of said bounty from speoial fazes levied and aolleated bg tbo County'npen said goad for that purpose°. 11th: It appearing to the Court that Raed Dietriat No. 1 now has outstanding rood bonds dated September lOth,.1918, aggregating $34,500.00; and it Se the further order of this Oovrt that tho same amount of this issue-be ezohangad for said bonds dated September 10, 1913, in the way and manner prasoribed by paragraphs one and two of Article 637E of the General Saws pseead by the 35th Degis]aturo at its regglar,1917 easalon. 0-0->-0-0-69-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 THE ST,TE OF TEYAS,Q Ho. 423, In Commissioner's Court, Kerr County, Te7aas. OOUNTY OF KBRR. May 21st, 1919. Approval of Constable's Sond. Tha bond of Diok Swayze, sa Constable in and for Preoinot No. 2, Kerr County, Texas, is ezamined_and.lereby approved. " .~ Sq q o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o THE STATE ~ ' S,Q In Commissioner's Court of Kerx County, Texas. COUNTY OF KERR.O 8egular May Tarm, 1919. May 21st, 1919. eTAY IJ9VY* On this the 21st day of May, A. D. 1919, at a regular term of this Court a full board being present and participating, the Court pros®eded to levy County Tazea for the year, 1919• It is ordered by the Court that the following County Tazea ba levied upon all t abls property situated in Kerr County, Texas, on the let day of January, A. D. 1919, viz: -Ad Valorem `Paz of 22 cants on each 100.00 valuation; Road and Bride , 15 cents on eaoh X100.00 valuation; Road Dietriat No. 1, 17'aente on e~~hy100.00 valuation; Road Distriot No. 2, $0 Dente on eaoh 100.00 valuation;• Rued Distriot No. 3., 5 Dente on each 100.00 valuation; a 'Jury Tea 2 Dente an eaoh $100.00 valuation; ~. Court House and Jail Taz, of 3 Dente on eaoh ~p100.00 raluatlan; ,Jail 8epair Taz of 1 Dent on each ,";100.00 valuation; Distriot Hahool No. 2, tax of 25 aente~.on eaoh100.00 va]uation, Maintsnanos. Distriot Sohool No. 2, tax of 25 Dente on eaoh X100.00 valuation, Bond building Fund. Distriot Sohool No. 3, tea of E5 cants, on each $100.00 valuatiari, Yaintenanoe• District Sohool No. 4, Taa of 10 Dente on each 100.00 valuation, Waintenanos. Distriot Sohool No. b, Tax of 25 cants on eaoh $100.00 valuatlon, Maintenanoe. Distriot Sohool No. 5, Taz of 25 eante on eaoh $100.00 valuation, Bond Issue. District Sohool No. 10, 1:az of 15 Dente on each 100.00 valuation, -faintenanoe• Diatridt Sohool No. 12, Taz oY 15 Dante on eaoh X100.00 valuation, DQs.intenanoe. Distriot Bohool No. 14, Taz of lb cents on each $100.00 valuation, Maintensnoe• Distriot Sohool No. 8, Taz of 15 canto on eaoh y~100.00 valuation, Maintenance. Dietriat Sohool No. 16, Taz of 20 Dente on eaoh X100.00 valuation, ~aintenanoe• Diatrlot Sohool No. 17, Taz of 35 Dente on eaoh X100.00 valuatioA, ~on~ Issue. Distriot Sohool No. 18, Taz of 10 aenta on eaoh $100.00 valuation, 9faintpnanoe. Distriot Sohool No. 19, Taz of 25 Dente on eaoh $100.00 valuation, D(aintenanoe. Dlstriot 9phool No. 20, Tea of 60 cants on sach $100.00 valuation, ifaintenenoe. -Dietriat Sohool No. 21, Taz of 20 oenfe on ®aoh $100.00 valuation, Ysintenaoe. Confederate Pensions 5 aenta on eaoh 100.00 valuation. Occupation Taz, one-half that od by the State o3 Tezas. County Po7.1 taz twenty five aente on eaoh male. o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o Ths Court took a rlAeae uAtil ltoy $8th, lA~9t at 1C O'clo4k,A.i~•, b,,. ~a~=~- ;~ ' .,.~. v ~':