Lea Wa11BOa. County Jmigs Arthur Real Coeunieaioner Preo't. Bo. I James Crotty Commissioner Preo't. Bo.II 3 Hugo WiedaAYeld Commiesioaar Prso't Ro. III Chas. Rodgers Caq~niaeioaer Preo't Ro. IV. " Sworn to sad eubeoribed before me this the 10th day oY February A.D. 1919 Jno. R. Leavall County Clerk, Kerr County, Texas. ~ ° Filed with the wonohers aooompanying same, this 10th day of FEby.1919. %Xamined sad arproved, and Vouchers oanoelled in open Commissioners Court, this 10th day oY February A.D. 1919. Yr, Gustav Leeder: Kerrville, Texe.e, Feby. 11th 1919. Comfort, Texas, You have built and oaueed to be built a rook wall or ienoe on your land ~n the Weet side oY the .Cherry Creek Road, that keeps the water from Its natural slow. It nausea the water to remain on and Ylow over and down said ?Dad, thereby impairing end obaEruoting said road, You are hereby notified to remove all Ye noes and other obieote oausing obetruotion or impairment to said road, wh~.ch were placed in or near said roafl by you or under your diraotion, By order of the Commiaeion.eie' Court. Faby. 11th, 1919, -0-0-~-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0---- No.381, BEfiR COUNTY. TBIRD CLASS R06D OB PERD$ CRF.FIS. St is orderod by the Court that a Thir˘ Olase584ad be and the Dame 'A is hereby eetaDliehed so rose the laude o3 Ivey xeee, W.D,Bnraey.,'yee Burney „beginning at a point in the Verde Creek Pnblib Road, where Ivory Heee sad N.p.Bamey'e lands corner, thenc about due south with the 9onth Lino betseen Ivey Rees and W. D.$nraey's property sad tho property of Lee Bnxpey to where aeid road strikes the line oY shat Sa known ae the old Lowranas place and the old T.A.ieoBryds plude, tho distance being about one and one-halt mile -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- ,38E Karr County. Change in Goat Creek Road. On this 10th day of r'ebruary A.D. 1519, peme on, to be oonaidered the ,. petition of J.F.&iohols and tsn other oitizeae, asking Y^r s ohange of the Goat Creek and Yerrville, 8oad at the third oroaeiag oY the L`resk, Said ohange to bq`msde •oroes hrs. J.h. Terrell'e land who ~oina and eigaed said petition, and the dourt enter gonsidered same, ie ` of the opinion that said ohengs should be greeted. It ie therefore:' grdgred that aeid peti7 g: be granted °and said ohange made as prayed Yor in aeid petition. -a-o-o-o- -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o'. 4a ~o.aga, %SRR COIIBTY. P&T ITIOB OF 4,0.JOY, et.el. Petit;on of A.C. Joy et.el. asking Yor ohange in Kerrville and Rooks- ~i~ei rogd was As~~ ua'~~~, {next term of this Court, ~ , mb "` 2W;. a ~ 1 ,.