The Stets of xsxao,) Hot4~. In Oommiealonsra Oo˘rt, Yers County, ~'ezas. ~, ~onnty oP Serr. ) duly E4th,1918. $peolal Jnly Term, •.D. 1919. The Trustees of Oommon $ohool )letrlat 80.19, for Yerr Coanty,Tssae, is hereby authorlssd,to sell the $ohool 8onoe now is ˘ae by said Dlatrlat and to nee the I funds derived thereiro~p la sreoting a asw building on the groands ehoeea for said Sohool Dletrlot. ,~~ -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- In Yommiaeioaera Oourt, Yerr Ooanty, Ta:se. The State of Tozae, ) )Io.431. $peolal July rsrm, •.D. 1919. Oouaty of Sorr. ) July 24th,1919. It la ordered by the oourt that, •.C.$ohrelner, Jr., being and he le hereby appointed Publio ;slgher In and for J4atice Preglnot 80.1, of Ysrr Oounty, roses, aaa Y.Y.Bood, be and he ie hereby appointed.Pnbllo Ws[gher, in anfl for Jnetloe prealnot 80.2, of Yerr Yp˘nty, Tezes, sad J.d.Denton, be and hs la hereby appolatea P˘bllo Weigher in sad for Jostles rrsolnct 80.4, of Yerr •onnty, Tszao, eaoh of wham shall.;MSll!},,ae eaoh Publlo Weighers for the reepeetlvs preoLnote in which they are appoiated and glue a good sad eaf- Tlclent Bond ae roquired by law for Publio Weighers ae provided in the •ote of the Thirty- $izth I.eglsleture under $hapter 36. - - o- o- o- o- o -o- o• orseo- o- o- ---- -- Ho.438, Yerr Oonnty. petition of Geo.Sanr Tor Y~oad, July PAth,1919. The Petition of,al. for 9hird Gilboa Jogd from Hsasy allerkamp'e Heeldenos to the Yerrvtlle and Oypreee Greek Yablio Ilsad, at4;rr being duly nonuldered sse rajeoted. so.433. -ao-o-o-o-o-ao-o-o-o-o-o»--- y YEitti C9U8TY. ~dvsnosment to •eeeaaos Tos Oommleelons,l919. July 84th, 1919. The Jlerk of this Court La hereby dlr~pted to draw Yoaohss for ~b0,00 on td Yslorem Ynnd, ono oa Head and BrLdge Pund for ,bQ.00 end oae qa the Jury 7ya8 01 Yerr County for ~bo.CO, eaoh !n favor of F•O.Petsreon, se ea adveaeement el/ ;ogdllsllant=Tor the year 1919, -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-aao-o-o-o-u- 76ers being no YuTther business to oome before the Qourt at tole time, }nd the foregoing ;<,, min˘tes from page 400 to pCZ inolwirixwers road In open o9ns;. Ors per;by approved, ~etd ^$ eoart now etanae adaonrasd ant}1 ae:t term. '• .ar •tteeta ~ ~`~ ""'~~~ -' - Donn-~y -$:,er c. -loin-'~T7p3gi. ~a~'r.. ;..1