~Diatriot Sohoole: #2: $3: $4 fib: ~8: X10: $12: X14: `#14: ~17~19:#1®,~~~a Delinquents, 1918: 8.99 4.08'24.688.96 .70~• ~ Inaal~ayn'~e: 8.94' 6.6b 7.95 7.53 1.60 3.74 .16` .0@'2.A~° &rrore in Assessments: .40 .75.3.15' Collsoted by Comptroller: ,!' 1.92 4.40` Delinquent former Yeere: _ ~ _ _ _ ,_ _,,. m,.+e~o icaz ~~ nz zzln in_ae z_iF i _ Fn ~_GF _~F _nn '. nH R_Af,~- It is further ordered by the Court that J. T. Hoore, Taz Collsotor for =~ ' , Kerr County, Terms, be oharged with the Following items: ~ ..-tya ' Adv: RBoB: CH&J. Spao: J.R.F.: Jury: CHR .:.D..D.+1: RD~2: Rd~3: SH: Polls Rodemptlona: @0:66 62.7:: 11.95 3.98 11.91 28.3b 16.76• .63 Interest & Penalty:21.44 16.91 3.39' 1.12 b.65 5.92' 2.44 .08 Supplemental: _ _ _ .7 Totals, 192.10/79.63/15.34 5.10 17.56 34.27 19.20 .71 32.7b ~t ie further ordered by the Court that J. 'T. Moore, Tax Collsotor For Kerr County, Te~.s, be aYarged with the following items:-- District Schools: ~2: ~3: ~4: ~5: ~8: $~10: X12: {~14: X16: X17: g18: X19: X20; X21: ' Supplemental: Redeemed: 6.04 2.56 4.2b .54 10.42 Interest & Penalty: 1_09 3_12•_ .87 _ _11 _ _ _ _ _ _ 1.46 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 's The State oP Teasa,0 In Commissioner's Court, Ho. 421. ~ '--' County of Kerr .O May Term, A. D. 1919. May 13th, 1919. It appearing to the aourt that there is some unfinished business that { cannot ba reaohed at this time, the oourt adjourned until May 21st, 1919. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0. Tha State of Texas,C In CommiesioneT'a Oourt, County of Karr .O May Term, A. D. 1919. May 21st, 1919. Pursuant to adjournment taken on the 13th day of BSay, 1919, the oourt re-aonvenad and the Following proceedings were had, to-wit: 4.x,1• ~ CAWVASSISIG RETURUS AS7D DECLARING RESULT OF ELECTION IN ROAD DISTRICT No. 1. At a meeting of the Commissioner's Court of Kerr County, held on the 21st day of May, 1919, at whioh were present: Dee 1Ba13aae, County Judge: Arthur Real, County Commissioner, Preninot No. 1; James Crotty, County Commissioner, Preainat No. E; Hugo WiedenYeld, County Commissioner, Preninot No. 3: Chas. A. Rodgers, County Corr˘oissioner, Preninot No. 4; J. T. Moore 3her1FP and John R. beavell, Gounty Clork. Came on to ba oonaidered the returns of an eleotion held in Road Distriot No. 1 of said County, on the 17th day oY May, 1919, to determine whether or not the bonds of sai Road Distriot should be issued to the amount oP Two Hundred Thousand Dollars, bearing in- tereat at the rate of five per sent, payable Forty year a-Prom data, for the purpose of oonatruoting, maintaining and operating maoadamiaed, graveled or paved roads and turnpikes or 1n aid thereof and whether or not a tax of 45 oenta shall be annually levied, assessed ~snd oolleoted on the property aubjeot Lo taxation in said Soad Distriot, sufficient to pay tho,intsrest on aai~ bgnc~~ and to provide the nsoeasary iin)cing Pi}nd to redeem Lhem at 397 matm~ity, and it appearing that said eleotion was in all respects lawfully held, and said returns duly and legally made, and that there ware cast at said election 514 votes of which number 47i votes ware asst "for the issuance of bonds in said amount and Por the levy of ` said tea oP 45 cents", and 38 votes were cast "Against the levy of said tsa of 45 cents^, and 2 votes mutilated. It is thsrsiore ordered and declared that the proposition to issue said bonds and levy of said tsa was sustained by s two-thirds majority of the qualified property tea-payers voting at said eleotion in said Road Diatriot and Kerr County is authorised to issue said '~. bonds and to ~.evy and have said tea assessed and dolleated. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Order authorising the issuance of Bonds in Road Diatriot No.~l Whereas, at an election held Por the purpose on the 17th day of May, 1919, a two- thirds majority of the resident qualified voters, who are property tax payers of Road Distri No. 1 of Kerr County, Tease, voting at said election, sustained-4---the pr oposition'to issue the bonds and levy the tax hereinafter described by a vote of 474 Por the issuance of bonds _ to a vote of 38 against the issuance of bonds therefore: 1st: It is ordered, adjudged and dearaed by the Commissioner's Court of Kerr County Tease, that the bonds of said County to be called Road DistrictNol Hoad Bonds, be issued ,t under and by virtue of the Special Road law Por Kerr County S. B. No. 220, passed by the 36th legislature at its regular 1919 session. 2nd: Said bonds shall bo numbered t~cngecutively from one to four hundred inclusive; they shall be of Lhe denomination of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) each, aggregating the sum of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200.000.00) , 3rd: They shall be dated the-tenth day of June, 1919, shall become due and payable forty years from their date, but may be redeemed at the pleasure of the County at any time after five years from their date. 4th: They shall bear interest at the rate of five par cent par annum, payable 9em1 annually on the 10th dayaed.pntbber and dprdl, of each year. bth: Principal and interest shall be payable on presentation and surrender of bond or proper coupon at the office of the County Treasurer in Kerrville, Teems, or at the Chemlael Hatl~onal Bank of Hew York Clt;~, H.Y. ::t the opt6on of the Holder. 