3 9.f llo. 91'/ @lalme rllowsi: blaime, or eooounte against the variona funds of %err County, were allowed as shown Ln iiinutee of bccoante Allowed by Commissioners Court to Book No.b on pa gee i8 to 21 inclusive, whLoh are made a part of these mtnates. - o-o- o-o-o- o- o- a o- o- o- o- o-o----- THE 9'TATE vF TE%b9, ( In Commtealonars Court, Kerr County ,'texas. 1 No. 418, COUNTY uF %ERR. 1 degular Nay 'farm, 1919. Nay 13t h,1919. In the matters of goad petitions. The petitions of Oeo.9aur et.al. A,C.JOy et.sl., and ell other-.petttlone now before this court not otherwise dlapbscd ot, ars hereby passed until the next term of this Court. -o-e-o-o-o-o-e-o-o-o-o-o-~~---- " ~1HE Si'A~rE OF TEEAS, ) In Commissioners Court, %err County, Texas. iio. 419, COIIr?TY ON' %E`tR. ) 3egular Nay term, 1919. Bitting as a Board of lgnYlleatlon. Nay 13th,1919. Court met ae a Board of Kqualizatlon on above date and the Assessor presented tae Inventor tee of Property rendered to him for the year 1919, and upon careful examination of same, sound same to be satisfactory, and all renditions were accepted as given 1n to the -o-o- o- o- o- o- o- o-o-o- o---- The State of Texas, ) In Commissioners Coart, Kerr Connty,Texae. ) No.420. County of %err. ) Regular May, Term, 1919. May 13th,1919. It La ordered by the Court that the sum of ;4.00 per month for Ysy, June and July be allowed each of the EollowLng named panpere, Vis: Airs. Doha Story, Airs. D. Ha1ns, Herbert Brent, Yrs. and 1d19e Cllman, and J.B.Clement; and Lt Se further or dared that the sum of ~p50.00 ba allowed to the three xeinherda, daoob, Jewels and nra. neLnherd, payable to Charles Schreiner Company at the and of this quarter dpon presentation of bill shows merchandise advance said pa up era by said Company and in like manner Airs. Elate enderson, le allowed X12.00 for the gnarter payable to Heiman m i:rona, upon presentation of bill ahowtng merchandise to the amotmt o2 }12.00 Yurnlehed slid allele bndereon; and Ln like manner the eam of X12.00 allowed Luoy LLamlltonlCOlored) for the quarter, payable to some store Ln Canter roint Texas, that pro•aente bill ahowtng merchanlise inrnlahed said Lucy naihtlton to the amount of ;12.00 and the said U.C.Trap Le allowed the sum of ~C2.50 per month for the to help pay hones rent. ------ao-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- ----- HE 9Tbi•r: ur TKae9,1 In Commlesionere Conrt,%err Connty,•tsaee. i 110~M 416. usgnlar Nay, germ, 1919. uussx uF %ER.t. i Yey 12th,1919. Ia the A[atter of spprevsS+BYii' Tax Colleotore $olls. t is ordered by the Court that J. T.lioore, Tax Collector, for Kerr County, Teae.a, be credit d with the following Stem~:SSa R&B: CH&J:Spsa:JRF: J.F.: C.H.R: RD ~1:;RD~2:RB,~3:SH: Polls rrora in Assessments: 12.6% 9.44 1.88 .6E 3.14 15.30'1.41 b.00 1918: 137.12 108.20~21.64~ 7.21 36.09 52.23"14.61 .94 4.50 olvanta: 63.66 50.06 10.00 3.34' 16.55 16:09. 8.99 .40 24.50 looted by Comptroller, "8.07 6.3b 1.27 ...~ 2.12 da Sold under Judgment: inquents Former Xeara: , _. Totals 220.81 174.05 34.79 11.69 57.90 83.62 25.01 1.34 34.00 It is further ord ered by the Court that J. T. Moore, Tax Collector for %err nty, Texas, be credited with the following items: