365 Co®ieslona*o+ ~oart of aarr uoonty. In !!Vent the court iLnd it neoeseary to revoke the above order the order discontlnulag same shall be passed daring the month of November or feoambar which time will be near the oloes of a seasons and the years work, otherwise this order shall remain Ln fall force from year to year. 5 ~ S ------------------------------------------ In vooimlaetoner'e Court, 1 1 November 11th, 1918. Barr County, •raxae. 1 'rhe a me of 719.75 Le ordered transferred from Drought $ellef ldund to H. & H. Fund of Commission era' precinct Ao. 1. 57~ ORD:1t ur '.'Hr: uulneI351uHNK3 twURT u:tAHTIHG Y'HL~' i:LIi;F, 3tata of Taxes, Coanty of Karr. Be !t romembsrad that on this the 11th day of Bovember A.D. 1918, came on to be heard the applloatlon of usorge Ya&lroy of Kerr County, Texas, for a loan to purchase sand iar planting purposes and fesdetuffa for the work stook of saki appllcant for the year 1918, and after due oonatderation thereof, the court La of the opinion that said appllca- tlon eha nld ba granted, and that said appllcant ba eatended a loan X17.06, Sn seed and feed- stnfie, to oonatat of the followings B Dhehels and lE pounds gheat. And the clerk of Lhle oourt be, and he La hereby dlreoted to issue to said appllcant an order of this oourt for the numb sr of bushels and pounds of the above described need and feedetnffe, sa above stated, oondltlonad that said appllcant shall sign a oontraet in dupli- oate, attested by saki Clerk, to the sffeot that Bald applicant, for and Ln consideration of the seed affi feed fnrniahed him as desorFbed in this order and of the value of ~17,Ob, agresi Sn writing to pay to Karr County, Texas, the said sum of X17,06, on August let, 1919, togeth~ ar wLth five per cent Lntereet par annum from date of th la oontraet anttl paLd, together wltl tan per cent attorney's fees on Bald amount Lf au it should be brought for its collection+ as la proridsd for in Seotlon 8, of the Act of the Thirty=714th Lsgialature Fourth Called Seaeion, 1918, known sa the "Drought Reltei aot.~ ~ 5 $ o ----------------------------------- In Commlaelonere Court, 1 H ov ember 11th, 1918. Karr County, Texas. 1 the sum of *660.00 of Mate Highway Fund of Karr County La ordered apportioned as follows, to-wit:--- 9~Eb3.b0 to Commissioner rrseLnot #1. $123.60 to CommiseiSer Preolnot `E. ,~~Q,60 to Commiselonar Prsclm t f3. 188.60 to Commies toner Pree toot #4. ~• 5 S 1 ------------------------------------ In Commissioners Court, 1 9ovember 11th, 1918. Kerr County. Texas. 1 An order setaDliahing an Emergency Hospital within the City of Kerrville, to socommodete the parson of Mexican decent within the said Clty who have and may hereafter h 9panieh Inflnanea; pr oVLdi ag for the necessary exp snae9 of the operation of said Noepltal, and establiehlag • I~asraaL4aa. Bnt Sb bri~iirw~l y,y ` '" ~hT tike eMadi~kslonera Court that the Guadalupe Sohoel nnilding; tha_prop