383 ._ ____ _ ___ j COUNTY Q' RERR. ) BE IT REMEMBERED, That on this the lbth day of ldaroh,A.D. 1919, there was begun and holden a Speoiel Term of the Commiseionera Court of Kerr County,Texae, at the Court house thereoY i^ the town of Eerrville, Texas: OFFICERS PREoENT:-- Hon. Lee Wallaoe, ---------------------- County Judge, Arthur Real, --------------------- Commissioner rrecinct No.l, James Crotty, -------------------- Commissioner Yrecinet No.2, J.T.Moore, Sheriff and Jno.R,Leavell, County Clerk. The Court having been rogularlily opened and the following proceedings were had, to=wit:-- Bo.393, Clsime allowed against Herr County. Claims allowed as show^ by reference to Minutes oP Accounts ellor.ed by Commissioners Court, in Book b on page lb, including claims Numbers Prom 6389 to 6393 inc. which book Se made a part of these minutes. There being ao turther business to come beYo re the oourt, Court adjourned and the foregoing minutes were read in open Court and Pound correct are approved, this the 15th day of marc(h~, A.li. 1919. ~~ Attest: ~b ~.~-~-o-~-t=-t- County Clerk, oun y udge. T8E BTiT$ OF TEEAB,) COUNTY OF EBRR. ) BB IR tiBMMtBIiRBD, Shst on thl• the 6th day of Yareh •.D. 1919, Chore was begin end bolden a gpeolal Term of the Comiasioners Court et Esrr Oonaty, Tszas, at the Court hones thereat to the town of Eerrville, Tszas; OFFICNBS P8E8ENT: Ben. Les IIallaee, ---------------------------------- Cemty Jadgs, James Crotty, -------------------------------- 9o~lealoner Praolnot No.E, Hugo Sledsnisld, ------------------------------ Commieslonsr Preoinet Bo. B, i C.i.$odgsra, •------------------------------- Oomleelener prsoLnet No.4, ' J.T.Yoore, 8harlif and Jno.B.Leavell, County Clerk. She Oeart having Deen regularly opened and the following proesedings were had to-wit :- Tate State of Tszas,) In 9osmleslonere Court, Eerr County, Tezaa. No.899. County of Esrr. 1 special iprll Term, 1919. In the ratters otoChange In Ysrde Creek Hood. 11e, t M gemrlttee appointee et a former term of thl• 9oart, to meet and go awes the greands whar• a prepoasl ohange la to be made In th• Verde Creek Hoed In Eerr Oonnty, Tezaa, sad fro, It any aatleraotery arrangement oonld b• made la regard to said ohangs with the land owasla atteoted by said ehange, Leg to report that open golag ovor the psaddseamd lmttfng the matter over N!t the land owners, we were usable to make any satisfactory arraag- sents, banes we suggest that the petit ten aignad by •.D.YoBryde sad 16 ethers praying ter a change la saLd road and tar the appointment of s Jury of flew to ly oat said road and assess damages, be granted and eaLd Jnry et Vlsw appointed. ~Resp~eo tttnnl l~ ~e~n~b~m~~-l tote-d-. ~ The Committee. ) ~,: