3 9.f Ile. 419: Olalmd allowai: Q1aLme, or acco ante against the various toads of Rerr County, were allowed ae shown in Mlnutee of Aeconnts Allowed by Coamtaeioners Court Ln Book No.5 on pages 18 to E1 inoluaive, whloh are made a part of these minntea. - o-o- o-o-o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o- o----- T'HE STATE uF TESA3, 1 In Commieaionera Court, Kerr County,rexae. 1 Ho. 418, COUATY uF RERR. ( .tegular May Term, 1919. May 13t h,1919. In the matters of .ycad Petlttona. The petitions of Geo.Saur et.sl. A,C.Joy et.el., and ell other~.petttlona now befors this court not otherw Lse diap'o sad of, are hereby passed until the next term of thin Court. -o-e-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o---- THE BTa'i~E OF TEIAS, 1 In Commtsaionera Court, Rerr County,Texea. Bo. 419, COUPiTY Or' REa3. ) 3eg ular May 't'erm, 1919. Sitting ea s Hoard oP lgnlllastLOn, May 13th,1919. Court met ea a Board of equalization on above date and the Aeeeaeor prosented tae Inventories of rroperty rendered to aim for the year 1919, and upon careful examLnatton of same, found same to be eatieYactory, and all renditions were accepted as given In to the Aaeeaeor. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o---- Tae State of Texas, ) In CommieAlonera Court, eierr Connty,Texae. Ho.4E0. County of Rerr. ) iiegular May, Term, 1919. May l~th,1919. It Le ordered by the Court that the sum of ;4.00 per month for Yay, Jnns end July be allowed each of the tollowing named Panpera, Ylm; Yre. John Story, Yrs. D. Hales, Herbert Brent, Yre. and Mlae Gilman, and J.B.Clement; and it La further ordered that the sum of $60.00 be allowed to the three ;teinherda, daeob, Jeasls and are. _LeLnhard, payebl• to Charles Schreiner Company at the end of thin quarter dpon presentation of bill shows merchandise advance eaLd pa up era by said Company and Ln like manner ears. Hlaie Anderson, is allowed ~1E.00 Yor the quarter payable to Heiman m urona, upon presentation of bill showing merohandise to the amoant of 11E.00 Yarnlahed alidrilele Anderson; and Ln like manner the sum of g1E.00 ellowefl inoy HamLltonlColored) Por the quarter, payable to some store in Center rolnt Lease, that preaenta bill ahowtng merchanlflm• fnrniahed eaLd Lucy naYllton to tae amount of ;12.00 sad the said U.u.Trap 1e allowed tae sum of 4E.50 per month for the ar to help Nay hones rent. ------o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- ----- 9TATr; vr• TBaAS,1 Ln Commisetonere Conrt,Eerr County,~i•ease. 1 !ay!!-416. nsgnlar Yey, Term, 1919. iaTY uF RER_ti. 1 Yay lEth,1919. In the Yatter of ApproveuketbiTax Colleotore $elle. ie ordered by the Court that J, T.1~Ioore, Tax Collector, for Rsrr County, Texas, ba orsdtt with the toll owing items: S RBoB: CB&J:Spea:JRP: J.F.: R.H,R: RD ~1:RD~2:RD,$3:SH: Polls 'ors in Asaeaementa: 1~.~6- 9.44 1.88 .6E 3:14 16.30'1.41 6.00 inquente, 1918: 187.12 108.20 21.64 7.21'36.09 52.23'14.61 .94 4.50 naolvante: 63.66 60.06 10.00 3.34'16.55 olleoted by Comptroller, 48.07 6.35 1.27 ~.~Z 2.12 soda gold under Judgment: elinquente Former Years: ^ _ _ 16:09 8.99 .40 E4.60 It is further ordered by the Court that J. T. Moore, Tea Colleotor for Rarr Texas, be credited with the following items: x '; ' ".!.`