6th: The said bonds shall be signed by the County Judge, countersigned by the County Clerk and registered by the County Treasurer, and the seal of Kerr County shall be impressed upon each of them. 7th: The fao simile signatures of the County Judge and the County Clerk may be lithographed on the coupons. 8th: It is Further ordered, adjudged and dearaed by the Court that to pay the interest on said bonds and create a sinking Fund sufficient to discharge them at maturity a tea shslll be annually levied, annually assessed and nolleoted on all tamable property in said Road District Ho. 1, oP Kerr County, Teass, and a tea of forty Five cents on each One Hundred Dollars valuation of tamable property in said Road Diatriot No. 1, is here new levied for the remainder of the current year and same shall be assessed and collected for the current year. 9th: It ie also ordered that the Chas. Schreiner Bank be authorized to taY.e and have charge of said bonds, pending their investlgation by the Attorney General, and upon their approval and registration shall have authority to negotiate their sale and receive for said R~.d District the proceeds thereof. 10th: Said bonds shall bear the endorsement: "Issued by Kerr County for account of Road Diatriot No. 1 of said County, and interest and principal ors payable by the of said flaunty from apaoiel taxes levied aril aolleoted by the County iipbn said &oad for that purpose". 11th: It appearing to the Court that Road Distriot No. 1 now hoe outstanding road bonds dated September lOth,.1913, aggregating 34,600.00; and it is the further order of this Court that the same amount of this iasue-be esohangod for said bonds dated September 10, 1913, in the way and manner presoribed by paragraphs one and two of Artiola 637E of the General Laws passed by the 35th Lagislatur• at its regt~lar,1917 session. 0-0-J-0-0~-0-0-0-0-0-0-0«O TBE STTE OF TEZAS,4q No. 423, Zn Commissioner's Court, Karr County, Tesae. COUNTY OF KS,RB.1 ABay 21st, 1919. Approval of Constable's Bond. The bond of Diok Swayze, as Constable in and for Precinot No. 2, Kerr County Tezas, is ezamined._and.llraby approved. ~ Sit q o-o-o-o-o-o-o=o-o-o-o-o-o THE STATE CF SEXAS,O In Commissioner's Court of Karr County, Tesas. COUNTY OF KER8.0 Regular Bday Tarm, 1919. May 21st, 1919. *TA$ L$VY* On this the 21st day of May, A. D. 1919, at a regn].ar term of this Court a full board being present and participating, the Court proceeded to levy County Tazee for the year, 1919• It ie ordered by the Court that the following County Taxes be levied upon all able property situated in Kerr County, Terms, on the 1st day oP January, A. D. 1919, via: ~Ad Valorem Taz of 22 cents on each 100.00 valuation; Road and Bridle, 15 cants on each 100.00 valuation; $ae'd Distriot No. 1, 17'penta on eaoh y100.00 valuation; Read District No. 2, 20 Dents on eaoh 100.00 valuation;, Road District No. 3, 5 aente on eaoh ~100.Op valuation; i 'Jury Tas 2 aenta on each 100.00 valuation; Court House and Jail Taa, of 3 Dents on eaoh $100.00 valuation; Jail Repair Tax of 1 cent on each X100.00 valuatlon; Distriot Sohool No. 2, tax of 2b cents-on eaoh 100,00 valuation, Ids intananaa. Distriot Sohool No. 2, tax of 25 cents on eaoh $100.00 valuation, Bond building Fund. Distriot Sohool No. 3, tsa of 25 cents, on each 100.00 valuation, Yaintarnnee. Distriot Sohool No. 4, Tas of 10 Dents on eaoh 100.00 valuation, Maintenance. pistrict Sohool No. b, Taa of 25 cants on eaoh $100.00 valuation, ELtintenanoe. Distriot Sohool No. 5, Tas of 25 cants on eaoh ;100.00 valuation, Sond Issue. Distriot Sohool No. 10, Taz of 15 Dente on each $100.00 valuation, Maintenanae. Distridt Sohool No. 12, Taz of 15 aenta on each X100.00 valuation, DQe.intananoa. Distriot Sohool No. 14, Taz of 16 cents on each $100.00 valuation, ~e,intenanoe. Distriot Sohool No. 8, Taa of 15 oants on eaoh $100.00 valuation, Maintenance. Distriot Sohool No. 16, Bas of 20 cents on eaoh X100.00 valuation, Yaiatenanoe. Distriot Sohool No. 19, Tas of 35 vents on eaoh $100.00 valuat.iou, Bond Issue. Distriot Sohool No. 16, Taz of 10 aenta on eaoh 100.00 valuation, Ne,intanerno6. pisyriot Sohool No. 19, Tas of 25 Dents on each $100.00 valuation, Dfaintenanoe. Distriot Sohool No. 20, Taa of 50 cants on each 100.00 valuation, IIe.intananoe. Distriot Sohool No. 21, Taz of 20 aente on eaoh $100.00 valuation, Yaintenaae. ConYederate Pensions 5 cants on eaoh y~100.00 valuation. Oaoupation Taz, one-half that ed by the State of Taxers. County Poll taz ttiventy five Dents on eaoh male. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 Ths Fonrt took a rq,aoae uptil;Lay $eth, 19,19, at 10 O'clook A.W., r ~;