rvwrv, ~ ~ _ -, 1; ~• SERB COUNT~'r"i CI.JIM3 AG-IN eT KERR CO. Claims allowed against Kerr County, Yaund.of seourd is 111nutse of -ooounte Allowed by Commisaiodere Court, in Hook #6 on pages 10 to 13 Snolneloe, whioh Se referred to and made s part at these einutee. Y -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- Ho.377, SERR COUNTY TAKING UP $10,000.00 HOTS. ,- It is ordered by the Court that the first Hote for.enm of X10,000.00, borrowed by Kerr County, under the Drought Relief Iot of the State of Texas, be paid off together with all accrued interest thereon, and the Treasurer is instructed to forward same to State Treasurer, or to the proper'party and have Sarr County receive the proper credit on same. - --0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--- Ho.378, BERR COUNTY. LAW REGARDING DIYERSIDH OF W-TER. It ie ordered by the Court that Serr County have the Law in regard to diverting the Natural slow of water from its natural course onto pnblia roads, published in some or all the Hewe Yapere published in this Covnty, -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--- In Commiseionere Court,) ) Yerr County, Texas ) EL$CTION OFFICERS February 11th,1919. 3 7~ .. , Election officers tnr. holding general a#eotiongl ipr Kars County,Texsa, appointed as shown by Election Offiaere Boo& Sio.l on page 48 et.eeq whioh ie referred to and made a part of these minutoe. - -0.0-0-0-0~0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-C--- 110.378 , HIDE FOR DEPOSSTORY. ' SERR COUNTY. '., February lOth,1919, ~,~,. 1 : i_ ~: The bide for Depoaltory of the County sad School FundB presented by ° ~:; Charles Bank of Kerrville, Tease, opened and ezemined and if appeared that Charlae 6ohreinas Beek wee the only person or party that bid for same, and it being the hygksYt bidder oo said funds hie bid is hereby eooepted sad hie bond fined at ~ 40,000.00 !or the School Fund, • ', and ~ for the County Funds, and the bid is hereby ordered epre0d an the sdautas whioh is ae follows: Ron. Lae falleoe, County Judge, Yarr County, ~;, Serrville, Tezsa. w ,Y: "~:_ Dear Slr:-- I hereby Offer you our services se popoaitWry,Yos $srr County for the enauiag two yeses' term, and will pay you 4-1/g par oeut interest oy.daily balances. ' I herewith enclose oertlfied eheok in the sum ai (~&OO.OOa Two Hundred ,a+ i~lillsra,- ae s guarantee of good faith. • Ypure very truly, ' L. 1. Schreiner, Prgident. +; ..