a ;9rp.wt+q~,, '' , Lerr Oq~lG{y, ~;~w~ w.O.Yetersoa. Ta: Assessor. ~lvaaolRgpq~ of Ootaisaiona for 1919. +x. It le erdersl;,by the Oeast that the eon of ~H00.00 be pall to /.O.Peteraoa, a• Te= Asansor as Ooartspi4uoa oa the Oozreat year, and ths:eaa et i1b0.00 ba pale hla oat et goal aaa 3tliy. haul, ep sAMalealons for the Iarreat year, which geld ewn to b. ebargsl agalwt salt gaaposos la the opal settslsrat of Cot,laelosa for tbs oarrsnt year. a . ~#N##/1~t#1####H#1##### 1o.d01 ' [#HR COOHTY. AW.t19IHQ OLIIYS. Clalas against Yezr Connty were sppsovad sal allowed ea ebowA 1y teterana4 t0 111antea of Aoooanta alloyed by this 9onrt la book .f page l/ to w4loh,retsranaa la uds. s9 T88 gTAri Oh THZAH, 1 In the eaaaUeloner'e Conrt, Hpeolal April Term, •.D. 1919. p00HT! Oh Hg&R. ) Oa the bth day et April, 1$19, In The b:attez of the retltloa of ,) hslltlea ipr Ohaap In Yerds Creek goal A•H.1WHryle, et.ai. ) AHD HOi, the Pstltioa of the shove aswd ppstisa for a ehaags is verle Creak #Hfi~-Fi#Naf'H'f1##R!"t####!!9'iv#!'-i#tfh HOHD ~;OOOHTY AHtOg1T08S TW OQYFR iCHOOL y0HD8. HTATB Op TgY~B. ~ He. *Oi, , DODHS'[ Op 2888. ) t80g AbI. Yl~ HY T8iS8g P$888Ha^H. lhet 1a, •kap, gehselaer gwt, of Z'orstllie, Texan. w priaeipal, sad L,A. getrslaez, D.8.OO11pssstte, 4w h. •obrelasr, •.C. 8ohrelnar sal Y.h.7~aton, N aatetlsa, are held sad ilraly'beaaa wntp Lee ~pilaeo, Opnaty .Jppg},ot Yens goaaty, Texas, pad hie aaoossecrp,(4P gftice, la Ne salR e~ potty-aena TboaMF' ~~4.pOp.OQ) Hollarp. ion. ipe psyrsat of which we hers4y D~aa op~;aelysprAwa oar helra. eze- ,~ ~, {gN,tl~ ~ adANdaikts,+-terlF~a~}platl~! sal pettrally, by t1}epe~prp•aats~ r ' ~.~ ~~ a y @j ~ `~ ~ih _! P ~ • _ iNd• 3d .. - ~, . Y ~ -,. .. , ~~ ~ diR:~ ~ x~~ "•t ~, ~ ~. _ . gwd la pOSralealamers rreplaot Ho.H, oowsnaping at the 5..8, eosaer of u.J.bang'a lleld and oroeaingvarae Greek to th• aoath Hank of pesae Greek above bigbwater desk and ooatlaalag ap said loath bank of Yezle creak to laterp~ot tp prepent noel near r.galaep gate, the whole distance Deisat abea4 H/l rile, as pat tenth la as/d set1t10a, poalag oa to be henna, and tlw saw being pablloly read, sad it being psere~l tp tie satldaetl'a o! tpe yeast that the twenty bays' aotloe reyairsl Dy law hsa been gltoa, by alerttseatnt of tbs latsnted appiloation pwtsd gp st the Opsst hoar dear, sad ho'.ptkpr pabkia 'trees la the •lolnity a the roate of the propeaed ebaage to be aeda is sell loll. #4 ,l.s thesptgse ordered by the Oourt tha4 S.O.Yoglroy, 0.8`,HOOra, H,C.Hssi141A.• J.8,ge8geM sal t+H.81tt, fl7s treehoidera et u10 County, bs sal they arf bsreby oppolatel s Tory, 4.1iu-,~os'kty At whoa aq. attar takla the oath prescribed Dy law, prseNd to'~ay oat sell reRl a@4 4aau1 the dsaages. they shalt gins notlee la aTltlag to each lane owner whopp 1+~ad will bs +roppel or tonohed by said noel of the tine when and place whore they will fast to sapsrp aBaLgap. which aotloe shall be d~ll~erll to 4nnh sneer aR leant ti~e(g) legs biters tbp M4T of westing. Sall road shall be lail oat aaa enrreyod to the greetea ad~s{ptsgp,,9~.th4 pltbllp, fra~ha; rasa oar be traeel with oertalaty. 1'hs ilsld astep o1 Mid pusp9y and 4aooFiptlt44 of th# real, together with th assent of lanagoe plaited, enl the enpaat allowel by tk~a to sao4 lapel Baer, ~ba11 be inola iel !n the report of the rosy, sal if aloptp$ gMs11 br reoprdal la the alnatee of .the •oapty Oomiseloaer's poart. It le farther esdersl,fhat •.I,.Htprksy, County Sarrayor. shall aapipt said Jary la sareeying and 1gYlag eat ss10: rsal+ Asd tact Bail Jury wake a repast la t61s eaaap at the nszt ragalar nesting of t61s Oggrt. 3 p,:. ';