;. so.a:-u 1n Gommi®elonezs Court Herr 9oanty,xezas. ;. 3~s;~F "' $iR$ 80UHTY. Realgnatloa of J.T.Hi11,0oastable rr• Bo.e On thin lEth day o4 Heiy, 1819, game on to be ooneldered th• rosignatloA of J.T.$111, Constable la and for Jaetloe Yreoiact bo.8, of Kerr uoanty, •rezas, and the Court after eoaeidering same, aocspted Bald reelg¢atioa and ypeinted Dlek iwayse to fill th• anezpired Lean of the Bald J.1~.H111, ae 6onetable of rreolnat no.8, That Bald .11ok r: 9wnya• to qunllfy as req¢lred by law. In Ooemlaeloaers Co¢rL, ) In the .attars of 8=eonting Hsleaea to !o. 411. $.C .Abbott, to 8rowa County Sohool Leads. Eerr 9ounLy, z'ezas. 1 stay 18th, 1919. ' Un this day Dame on to be ooneldered the natter of releasing ' a Yendor'e Lien Hots for the eom of gg84.00 exeoatod as part payment to Harr County, for ' Bab-divisions Hnmbare 3g and 876 of Kerr Coanty Soheol Laude !n 8rowa County, z~azea, and It appearing to the aa~lefaotlon of the Court that Bald note and intersat had been paHd to Barr bounty ae shown by the County Trsaeurer'e 3eoorde of saki County, and that a releae• should be szeouted to the Bald H.C.Abbott, and signed by the Bounty Jadge and the Commlesloaera of Bald Kerr County, and aoknowledgad before the Clerk of yhte Court of thin date. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- o-o-o-o-o--- THE STATE OF TEEA$, 1 In Oommieeionare Court, Kerr County,'1'ezas. { Hq.418 COUNTY OF %ER3. ~ May 18th,1919. =iegnlar Hay Term, 1919. In the Hatters of Jury Vlew to Lay Change Ln Verde ~raek lioad, The report of the J¢ry of Vlew appointed at a former term of this Codrt to lsy out ¢ ohange Ln the Yerde Creole BoAd wsa examined and eooefted and or dared epred on the mknutee~ $Ep03T OF JURY OF VIEW. To:.the Hon. 6ommiaelonora ¢onrt of Kerr county, Te#ae. Wa, the undersigned Jury of Vlew appointed by the Court to 41ew an3 lay out a ehllpge of the Verde Creek road, report'ea follows: The ohange asked for $y your petitioners Sa net praottcal at this t1Ma ae - it would Duet to muob in damagoe end coaatructton and we rsoommand that tho road be left where it le, with the exooptlon of a slight ohenge between Lhe two first arosaing of the Creek, which is eatiafaotory to the land-owner e. S.G.Ho8lroy, ) H.C.Barileld, ) Jury of Vlew. NI W.H.Wltt ) -0-0-0-0-0-0-0.0-0.0-0.o-Q-0-0-0+'-' THE STATE OF•TEZA3, ) In Commiaetonera 9o,Rrt, Kerr County,Tazae. 80. 414 COUNTY uF KE'ZR. 1 asgular Hay Term, 1919, May lEth,1919. It appearing to the Court that Gse.Walkar, oY Center rolnt, Tease, has paid In sxcssa the sum o; ,jS.00 for need wheat to Karr County h'sught Mslief Yund, and !a entitle to a refund of eaLd amoant of aatd yrought :;elLei pnnQ, It la therefore ordered that r. . the anm of 43.00 pe paid to eaLd Geo. Walker, out cf the Drought itsitei Fund of Kerr Coanty, and the glerk of this Cogrt La Lnetrncted to draw a Voneher on ea id ywid for Bald amo¢nt Ln favor of said Geo.Walker, for said excess paLd for Seod Whaet. "s` -u-o- o- o- o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- o-a o---- ~. Quarterly x,eporte of Of#Soere. "~` BERR COUNTY. Ho. 41ta, ~," Hay 13th, 1919. ~ q a: i~z'_ The Quartesly reports of Jno,H.Leavell, County Clerk and )>~,$.2nrner, Justice or;act, wes• a p yof L raac• o! rtes avt q.l ware thin d examined and found o roved ~* , te~ ~ ~ ,~ ~ _ ~ ~;. A . t^