3~3 ua the clerk of thlt ooart bs, aaa ha Le hexhby dlrsotet to isan• to Bald applicant a order ea thla eonrt for the somber of bnehela sad ponada of the above descrlbei seed ud isedetntfi, ae above stated, Aeadltioaei that acid appllcaat shall alga a contrast Sa dap- lioatw~ attested by said clerk, to the effect that saki appllcaat, for and La ooasidsratioa of the seed end feed furalehed hlm as descrlbed Lr thi^ order and of the value of e63.14 agrees la wrltiag to pay to Kerr County, iexae, the said sum of e83.14 on Aagnet 1, 1919, together with tlve per cent Satereet per annum from date of this contract natal paid, te- gather with tea per Dent attorney's fees as ssld amoaat if salt should be bronght oa same for Lts oollsotioa, ae le prevlded for is section b of the Act of the Thirty-xlfth Legiela- tore, Xourth called sees Lea, 1918, knows •e the "Drought xellei Aot." ~. ~.~ 7 ~ -'--------------------- STATE OF TE%A3. COUH1'Y OF A6HM. H• It remembered that oa thls the 4th day of aovember A.D. 1918, came oa t• De heard sad oaastdered the a appllcatloa oi,xr. Otto authaes of xerr County, .ezee, for a loo to parohase Seed for plantlxg purposes end teedetuife for the work stook of saki appllcaat for the year 1918, and after doe cosalderatioa thereof, the court Se of the opLaloa that aeld applLOatlaa should be grated esd that said applicant be extended a loo of ;E0.78 La seed sad feedataffe, to ooaslet of the following: 8 Hushsle OY Wheat. And the clerk of thLe coati be, sad he ie hereby diraoted to leeue to Bald appl and order on this oonx't for the number of bnehela sad ponnde of the above described seed and fsedetafie, ae above stated, ooadLtloaed that said applicant shall slga a contrast in dnplloate, attested by said clerk, to the effect that saki applicant, for ud la conaider- ntioa of the seed ufl feed furnished hlm se descrlbed La thLe order and of the value of ;20.78 agrees in wrltiag to pay to xerr county, texas, the Bald sum of ;20.78 on August 1, 1918, together wLth five per Dent tmterast per annum from date of thd• contract nntll paid, together with ten per oast attorney's fees oa sold amount tt~aidt should be bronght oa same for Lte oollsotlon, ns La provlded for Ln 3eottoa 5 of the Aot of the 7'hLrty-Flith Leglela- tore, Fourth called Sesaloa, 1918, known as the "Drought nellei eat." ~ ~ 5 7 S -------------------------------------- sxeT~ ~F rnu3e A cOUHTZ OF AYHN. ~~ Se !t remembered that oa this the 4t6 day of aovember A.ll. 1918, Dame on to b• heard and ooseLdered the appilostloa of Nr. hlehard Pfeiffer of %arr County, ~reaee, for a loan to purchase seed for planting purposes and feedatuffe for the work stock of said appllcaat for the year 1918, sad after due ooaeideratioa thereof, the Court Le of the opinion that Bald appllcatloa should be granted and that asld applioaat bs extended a loan of ;lO1.E8 EE euahele of l/heat, 45 bnehela ai Oats. And the clerk of this court be, and he Ls hereby directed to leans to Bald applLcant as order on thLa oohrt for the nnmbar of bushels ahd ponnde of the above descrlbed seed and teedetnifs, ae above stated, conditioned that Bald applLcant shall eLgn a contract Sa dupli- cate, attested by acid clerk, to the Fffsot that ^aid applicant, for and La aoaelderatloa of Lhe seed sad feed furnished him as deaoribe8 La this order sad of the oelne of ;lO1.E8 agrees la wrltiag to psy to xerr (ionnty, ~rezaa, the said enm of ;lO1.Eb oa Anguet 1, 1919, together with five, par Dent tatareai per aaatua from date of this contract uatL1 pa14; ~; to~s;~ar with Esa per oentr attorney's fees on sald amount Li suit shoal'd be broµght o; same?ior its colleotloa, aq Ls provided for la seotloa b, 02 the sot of the YhLrty-ylith 3 ~~~ •~ L^egielatars, i+ourth Cal}Od seselom, 1918, knows ae the "Drought itellei Aot,° In Commiselonere Coart,~-1 Hovsmbsr 4th,~1918. Ierr Dounty;,T~z;ii. ~ Clerk instruotgi to draw voucher on #i'OuBht Hellsf Puad Oi Kerr Conat for the sum of x{8600 43 with ~,fryb~ lntereat there0a la fav0ir of Chae. Sohrelnsrs Ssak 0f Kerrville, Texas, same beiag amount paidiby_ealt Bank fez aarload of wheat purchased by Kerr County. ACCOUH i~9 ALLOIIiD by the Court ae shown !n Yinatee of Aooounts, Book 6, page 1. Ths toregoing Yinutae from page 369 to 364 wars read Ln op on COUrt and Yound'oorreot,varer r hereby approved. A//T~~TEST: n oan y luF-- x~~ e. ~~0-0•- 0- 0- 0- 0- C- 0-0-0- 0- 0-0-0- ' - 0- 00- 0- 00 THE STATc OF T8$AS, ~ COUHi'Y ON KERH. ~ . BE IT ~?EMEYBr1tED, that on this the 11th day of aovemeber A.D. 1918, ihere.waa begun and holder a regular term of the Commieelonere Court of 8err County, Tezaa, at the Court House thereof, In the town of Yerrville, T~zae* ~OyFICm83 YHESE6T. Hon. Les 'dallsoa Arthur Bae,l, dames Crotty, Hago ~ledenfeld, C. ®. Aodgsr, J. T. Poore, J. a. Leav ell, County Judge. SeaalplaM®onkr Preolnot Ho.l Com~le4lanar Yreolnot No. E. Commiuloner rrecinct No. 3. Caeualssionsr Yreoino# Ho. 4.. Sheriff, County-Clerk. Court having been regularly opened the tolllag prooeedinga wer• had to-wit;-~----- STATE OF T %AS, i i COMITY OF 8EB&. ~ ,$•7 7 The ~oa;mieetoner'e Coart of Kerr County, Texas, !n aeaslan November 11th, 1918, made and entered of reoord the following order. Dnder and by eatherity of H.B. Ao. 68 passed by the Texas 38rd Legislature 1918. That the sum cf )!ve Hundred llollare be and hereby Le appropriated and set gelds annaelly out of the funds of Kesr County, to supplement the funds of-the A. and Y. College 0i Tease and the u. s. Department of agr[oulture La paying the aalnry of the Farm yemonetra- t,/sa=Agent In xerr GOIAn#y, Tezas. Said enm eha11 p~ paid to the rgent apon receipt of vouchers draws by the Department tathorlasd Agent, at College Station, Texas, and !t shall beoeme.w~satlsble on or after the ~EO'day of sova;ber, 1918, And aw l~ig„ae the 0. s. Department of ~grlcultare end the A, sad Y. College will Oo, du0t ae1Q work. in ea1d..Coyntiy this court er˘er ahall,h• oontianoae, #hat the Mtlm o! X500.00 ~Io11arJ1 be psld On# .,~ abps~ ,4#ated lnaµ#3 until b a eol „ ti 7 ; P egr4s~; q~ Rhe :~