3 ~ le dNedlfien of ee done ebli~etiea is anoM, that whsreaU, the above boanden Chae, • ~~ dOhsslaer lank Offered the hl~hiat bid of lnters0t en dsLly bslaneea (4 1~~"per Bent) and wee, on lebsnary 10,1919, oheasn Dy the gesuiealoners Coact ae depository of the Fnada of Lear gounty, inoladtng the School Funds, tos the tors of two yesse, beginning Febrnnry 10, 1919. lOR THSSEFO$B, if the Bald Chaa. SohreLner Bank shell asiely keep sad faithfully dlr bn~es the soheol Ynnda according N law, and pay sash wasrants ae say be drawn on said Panda by eeegretent aatherlty, and eha12 ao0oant fog them,'togstbsr with interest thereon at the date of 4-l~g per cent. per annam, Nlonlated on dally belaneea, to the Ooselealonsra Oonrt of said Scanty and to the Stets gap srlntendeat of Pablic Instraotloa u le regaired by lsw, tbea this Obligntion shall bs vold;bnt"otherwise, !t shall rwaln la fall Peres and efteet. I! TlgTIr01IY WHIIiB07, Wltaeae oar hands this tebruary 1g,1919. Chas. gohrelner Sank, ) principal. Approved In 0psn Coemlealensra ) Hy L.A.gobrelnar, Praeldeat. ) Cenrt, April lth,1918. ) L.A.gohrelnsr ) Oaa, F. gohre~aer, ) LEl WALLACS, A.C.gehreiner, ) gt1RETDSg. Oonnty Jadge, Yerr 8ounty,~ezas. ~ D.H.COrparette, ) Y.F.Weston. ) !Sled April bth, 1919 at 4 O'eloek Y.Y. Jao.H.Lea~sll, Clerk County apart, Eezr Scanty, Tana. ~ Sq ~ ##tNN#f/M###~############ THE STATE OF TExAS, COUNTY OF SERR. ) Ipr11 6th, 1919. On'this the bth day of April, A. D. 1819, the Commieeioner's Court of 8err County, Teaas, being oonvepeQ in a Special Seaeloa eL the Court House of avid County, Sn Kerrville, Texas, n quorum being present, to-wit: Lee Walleoe, County Judge, James Crotty, Commieeioaer pf Preoinot Bo.E, Hugo Wiedenfeld, Commlaeloner of Preoinot Bo.3, and C. A.Rodgere, Commieaioner of Preoinot Bo.4, and pgeeed the following order, to-wit: On this day acme on to be heard the petition of G.C. Donee and over fifty other:pereone, whn are resident property taz payers and quelifiid voter of Commiaeioner'e Preainota Hos. 1 an8 4 of Karr County, being politiael eubdiviainne of 8ai County and 8esortbed by metes and bounds ae follows: BEGIHBIBG at the S.W. oorner of Gillespie County; Thence Saet Yith the Borth line of Kerr a M ". line of Gillespie Conntiea to a point Sn said County line, about b00 vre. West of the Beat line of Survey Bo. 179, T.T.Hy,Ce. sad due Borth of the A. W, o^rner of Survey Bo.3, B.S. de F. Certificate Bo.1613, Thence South to the S.W, oorner of Survey Ho.3 H.5.4F. Thence Y+eet to a point io South line of Survey Bo.l, B.S. & F. Certificate Bo.1~996, due Borth of Lhe b."~. oorner of Survey Bo.l, Ben Fioklin, L &.Y.Co; Thence South to the S,W.oor- aer oY survey Bo.3, Ben Fioklin, I du a. Co. and S.E.Corner oY aur-ey so.4 G,R.Paraon; The me in s S.E. Direction to a point due H. 46 E. from the S, oorner of Survey Bo.71, W.T.Crook; Thence S, W. to said S, oorner oY Bo.71; Thence up add across the Guadalupe River to the Eaet oorner of Survey Ho. 63, W.T.Crook; Thence S, W. due to a point in the~line of Kerr and Benders Oonntiee, about 600 vre. W. o! the Yiaine of °nrvey Bo.l A. B. & Y. Certif. Bo.800; Thence West with She line of °err and Headers Conntiea to the ~.W. Corner of Karr County at the line of Real County; The nee Borth with the line oY Real County Lo its B.E. oorner; Thenee Weet with the North line of Sisal Oonnty Lo the oorner oY °err County nt the S.E, oorner of Kdwarde County; Thence Borth with the W. line of !err sad last line of Edwards Counties to the II.W, oorner oY °err County in South line of Kimble County; The ace East with B. line of °err and S. line of Kimble Counties to the B.E. oorner of °err and S.E. oorner of Kimble Conntiea and in the West