3~5 Tli1G BTATL 08 T1sSA9, ) ~ Yay Egth, 1919. ) COUDITY OP' Kr1tR. ) In Commissioners court Herr County, Sexae. Pnrauant to an ad~ourment taken ty the Court on ray Elat,1919, the Court re-convened on the above date and the following proaeedinga were het to-wit;-- The State of Sexae, 1 Ao. 4Eb. In commissioners Court, Kerr Couaty,Teaee. ComLnty of Kerr. 11 ray EBth, 1919. In the matters of Canvassing speoial Election Returns. The returns of 3peolal Eleotioncheld on ray 24th, 1919, for the purpoaea of voting on Constitutional Amendments, were this day taken up and aenvaseed and retaune tabu- lated ae shown in Eleotion Return Book for Kerr County, i'exas, in Book Ho.2 on pegee 12 i 13 which is hereby referred to and mafle a part of these minutes. -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 -0-0 -0 -0 -0---- The State oY Tease, ) 9o.4 E6. In iommiseionera Court, Kerr Bounty,Teaee. County of Kerr. ) ray EBth, 1919. In the matters of Raising salary of Farm liemonatrater of Kerr On this day Dame on to be conaide red the matte ra of a rains in the ~elary of the germ Demonstrator of Kerr County, Sexes, and after due consideration thereof, tt appear- ing to the oourt thot the salary now reodived by said Farm Lemonetrater, is insufficient,and ahoul8 be raised. It Se therefore ordered by the Court that the salary for the Ferm Demonstrator for Kerr County, Tezae, be and the same to hereby rained X16.66 E/3 per month, or $100.00 Yor six months, 1n nddit ion to ael cry already allowed to said Farm Lemonetxator, for a perio of sin months beginning July let, 1919 and ending lleoember 31st,1919. .-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o---- The State of Texas, In Comm ieaio ne re Court,. Kerr County, Texas. lQounty of Kerr. ) Ro.4E9. ray EBth, 1919. In the matter of Payment of Yart Salary to Tsa Aadc saor, This day Dame on to be aoneidere8 the matter oY advancing the Tsa Aeeeaeor of Karr County, Texas, the sum of X160.00, to be ahargad to him ea oo˘m~isaiona;--Yor the yea r 1919, and it appearing to the Court that said Assessor Se entitle to said cum, It is there- fore ordered that the Clerk of this Court Draw Voucher for $100.00 on the Ad Valorem Fund and Voucher on Roafl and Bride Fund for X60.00 in favor of W.C.Yetereon, Tax leeesaor, for KerrCounty, Tease, and,oharge same against him ae oommieaionena advanced for the year 1919. -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0---- Kk~RR COURTY. Ho. 4Eg. Payment o4 &leotion Offiers. It ie ordered by the Court that the Eleotion offioere that help hold the Cons titutlon Eleotion On May E4th, 1919, and those that held the Road Bond Eleotion on Stay 17th,1919, be and they are allowed the eum of >jE.00, except the Returning Judges, who are hereby allowed the sum oP jE.00 extra ea returning offioera and allowed by general Eleotiona lows of this Mate. ~n0~ The Mate of Texas, ) County of Kerr. ) -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0----- In Commissioners Court oY Kerr County,Teaes. ray Esth, 1919. This day creme on to be ooneiderad the bills or eoaonnte of Ur.E.E,pelmer Ur.LA.Roberte, and the Kerrville sanitarium Rospital of Kerrville, fur medioel attention rendered 7nok 14111er, e~prieioner in charge of sheriff oY Kerr County, Texan, end it ppear• ing to the Court that said naoounte are duet and should be paid. It ie therefore ordered J