hereby appointed Connty~Sealth Officer, in and Ynr Kerr .ouAty,;Tesae, or e. period o; two ~, year~s~.~or until hie eucgpaeor is appointed and duly qualified, unless sooner ramhved~from - oiflge'for canse~ And said. Ernest B, Pa1mFr, M.L.upon qualifying ae required by law shall receive such aompen6atign for services sotuelly rendered sa this Court may el low from time .:~ to time. ' 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-D-0-U-0-0-0-0-0- The ®ourt here took a rec sea unt11 Saturday Morning until 9;30 O'olock A.H. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o- o-o-o-o-o-o-o- In Commissioners' Court,) February 15th, 1919. Saturday February lbth,1919. Karr County, Texas, ) ~- Pursuant to an ad~onrment taken on Nebruary 11th, 1919, th• Court re-convened on this date and the following procaodinga ware had, to-wit;-- , ~~ IN C01d6LI dSIOIT.~„' CO UFiT, 1 ' ~ FIYING OFFIC~.23 3ALA'.iY. K3:`'u^^. COUNTY, TiXAS, e February 15th, 1819. It is ordered by the Court that the Salary of County OfiLcera for the next two years be ea follows, par annum:-- County Judge, -------- ----------- ~8b0.00 Caunty Superintendent of Schools, $3b0.00 Sheriff -------- ---------- X425.00 Jail Guard, -------------------- $400.00 District Clerk ------- --------- X400.00 County Clerk, ------------------- ~b00.00, includ ing the keeping of the finance Ladgor, and jt100,00 for index ing. County Treasurer $} per oent. oommiaelonar of reoeipta aqd $} per gent commlasLon of dip buraements of all County funds. Sai3 salaries to b• mid quarterly, end Bald present order to begin February 1st, 1919. '" # ,Sg L -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o.o--- In CommiasLonara Court,) Fob2uary lfith, 1919. Kerr County, Texas. ) APPO$T1QNm:~1T OF~R $ B H'UHD• It La ordered byMthe Court that the sum of $6400.00 of the Hoad and Bridge Fund of Kerr County be apportioned to tho Four Commissioners rreoinota as follows: To Commlaslonor'a rreoinet No,"1, the sum of x$795.00 To Commissioner's Praclnet No.2, the sum of $1040.00 ,, ~~ To Commissioner's rraclnat No.H, the aum,oS ~ 91b.00 „''! To Commisaioner'a rrectm t No.4, the nom of ~1950~00 ~- 58'7 -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- ~-- In Commlaalonere Court, 1 February 15th, 1919. Kerr County, Texas. ) Apportionment of State Highway Yund. Zt La~ordered by the Court that the sum of X1$00.00 of the Statq HLghway Fw.d, b• sppoYtloaed to the goer Commlaalonera xreclnots, ae ~ollowef-- ~' To Comm4eelonera rreoinet No.l, the sum Of ;616,00 ", t.' Tc Commiealonere rreoinot No.2, th6 sum of~{19E.00 i;~i To Commissioners Yraeinet No.3, the sum of X132,00 `r--, To Commissioners Yrecinet $4.4, the sum of x,560.00 <' ,. Sg g ----------- -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-P-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o---------------- ' IN COY19I3SION7~7?iS COU.iT, r )) PAYY IiT OF iNTB.c&ST ON HONDS. .* KC$& COUNTY, T&XAS. 3 ,Fpbruary lbth, 1919. The ~punty Treasurer la hereby lnatrpct~A tp pay all interest oa N,,pondQ when due, on April i0th,1819, and to take up one C4ur; Huuse,and Jail Bond in the sum .{:, $ ~ ~ ~ F