line of G11~eaple,Connty; Thence 9otth with• line of Kerr and Gillespie CnnatisO x; x. , TOr~,~Or96taQ into a r04a p1aLrlaF ~OI ,aprr 4anpty,~, '1'piaB,:, aa4 iaa; wpaaw „pp }a.,,~f~~~N.;q, ~Oed Llstiist 9Z iarF ~ronsty, Tsus in the eam of !wa $nndrsd i~hopaand Rollass,, D+Mslag int- srest at a rate to be ilxpd by t¢s 4ommiaalonar'g Ooast not to ezoaod five sad enrhalf pas oentum per annum, and satpring forty years from the date of the leeuana• of said bonds and radaemabls at the option of said Aoad District of Yerr Boaaty, ~exaa, at nay ilea sitar ilea .years iron the data theraoi, for t¢e parpoaa of oonatraotlRg, walntaining sad operating mao- adamtsed, graveled or paved roads and tarnplkos or Ln sld thereof. dnd~lt appearing to the Court that asld peLltion la ptgnad by more than fifty of the rosldant property taz paying voters of the above and foregoing desoribe4 territory of Kerr bounty, Tezae, and that the smoont of the bondp„to De leaned will-not szooad one-fortt of t¢o assessed valnatloa of th• reel property eltaaLod in said above doecrlhai territory of &rrz Ooanty, i~e:aa. It le therefore aonatdesed and oa'dered by the Oourt, that tb• above sad zorr going described territory of Herr bounty, Tozsa b• and the same is hereby oreaped Into a rang lletrlot to be mown and daeLgnatod as fiend District to.ono of Yesr Ooanty, *ezas. And Si le farther or dared by the Oourt that an slsotloa bs h•l2 In Lho aildeabov dosorihsd fiend viatri o.one of Yerr Oouaty, Tezap, oo the 10th day of llsy A.D. 1918, which Le not loss than th.ltg' lays from the data of thin order, to determine whardher or not beads of •ald toad Dlatrtat so of Sorr county, +ezaa, shall b• issued In the amount of !wo gksdred rboaoa Dollars, bearing interest at al.ratr net~k0 ezoead flv sad ono-half per oontum par snnam sad sainting Sorty care Yrom the date hereof en redeeasble aL t¢e opLlon of said road DLatrlot )to.oaa of nett oanty, +ezaa, at any tine site: ilv• yearn iron their data, wbothar • Lax shall be levied np ho property of said $Rad BU trlet go.l, of zorr Oounty, Tsxaa, WbysoL to ta~catton for Lhe nrposea of paying the Lnterut on said bonfls sad to provide • finking tyMd for the zadeapLloa f asld Doada at matarlty. gotioe of said sloatlon shall bo glvea by pnbliaattos la a ~•tNipyiRr,kHublUhed Ln xorr pom ezee, for Soar ooneaodtlva •eak• hefor• the dais otapsld lootion aid tl1 addition thereto otloea of said election shall bo posted ap at Eels yubllo plao~pa Ln paid $oad DLetrlat 7s+~rs Yerr Ooanty, +ezas, one of which said notices phall be posted at Lbo Quart hones door of err Couatg, Tezea, for font aonsooatlva°woaka pi'ips to the bate of said olsotion. It le inrthsr ordered by the court t64t osld elaotloa shall b• iuld at the nasal •otLng lease Sn said road dletrlot and than be held by the regular otfieere of eleotlon aqd the anaes of holding said alsotion and 13 matting rotarn theraoi, a-ell bo controlled by the general laws of t6 U State, rilsting to rleotloas. dll parson who are prapsrty tax payers apd who are gualltUd oleotors residing rithla said road dletrlot 90. one of Yerr County, Tsxap, shall be allowed to cote at acid eleotlon T and all voters desiring to support the proposition to inane bonds sh11 have xritton or prtn~a on their ballots the words qor the Lseuanae of Soad gopds to Lhe amount of 1410 $nadred 9honaaad Dollars and for the levy of a taz of 63 aanta on the g].OQ.00 of aosouod property "~ valnea Ln anpport tbaroot, upon all property enb~ooL to tazatisn In rpad,Di~trlot goons' sad ail tboe opposed to the pripoeltlon to issued road bonds ehU7.Ma.. writtlrn QR' p~rlated on thsL. '4 hots the rorde 'rlgalnat the Lasaaao• of roafl bonds to th• agouat of ?fro