3`ty SBL ST6TiS OF si>EJ3, )' May Egth, 1919. COUNTY OP' Kr1tR. ) In Uommieaionere court aerr County, loxes. Pursuant to an ad~ourment taken l;y the Court on may Elst,1919, the Court re-convened on the above date and the following proceedir,ga were hat to-wit:-- The State of T'eaea, 1 fto. 426. In Commissioners Court, Kerr County,Texee. ) County of Kerr. 11 may EBth, 1919. , In the mettera of Canvassing ~peo iel Election Returns. The returns of Speoial Election:held on May 24th, 1919, for the purposes of voting on Constitutional 6mendmenta, were this day taken up and oeavaseed and retuxne tabu- lated as shown in Eleation Return Book for Karr County, 'ie xae, in Book No.E on pegee 12 t 18 whioh Sa hereby reterre8 to and made a part of these minutes, -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0---- The State of Texas, ) 90.426. In Oommisaioners Court, Kerr 8ounty,Texas. ) County of Kerr. ) may Egth, 1919. In the matters of Raising Salary of Farm Demonstrator of Kerr On this day Dame on to be considered the matters oY a raise in the ~elary of the berm Demonetiater of Kerr County, `coxes, and after due consideration thereof, tt appear- ing to the oourt Chet the salary now reoaived by said Farm Lemonstrater, is insufficient and should be raised. It Ss therefore ordered by the Court that the salary for the Farm Demonstrator for aerr County, Tease, ba and the same ie hereby raised $16.66 E~3 per month, or $100.00 for six months, in addition to salary already allowed to ea id Farm l+emonetrator, for a perio of die months beginning July let, 1919 and ending December 31st,1919. .-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0---- The State of Texea, In Commieeio ne re court, Kerr County, Texea. P county of Kerr. ) No.427, may 28th, 1919. In the matter of Payment of Pnrt Salary to Taz •asesaor. This day Dome on to be aoneidere8 the matter of advancing the Tax 4eaesaor of Kerr County, Texea, the eumof $1b0.00, to be charged to him ea oommiaeioas::e-for the yea 1919, and it appearing to the Court that said oaeessor is entitle to said sum, It Se there- fore ordered that the Clerk of this Court Draw Voucher for $100.00 on the id Val or.em Fnnd and Vouoher on Rosa and Bride Bund for $60.00 in Yavor of W.G.Petereon, Tax ~eseaeor, for Kerr County, Teaas, and,oharge rime against him ae oommisaionena advanoe8 for the year 1919. -0-p-0-p-0 -0-0-0-0-p-0-0-0_0-0-0-0---- ~,~ COUNTY. Ho. 4Eg, Psymbnt of Eleation Offiars. It is orderatl by the Court that the Eleation offioers that help hold the Constitution Eleation on May 24th, 1919, and those that held the Boad Bond Eleation on May 17th,1919, be and they are ell owed the sum of $2.00, except the Returning Judges, who are hereby allowed the sum of $2.00 extra ae returning offioere and allowed by geaeral Eleot cone laws of this State, ~ 600 The Mate of Teaas, ) County oY Kerr. ) -')-0-0-0-J-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0----- In Commiaeionera Court of Kerr County,Texas. May EBth, 1915. This day some on to be considered the bills or aooonnts of Dr.E.E,palmer Dr,6.~.Roberta, and the Kerrville Sanitarium Roapitel oY Kerrville, fir medioel attention rendered dank Miller, s~prieioaer in charge of Sheriff of Kerr County, Texas, and it ~ppear- ing to the Court that said naoounta are duet and should be paid. It~ie therefore ordo-Ybtl t said a00aaaL• bb slid .~alM#x'^!~ b~r~"' r~~^~R tin 4nt~ ra inn »_.~annnnLn,. rwM versa-. _