37g Ho.3B4, KERR COUHTY. PAUPERS FOR PEW QUARTi:E. It is ordered by the Court th~~t the following named persons be eaoh allowed the sum of $4,00 per month ea pauper ellow•ance Yor the months of February, maroh sad April, VIZ:- Herbert Brest,- L1rs. D. Rains, mrs. John story, mra. k alias Gilman, and J.B.Clement, end St ie further ordered that the following named persona the eum of $4.00 per month for February, march sad April, payable i.n Merchandise from the Store that may Yurnish same during the new quarter, payable upon press nt me nt oY it imized bill of goods sold by tho merchant delivering same, to-wit: P1lSe Anderson, Luoy Hamilton,(Col.). The sum of X60.00 per month Ss allowed Jacob, Jessie and airs. Reinhardt, payable Sn mere disc as has heretofore bean the order of thisCourt. And the sum of ~2.b0 per month for ]~ebruary, Lurch and April is allowed O.C.Trap to pay rent with. '0'0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0_0_0_0_0-0----- Po. 386. APPOINTI,iNET OF d OF P. Yre,Ho.4. KERR COUNTY. On this 'the 11th day of February A. D. 1919, acme into open Court,Ed. Smith, of Ingram, Kerr County, Taxes, shd had been duly siestas to the office of Justice of the reeoe within and Yor Precinct No.4, of Kerr County,Texe.a, by a majority of the qualified voters in said Yrea ins t, and elated to the Court th˘t he did not queli Yf~, :as such Justine far said Preeiaot on the date set for the gnaliYicationa of offioera, f~~r the re eaoa he was aiok and unable to oome to down, and Baked that he now be appointed ea Juatic of the Ye ace within and for said Precinct Po.4, for Kerr County, Texas. And the Court there upon aFFOinted said Ed./eith to fill the vacancy in the office of Justice of the Peace for said Precinct Po.4, and said Ed.Smith, then and there produoded hie official Boad into open aouit wh ioh was approved, sad said Ed.Bmith duly quell Yl ed ea Juetioe of the Peace within and for said precinct Ho.4 of Kerr County, Texas, ea required by law. -0-0-0-0-0-0_0_0_0-0_p-p-0_0_0_p-p ___ No.388 KEP.R COUNTY. APPOINTI.;ENT OF SHEEP INSPECTOR. Hoary Sohwethelm, is hereby appointed yheep Iaepector Yor Kerr County, Texas, fir a term oS ^Sx moo the, beginning with the 1st day oY February and ending on the last day~ort 31st day of duly A.D. 1919, at a salary of $16.66 EBB per month or $100.00 Yor said term of elx months. -O- •0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--- No.391. KERR COUNTY. PAYhENT TO ASSESSOR. The sum of #b0.00 Se ordered paid to W.G. Peterson, as Tea Assessor for %err County, Taxes, as an edvenoement on his salary for the year 1919. Said eum to be drawn out of the Ad Valorem Fund of said Kerr Conaty,Teaae. -0-0- -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- Ho.389 Ia Commissioners Court,) February Term, 1919, Kerr County, Texas. ) February llth,1919. On this the 11th day of February A.D. 1915, cane on to be honsid Bred the appointment of a County Health OfYicer, in end for Kerr County, Texas, fad it~ap- peariagto~.L1~e-~9onrt'thkt.:Dr. Ernest E. Palmer, is s oompetsnt Yhgaioian legally quallYied to praotioe ender the laws oY this State and of a reputable proteAsiaael standing. It l9,Lhbrefori ordeY'slt by the Court that edict L~raeet &.Palmer, At,D. be sad li,ie