393 Les wallaoe County Judge Karr Oounty, Texas. oY that portion oY the west halt of survey No. 1130 and the N.w.} oY euzvey No. E, S.M.k S. lying within *srr County-- be and the same Se attaehed and annexed to the territory Saaluded in the sa18 stook law dietriot ae deeoribed in Yol. B. pagan b31 sad b32 oY the mieutea oY this oourt, and Se embreaed wit6ln the liaita of the said stook law subdivision and made a part thereof, sad the law enforoe within the ea id diatriot forbidding the running at large of hogs, sheep and goats Sa hereby made to apply to the land above desoribefl, and it shall he reaiter be unlawful for hogs, sheep and goats to run at large in and upon the said land withoat the oonaent oY the owner thereoY and the running at large of hogs, sheep and goats neon the said lead Se prohdbited. .• -0-0-0-0-.J-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- no.374, Aooounte and o1~llms against Kerr County, allowed as shown by reference to Minutes of Aaoounta allowed Dy ea id Court in Book b on page 9, whioh Se made a part of these minutes. -0+0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- No.37b. KERB COUNTY. INSTRUCTIONS TC ASSESSOR. COUNTY TAE ASSESSOR, was Snatruated'by the Court to assess Goats at X2.00 per head; Sheep at j3.00 per head; baet'etook'Cattle et j20.00 per head; 5teere at Yrom =20.00 to j30,00, acoording to the age and quality. Best yevide Grazing leads to be assessed at 3.00 and ell rough lands lying on the eannyone and heads of rough oreeke to De assessed at the same prioe bhey have heretoYoie been assessed, for the year 1919. -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- There being no farther busSaesa to some before the aonrt at this time, and the Court having read the foregoing minutes Yrom page 372 to 373 inoluaives in open oourt. and found same oorreot err- hereby approved. Thin the 4th day of January, A. D. 1919, And Court ad~ouraed until neat term. Attest: -' oun y r c. e.L~ ~ny ng~r- -----o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o---- THE STATE OF TXAS,) COUNTY OF K'.1,2.R,1 D10 I'R iC.RBD., that ox this the 10th day of Febry. A.D.1919, there was bag4t"tad holden a ~ Regular Term of the Commtaelonore Court oY Kerr county, Tex- ue, at the Court House, La the town of Kerrville, Texas. OFFIC„t9 PR1sSENT: Hon. Les Wallaoe, ------------------------- County Judge Arthur Real, -------°---------------- Commlaeioa•.r Pre. No. 1, James Crotty, ------------------------ Commisaloter Pre. No. 2, Hugo Wledeaiel d,---------------------- Commisslonar Pre. No. 8, Ci•A. $ogera,-----------------'--------- Commiastoaer Pre. No. 4, ~" J.T. Moore, 9heritf and Jao R. Leavell, County Clerk The Court having bees regularly bpeaed sad the following prooeodinga were had, to-wit;---