3 9.f ,. ISerr,COaaty. He. 419: ~ Olaime allowsi. dlelma, or acco ante against the varioas funds of Kerr Co nnty, were allowed as shown in Mlnutee of Acooants Allowed by Commissioners Court Ln Book No.b on pages 18 to E1 Lncluatve, whioh are made a part of theee mLnntee. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a o- o-o-o-o-o----- THE STATE uF TEbA9, 1 In Commieaionera Court, Kerr County,Texea. 1 Bo. 418, COUNTY uF KERR. 1 :regular May Term, 1919. May 1St h,1919. In the mnttere of Ncad petltlona. The petitions of Oeo.9aur et.al. A,C.Joy et.el., and sll other~_petttiona now before this court not otherw tae dCepbsed ot, ar• hereby paeeed until the next term of this Court. -o-e-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o---- THE &rA'rE OF TEIA9, 1 In Commisslonara Court, Kerr County,~i~exae. 110. 419, COUS!TY OF KE`tR. ) 3egular May 'farm, 1919. Sitting ea s Hoard of lgnilAaation, Yay 13th,1919. Court met as a Board of llquelLzatlon on above date and the Aaeeseor presented the Inventor lee of rroperty rendered to him for the year 1919, and upon careful exsminetton oP same, found same to be satisfactory, and all renditions were accepted as given in to the Assessor. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o---- The State oY Texas, 1 In Commtedlonera Court, Karr Connty,~Pexae. Ho.4E0. County of %err. ) iiegular Alay, Term, 1919. May l~th,1919. It La ordered by the Court that the sum of ;4.00 per month for Ysy, Jana and July be allowed each of the fallowing named penpere, via; Mra. John Story, Mrs. D. Maine, Herbert Brent, Mra. and Miae Oilman, and J.B.Clement; and Lt Le further ordered that the sum of 860.00 be allowed to the three nelnherde, dacob, Jessie and mra. c,eLnhard, payable to Charles BchreLner Company at the end of thla quarter ppon preaentatlon of bLll shows merchandise advance Bald pa up era by said Company and Ln like mannor mrs. Blale Anderson, is sllomed ~1E.00 Yor the quarter payable to Bel man a urona, upon preaentetLon of bill ahowlag merahandLse to the amomt of ~1E.00 Purnlehed sAld iilale Anderson; and Ln 1Lke manner the sum of *1E.00 ellowefl iuoy BamLltonlColored) for the quarter, payable to come store Ln Center roLnt i;exsa, that~presente bLll showing merehaniflz• tarnlahed sold Lucy ua~llton to the amount of X12.00 and the ea id U.U.Trap ie allowed the sum oP ;E.50 per month for the Ignartar to help pay house rent. --- ---o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- -- 9TATA vF TFaAS,I In CommieaLOnera Conrt,Eerr Connty,•rexae. 1 sa~N-416. Bsgnlar Msy, rarm, 1919. is TY uF KER:t. 1 May lEth,1919. Ia the Patter of epprevaiEdiFY Tex Colleotore Sells. is ordered by the Court that J. T. Illoore, Tax Collector, for Kerr County, Texas, be oreddt with the toll owing items:S~~ R&B: CH&J:Spsa:JRF: J.F.:.C.H,R: RD ~l;RD~2:RTy'~3:SH: Polls ~ora in Aaseaementa: 12.~6~ 9.44 1.88 .6E 3.14 15.30'1.41 6.00 inquente, 1918: 137.1E 108.20 21.64 7.21'36.09 52.23'14.61 .94 4.50 olventa: 63.66 50.06 10.00 3.34 16.55 16:09- 8.99 .40 E4.50 leoted by Comptroller, `8.07- 635 127 ^~,~.2 212 _ da Sold under Judgment: inquente Former Years: '*e Totals 2E0.81 174.05 34.79 ll.b9 57.90 83.62 25.01 1.34 34.00°' It is further ordered by the Court that J. T. Moore, Tax Coll eat or for Kerr nty, Terms, be credited with the follotiving items: