393 , of that portSon of the west half of survey No. 1130 nad the N.W. of survey No. 2, 9.M.& S. lying within gerr County-- ba and the same Se attaohed and annexed to the twrrito ry inoludeQ in the said stook law die4riot ae deeoribed in Pol. 1~. pages b31 and 632 of the minutes of this oourt, sad Se embraoed within the lisite of the said stook law aubdivieion and made a part thereof, and the law enforoe within the ea id distriot forbidding the runnSng nt large of hags, sheep and goats is hereby made to apply to the land above desorSbed, an8 St shall hereafter be unlawful for hogs, cheep and goats to run at large in and upon the said land ithotlt the oonaent of the owner thereof and the runnSng at large of hogs, sheep and goats upon the said land is prohdbited. Lee wallaoe . County Judge Kdrr Younty, Texas. • ~ ~ -0-0-0-0-J-0-0-0-0 -0 -0-0 -0-0-0-0-0-0-0 -0-0- Bo.374, Aaoouate and o~Že against Kerr County, allowed ae shown by reference to Minutes oY pcoounta i611owed by said Cnart in Book b on page 9, whioh Se made a part of these minutes. -o,o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o- nd.a7s. KERR COUNTY. INSTRUCTIONS TO AdSESS OR. COUNTY TAE ASSESSOR, was instructed" by the Oourt to assess Goats at X2.00 per heafl; Sheep at ;3.00 per head; b6et etook'Cattle"§t X20.00-per head; Steers at from $20.00 to X30,00, acoording to the age and quality. Beat yevide Grazing lands to be assessed at $3.00 and ell rough lands lying oa the oannyona and heads of rough oreeka to be esaeeaed at the same pride bhsy have heret~fox~e been aseeeaed, for the year 1919. -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- There being no farther business to some before the oonrt at this time, and the Court having read the foregoing minutes from page 372 to 373 incluaives in open oourt. and found same correct err hereby approved. This the 4th day of January, p. D. 1919. And Court adjourned until neat term. Attest; y r c. dun y u ge. r- -----0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0---- THE STATE OF Ti':EAS,1 - WUNTY OF K61L~2,1 D71 I! N;81(KIŽSRBD., that oa thle the 10th day oY Feb ry, A.D.1919, there wee bwg~`Aad hvldea a ~ Regular Term of the Commiseloaere Court of Kerr Oouaty, Tex- ua, at the Coart House, La the town of Kerrville, Texas. OFBIC'.Ifi3 PiihSENT; Hoa. Les Wallaoe, ------------------------- County Judge Arthur Real, -------°---------------- Commiseloa•.r Pre. No. 1, James Crotty, ------------------------ CommlaeLOmer Pre. No. 2, Hugo Wledeafeld,---------------------- Commiealoaar Pr s. No. 8, C.A. Rogers,---------------- ~-------- Commisstoaer Pre. No. 4, J.T. Moore, Sheriff sad Jao R. Leaaell, County Clerk, Ths Court havlag bees YegultYly bpued sad the following prooeadlaga were had, to-wit;---