3 9S On this the 10th dny of February 1918, oame on to be opened and oonai de red oompetntive bide for Dspoeitozy of Kerr County funds for the coming two years, and it appe~ ing that the Chsa. Sohreiaer Hand furnished the pid offering highest rate of interest on daily balanoee of funds tc-wit: 4-1~8 ~. It ie ordered by the oourt that the said Chsa. Sohreiner Bank be and the same Sa hereby aeleoted ea Depository for Kerr County for the next two years and the same shall be required within twenty days, to furnish godd and anffioient bond Sn the sum of ~ for Oonnty funds and in the sum of X40,000.00 for Kerr County available and permanent Sohool funds. -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-00-0-0-0--0-0 No, 380, KERB COUNTY. APPP,04AL OF OFP'I@ERS REPORTS. The quarterly reporl8 oY A. B.Williemenq, County Treasurer, - Jno.R. Leavell, County Clerk and E. H. Turner, ae Justice of the Yeaee of Precinct No.l, bf Kerr County, Texas, ware examined and approved. ----o-o -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o---- ' REPOP.T OF L.B.Williameon, County Treasurer of Kerr County Texas, of Receipts e1Kd expandi- turea from No'-amber let, to January 31st, 1919 inolusive: JURY FUND, let C1 see. Balance lsat Report, Filed X424.33 - To Amount Reoeived Hinoe leaf $eport 426.49 By Amount paid out sin ee last Report, Ex."A" $E21.00 By E} per oent Commiaeion on amount received g,bg By ~ " ° amount paid out, 4.97 fi .. ., .AT.OUNT TO BALANCE-------"--------------------------'_-_-___61b.26 BALAHCE ~61b.26 P.OAD AND BFI DGE FUND,2nd. Clas e. Balance lest Rerort, Filed X1187.79 To Am mount reoeived ainoe last Report- 1485.7E from To " trsaeferred .other Fun de, ainoe last Rerort 9.75 By " p®id oat ainoe last Report, Ex. "B" x`1063.56 By 2} per oent.Commiaaion nn amount reoeived, 33.42 By E} per cent. " " paid out, 24.38 Ah'.OIINT TO BALANCEit'-'------------------- ~b41.90 BALANCE $1641.90 GENERAL COUNTY FUND, 3rd Cleae. Balance lest Report, Filed £124.39 To~~monnt reoeived ainoe lest Report, 1b68.69 By ^ paid out ainoe last Report, Ex. ^C" $1824.29 By ~ per oen t. Commies ion on amount rase ioed, 3b.E9 By E} " ^ paid Out, 41.04 AidOUNT TO BALANCE-------------------------- 1792.46 ' ' ' ?~b 9 3:0 ~ .. BALANCE $179E.46 i ~' C"URT H)L`SE AND JAIL FUND Balance last Report, Filed $b7.05 To Amount received einae last report, $bb,59 By 2v per cent. Commieeioa on amount received, 1.26 Alt OUNT TO BALAHCE --------------- ------ 2.71 BALANCE $E.71 STATE N.IGHWAY FUND Balance last Report,Filed $1b46.10 To Amount raoeived since last Report, E60.91 By " paid out ^ " Es. "E^ $E38.E0 By ?Q per cent. Commission on amount received, b.87 By 8~ ^ " " paid out,. 6.3b AISCUNT TO BALANCE"7t--------- ------- -" ~ -- 16b7,69 "~1'8'C7: aT 3 1867:61 BALANCB $lbb7.69 DRJUGBT RELIEF FUND Balance lest Report, Filed $14,960.29 To Amount received einae last Report, 611.48 Hy " paid out sinus last Report, Ez. "F^ $E691.62 By " transferred to other Funds, sinus last Report, 9.7b AL:'UNT TO BALANCE------------------ 12 60.40 BALANCE $1E,860.40 ROAD DISTRICT # E, Balsaoe last Report, Filed To Amount received einoe lest 8aport, By " paid ou! einoe last Report, $x. "G" By E4 per sent. Commission on Amount reoelved, Hy Pd " " " paid out, A1;OUHT TO BALANCE-------- B9LAHCE JAIL REPAIR FUND Balance last Report, Filed To Amount raoeived einoe last report, By E} per nent. Commission oa amount zaoeiaed, A910UNT TO HALARCE~----- BAI,dNCE $4158.3E 320.48 $ 36.76 7.21 .80 $4436.Ob . -~d7 . ~g4~6.Q~ $ 3b .B6 81.b1 $ 1.83 $_l1b.64 -"~ZI7:37-" ~3'r~ $ 116.64 ROAD DISTRICT # 1. To Amount Received einae lest Report, $ 447.79 By • paid out einae lest Report, Ea. "fp # 98.6b Hy Eo per cant. Commission on amount received, 10.07 By E1 ^ " ^ pald ont, 2.21 ytDUI.T TO BALABCE"~--------------- 836.86 BA~JAGE ~ 91,4G6.db ~~ ~~ 39b r 3Q~ ROAD DISTRICT ~ 3. To Amount received einoe last Report, ~ 133.BC By paid out since last Report, Ez."G" $ 24,13 By 2, per oent. Commission on amount received, 3,01 By 2 " ^ ^ " " paid out, ,54 AP.10:;NT TO BALANCE --_-'----------------'~-- 106.14 '~333:"f~~ -i33:F£`- BALANCE ~ 106.14 RECAPITULATION. JURY FUND BALANCE ~ 615.26. ROAD AI4D BRILGE FUND " 1541,90 - GENHEAL COUNTY FUND 1792.46 COURT H'~USE AND JAIL FUND " STATE HIGHWAY FUND 15b7.59 DP.OUGHT RELIEF FUN- 12860.40 ROAD DISTRICT $2 FUND 