3?) The irn•egotng mLnutea from page 364 to 371 inclusives were re,¢d Ln open Court and Pound correct are hereby approved this the 12th Say of llecember A.D. 1918. Atteat; ,~// ~~ _____~~ ~~~. ~.1~e,at.(tiQ~Q~ Clerk. Ccu; ty Judge. --------- o-o-o- a o- o- o- ~- o- o- ~- ~-'~- o- o- ~- ~-o-o- r>_ o------- ---- TA sTAT~: of T^xns, ) 1 Bi IT T,i4,451JIDl:R.~D, '1'h¢t on the 2nd day oP uecember, ^.,D. 1918, there v.as begun and holden a Sp ac iel Term of the commis Loner's Court of Kerr uour,ty, 'i'exss, ut the ro urt Houae thnreoP, in the town of K~.err villa, •rexas. UFFIC~.;S r~uS3NT: Hon. Lee i7a llace, Arthur Neal, James Crotty. -------------------- Hugo WledenPeld, ------------------- Co u..ty Judge, Commisetoner Yrectnet No.l, Comm isaionor Pree inet No.2, Commtssioner Preciret No.3, r„ A.Do dgers, -------------------- Commisel orn ~r Prec Lnct No.4, J.T.MOOre, SherlPf and Jno.R.Leavell, County Clerk. The court having been roguL rly opened, the following proceedlr.gs were had,tewlt:-- No. 369, %err County. Accounta. Clalms against Kerr County were alloyed as shown by reference to Minutes of Accounts, in Book No.5 on page 8, 1n31udtng Claim No. EE4®'to 2256 inclusive. - o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o-oye-o------ Po. 370 %err County. Pettt[on Pnr Mock Yaw. The petition of Hugh yowler, Yor stack Law a'l action, was passed until the next term of this Court. -o-o- o- ~- o- ~~- o- o- ~- n-o-o- o- o- o- o- o- o-o-- No.371 K'3RR CCIIi'TY. QUALIFI"ATICN OF OFFICraS. The Following Officisl Bon is were preserted and approved. H r3.Garrett, County Attorney, J.T.tdoore, tiheriPf and Tea Collector. J.R.Leavel.l, County ant DSstrCet Clerk. A.B.Willlamson, county rreaeurer. iY.O.P eterso n, Tax Assessor. A.T~.Starkey, County Surveyor, Lee Wallace, County Judge, and ~~ounty Sup er intendet of Public lns'r uctionQ. Arthur r9eel, Commis sonar Precinct No.l, Jamee Crotty, Comm4seioner FrecLnct No.2, Hugo AledenPeld, Cnmmisetonor Yrectnet No.3, _ C.A.Rodgers, Co~run isa Loner FrecLnct No.4, ' Henry Staudt, "onstat~le for rrecinct No.l, 1';.H.Turner, Justice of the raaca Precinct No.l, No.372. BE.R;t COUNTY. ~ Appointment of Conatab le Pre.B. J.T.8111-of Center Point, zezas, was appot$ted 6onatable for Precinct No.E far Kelm Qounty, ~ysaair, a7W t 4e,gnalafy by giving the required Bond. ~ ,~ ^~ .. r.',