yaaflrod 'Dhoaaand ~~ clines, sad against the levy of a taz of 48 cents on the X100.00 of-aasAasod property valnss E LA sgHHort tharsoi upon all property aabjeot to Lazatlotl in said deed Dlptriot Do.ona• ~, copy of thLa orders signed by the Oonaty indge of tb• Oounty atoroR~aid'ahall nerve as a roper notice of said eleotlon and the Qodpty Judge le directed to canna said notice to he j,: . ~4 abilshed !n a newspaper la sold Hosd Dlstriat Ho.one of xerr lonaty, +'oxae, !or tear oonaoo- ,afire weeks nezt preceding said eleotlon and canes a notice thereof to by ppptod at four g ablio places to sold Soad DletrioL eo.,oae of ppld County for four QQ-1p*ou~l*A weeks prior to tka,¢ato of e~ld Raelat ~ ~ I' `~ ~~~-. ,~ ,,.. _ ~ 'lt«, .its ,. ~.&~ ~O .tj ;a e 38~ T_ ,. The fobAgeiixQ.~lnatia tromp ''BSB to 881 hereof were read in open oonrt and found oorreot wsr• approved. this April btA, 1919. Attests ~~~ ((~~~ ~ ~i Z.oun~y T g~ / ~'11"~onn y er . THE BTATiS OF TffiAS, ~ 1 COT7PTY OP REHR. 1 B8 IT xEI[EI011;$SD, That on this the lEth day of April, A.D.1819, there was begun and holden a 8peaial Term of the Commteeionera Court of Kerr County,'rezae, at the Court hones thereof, to the town of Renville, Tezas. OFFICBK9 Pti&4EPT: Hon. Lee Pallace, James Crotty, Hugo RLedenfeli, County ~adgs, Commieeioner of Yreoinet Po.E, Commissioner of Yrectnet Bo.3, C.A.Rodgera, Commiaeloner of Preolnet Po.4. 3*;T.Yobre, Sheriti and JnE.R.Leavell, County Clark. The Court having De en regularly opened, the following proceedLnga were had, to-wit;- Rhe;:State of Teaa, 1 1 Bo. 40b. Rescinding Order passed at a Former 'ierm. County of Kerr. April lEth,1919. Qb le ordered by the Court that the order made by this Court on the bth day of Apr 11, 1919, oreating road Prectnet Bo. 1 and Hoad Prectact Bo.4, into one road District to De known 8e Aoad DistrloL Po.l, of Kerr County, +eaas, and ordering an elaotloa for a 7)800,000.00 Road Boad Issue, Ln said Road Bietrlet be and Lhe same Se hereby revoked and raeoinAsd for the reason that there are detente in said order that might rules some gastlon as to the legality of said order and election Lhat was Lo be held thereunder. #fil?$t##i~t ii#,F9tti}#iF#~fiF3F~ Ths Stets of Sezea, ) Bo.406, 1n the mater of CanvaeeLng Sp ealel Election County of Berr. 1 Held Ln Common School BSetrlot Po.EO,Kerr uounty,Teaae. Returns of a 9peodall Election held in Common sscholl Bietrlet Po.EO of Rerr County, 'eras, for the parpoae of Determining whether or not Bald District shall have levied and aolleated annually a loo sl malatemence tax et b0 cents oa the ;100.00 valuation of Taxabli property in said Distrlot, were opened and oanoaeeed on this April lEth,1919, and found {he results ae follows: "For the School Tax ---- it votes,- Agatnat the Sohool Taz -- votes. It Le ordere6 by the Court Lhat said eleotlon for the School •rax in said DLetrlot hoe been carried by a Ys~orlty of Eleven votes. A complete venues oP which Le shown Ln Election xstarn Book Po.E on page 10 of Kerr County, ~exae, to which reference Sa here made end also made apart of these minutes. THE STATE OF TESAS, ) I CODnTY Or RERR. I BB IT REYEYtBEFiED, that oa this 1Eth day of 1pri1, A.D. 1919, there was begun and holden a 8peoiel germ of the Commiseioner'e Court In and for Rerr County, Tease, at Lhe Court hoses thereof la the town of Kerrville, Tezas: OFFICSR3 Y3ESEPT: HOA• Les 11a11aoe, ------------------------ County Judge, James-Crotty, -------------------------- Oommlesioner of 2reoinot Po.E, Hngo Pledsnteld, ------------------------ Commies ion er of Prea Ln et Po.B, C.A.ROdgere, --------------------------- Commissioner of Preoinat Ao.4, " J.T.Yoora, 9heritt'astd Jhba$.Tieavell. Cognty }lark.