• Aot of the Thirty-xttth Legiala- ture, Fourth Called Sesaloa, 1918, knowx ae the "Drought Rellsf Act."