hereby appointed ConntyHealth Officer, in and for $err .ouaty, Totaa, oTe'psYiod 0 tyro 3>~°,, year . *? p,.;or until his auogpsaor is appointed sad duly qualified, unless sooner removed from - offiga for cause., And as1A,.Eraeat E. Pa1mFr, N..D.upon qualifying sa required by law shall 'm - receive such oompeaeation for aervioea actually rendered sa this Court may ellpw from tiros to time. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-U-U-0-0-0-0-0- The ®ourt here took a recess until Saturday Morning until 9;30 O'olook A.ld. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- In Commisalonera' Court,) February 15th, 1919. 1 9atarday February 16th,i919. Kerr County, Texan, ) ' Pursuant to an ad~onrment taken on February 11th, 1919, th• Court re-convened on this date and the following proceodtnge were had, to-wit;-- ~~ IN CObiMIaSIOIT,,:)' COU3T, 1 i FIXING OFFIC3:;S SADA tY. Ki]''L. COUNTY, TsXA3. 1 February 15th, 1919. It Ls ordered by Lhe Court that the Salary of County Officers for the next two ye are be sa follows, per annum:-- Y . +raA t County Judge, ------------------- 8850.00 County Super intendant of Schools, $350.00 Sheriff ------------------ 8425.00 Jail Guard, -------------------- 8400.Op ~? Dlatrlet Clerk ---------------- 4,00.00 County Clerk, ------------------- 500.00, including th• keeping of the finance Dodger, and 8100.00 for indexing. -i County Tr ensurer $} per Dent. commiseionar of receipts and ~ par Dent commiealon of dla~ bnaaemente of all County funds. Sold ealariea to b• paLd quarterly, end aald present order to begin February 1st, 1919. ` # 58L -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-aao-o-o~,o--- In CommissLOUera Court,) February ibth, 1919. ) Kerr County, Texas. ) AYPO$TIQNY;;NT OF A & 8 FUND. It le ordered by„the Cour; that the sum of. 86500.00 of the $oad and Bridge Fund of Korr County ba apportioned to the Bour Commisaiopere rreolnota as follows: To Commiaeionor'a rreoinct No. '1, the sum of 8B79b.00 =f i To Coranla.eloner's Preolnot No.2, the sum of 81040.00 ;~ r° 9 To Commisaionr,r's rreoinct No.3, the sum ,of 8 71b,00 ~, To Commiseloner's rrecinet No.4, the ram of 81850;,00 ~, ;~;'~- 587 -o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o- ~-- Sn Commlaalonere Court, ) February 15th, 1919. ) , Kerr County, Texas. ) Apportionment of Stets Highway Fund. ' It ls~ordered by the Court thnt the sum of..8180p.00 of the Stets ~ / ' ' HLghway Fut.d, b• appottloned to the Four Commiaalonara rreclnote, Pa ~ollowp;-- •a . !' R - To OommOesionera rrecinot No.l, the sum of 8516.00 ; To Commiselonere rreolnot No. 2, thk eumof~819E.00 ~ ~'4,,, To Commlaelonore Precinct No.3, tho sum oY 83~3EOp dt,; To Commiyeloners Precinct No.4, th• sum of 8360,00 ,~ ,~~- ~ $ ----------- -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o.o---------------- ~" IB CONILZSSION:'s?i3 COUiiT, ) PAY1LIiT OF iNTE.rtKST DN BONDS. ;m ' 8E$R COUIITY, TEXAS. pebruary 15th, 1919. " ~ , ~ The ~ounty Treasaror Sa hereby lnetruetel tp pay all lntereat on ± .H~gndy when dns, on Aprl~ 10th,1919, and to tak• up ono Osurt 8dneo,and Jall Bond in the sum „ ~,. , ,~ , e„-+ 01~;,AN ,.^, ^ ~ r v ~, ~ ~, 1Ii vM, _. ~" ~ ~ e3~~. ~ ~ y~ ~' ~ 4,