4436.05 TAIL REPAIR FUND llb.b4 RO'D DIU TRICT ill FUND " 336.86 ROAD DISTRICT ~3 FUND " 106.14 LIST OF BON D3 AiJD OTHER SECURITIES ON HAND d by Road District ~1, U.S. Liberty Bonds a~ bJ0.00 d by„Road District ~2, U.S. Lib~rt;,- Bonds b00.00 d by Jail Repair, U.3. Liberty Bonds 1700.00 d by Road District $3, U.S. War Saving Stamps 5D0.00 THE STATE OF TE%A::,~ COUNTY OF KERR,r~ Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally ppeared A.B.S'~Slliamaon, County Treasurer of Kerr County, who being by me duly sworn, upon ath, says that the within and Yoregoing report Ss true and correct. A.B. Williamson, County Treasurer. Sworn to and subsoribed before me, this AOth day of February 1919. SEAL) Jno. R. Leavell, Clerk, County Court Karr County, Texas. STi.TE OF TE%A3, ~ CO L'N TY OF KER , BEFORE IdE, the undersigned authority, personally appeared the members the Commieslonere' Court of said County, whose names are below eubsaribed, who uroa thiir the do say; That the ranuirements of Art. 669, Chapter 1, Title X%V, of the Revised Statut® Texas, amended by the regular session oY the Twenty-FiYth Legislature have in all things en complied with and that the oeah and other assets mentioned in the quartely report de and filed in this oovrt by A.B. flilliameon, County Treasurer of said County for the attar ending the 31st day of January, 1919, and held by him for said County have been lly lnepeoLked and oounted by ue at this term of oourt and that the amount of Honey and oche sets in the hands of said Treasurer are as follows: Cash in the hands of the County DepoEitory -----------------~F3,362.20 Other Assets, Bonds and War Stamps, -----------------------$ 3,200.00 - Total_______________________________$26,b6E.20 Y 4 Lea Walisos. County Judge Arthur Heal Commissioner Preo't. Ho. I James Crotty Commissioner Proo't. Ho.22 Hugo Wiedepfeld Commissioner Prso't Ho. III Chao. Rodgers Coipnieeioaer Preo't Ho. IV. Sworn to sad subeoribed before me this the 10th day of February l.D. 1919 Jno. R. Leavell County Clerk, %err County, Texas. - Filed with the wonohere eooompanying same, this 10th day of FEby.1919. EXamined and arproved, snd Vouohers oenoelled in open Commissioners Court, this 10th day of February 4.D. 1919. Hr, Gustav Leader: %errville, Tease, Faby. 11th 1919. Comfort, Teaaa, You have built and oauaed to be bu11t a rook xall or fenoe on your land nn the Weat side of the Cherry Creek Road, that keeps the water from its natural flow. It oauaee the water to remain on and flow over and down Bald ?osd, thereby impairing and obeEruoting said road, You era hereby notified to remove all feaoee and other obleote oauaing obetruotion or impairment to said road. w'~ioh were placed in or near Bald road by you or under your direction, Hy order of the Commiaelon.exe' Court. Faby. 11th, 1919. -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0---- Ho.381, BERR COUHTY.- THIRD CLASS ROAD OH VERDE CHEB%. It Sa ordered by the -0ourt that a TAirO C1ase~ROad be and the amie ,~ is hereby established so rose the lands oT Ivey tteea, W.D. Burney,~bee Baraey,.beginning at a point in the Verde Creek Pnblio Road, wham Ivey Xeee sad W.D.Bnrnsy'a lands doraer, then about dne south with the youth LSns bstwsep Ivsy Reee and W. D.$arney's property and the property of Lee Bnrney to where said road strikes the line of what ie known ae the old Lowranas place and the old T.A.YOBryde pleoe, the distanoe being about one sad one-half mil -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- 3;?~f ~n Ho.3BE %err County. Change Sn Goat Creek Road. On this 10th day oY r'ebruary A.D. 1919, name on to be aoneidered the ,. petition of J.F.Hiahols and ten other altlzena, asking fir a ahanga sf the Goat Creek and `~~' %errville, Road at the third oroaelag of the Creek, Said change t0 bp''msde aoroea hrs. J. Ai. r: Terrell's land xho Koine aafl elgaed Bald petition, end the oourt aftgr oonaidered same, ie '~, of the opinion that said ohange should be granted. 1t ie therefore:' osdered that said patitio ., be granted"and said change made ae prayed for is said petition. -o-o-0-o- -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o= .383, RR COIIHTY. i~a~ga road wee ~, PET ITIOH OF 4,0. JOY, et.el. Petition of A.C.J.oy et.el. asking for oheage in %errville and Hooka- unt#~} next term of th,ie Court.. ~P~~nM~> .,.~ ~. r '-