3`t ~ i'ttE BT~TiS CB rt:2AS, ) )' ~ ~ May 28th, 1919. COUNTY OB' BritR. ) In Commiasionera court aerr County, Texea. Pursuant to an ad~ourment taken t,y the Court on xay Elat,1919, the Court re-convened on the above date and the following proceedings were het to-wit;-- The State oP 1'eana, I Ao. 4E6. In Commissioners Ccurt, Kerr Connty,Texae. County of Kerr. I1 xay 28th, 1919. In the matters of Cnnvaeaing Speoiel Election Returns. The returns of Special Eleotloacheld on May 24th, 1919, for the purposes of voting on Constitutional Amendments, were this day taken up and canvassed and ret~mns tabu- lated ea shown in Election Return Book for Kerr County, a xae, is Book Ho.2 on pages 12 i 13 which is hereby referred to and made a part of these minutes. -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 -0-0 -0 -0 -0---- The State oP Texea, ) Ho.4E6. In tommieaionere Court, Kerr 8ounty,Teaea. County of Kerr. ) may 28th, 1919. In the matters of Raising Salary oP Farm Demonstrator oP Kerr County On thla day Dame on to be oonaidered the matters of a raise in the ~elary of the berm Demonstrator oP %err County, Texea, end after due consideration thereof, it appear- ing to the court that the salary now reodived by said r'erm Lemonetrater, is inaufficient,anfl should be raieed. 1t ie therefore ordered by the Court that the salary Por the berm Demonstrator for Herr eonnty, Tezae, be and the sane ie hereby raieed $16.66 E/3 per month, or $100.00 for six months, Sn addition to salary already allowed to said Farm Lemo natrator, for a perio of Sia months beginning July let, 1919 and ending December 31st,1919, .-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0---- The State of Texea. In Commiasionera Court ,_ Kerr County, Texas. Eounty of Kerr. ) No.4E7, xay EBth, 1919. In the matter of Payment oP Yart Salary to Tea esaeeeor. This day Dame on to be oonaidered the matter of advancing the Tea oaeeaeor of Kerr County, Texea, the sum of $160.00, to be charged to him ae oommiseions::--for the yea 1919, and it appesring to the Court that avid Assessor is entitle to avid sum, It is there- fore ordered that the Cierk of this Court Draw Voucher for $100.00 on the Ad Valorem Fnnd qnd Voucher on Roafl and Bride pund for $60.00 in favor of A.G.Yeteraon, Tax Assessor, for Kerr County, Tease, and,oharge same against him ne oommissionena advanced for the year 1919. -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0---- 8]iRR COUNTY. Ho. 428. Payment oP Election OfPiers. It is ordered by the Court that the Election officers that help hold the Constitution Eleotlon on May 24th, 1919, and those that held the Road Bond Election on May 17th,1919, be and they era eYlowed the sum oP $E.00, except the heturning Jndgea, who are hereby allowed the sum oP $2.00 extra ae returning officers and allowed by general Elections laws of this State, ~ 600 ~ 'The estate of Texas, ) ) County oP Kerr. ) -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o.o-o----- In Commissioners Court of Kerr County,Texae. May 28th, 1919. This day came on to be oonaidered the bills or accounts of Dr.E.E,palmer Lr.A.A.Roberte, and the Kerrville Sanitnrium Hospital of Kerrville, fir medical attention rendered dank Miller, e~prieioner in charge of Sheriff of Kerr County, Texas, and it~ppear- ing to the Court that said aeoounts are ~uat and -should ba paid. It~is therefore ordsFed