The 8tats of reza8,) 8oy4D0. In Comalaslonere Coast, xerT aoaavy, se~cea, Uonaty of 8err. ) Jnly 24tb,1818. gpsolal July Tesm, ,-.D. 1819, The Trnateee of Oommon Sohool )Setrlot 80.19, to; Beer Coanty,Tezaa, la hereby authorlaed to Bell the iahool 8ooee now la ace by sold Diatrlot and to ace the faIIde derived thersirop In creating a new balldlag on the gropnde ohoasa for Bald Sohool Histrlot. -o-o-cro-o-o-o- o-o-o-o-o- Sn 4ommleelonere 80 art, $err Oonnty, Taws. The $tats of Tezas, 10.481. 8pealal Jnly ssrm, •.D. 1919. 8ouaty of Berr. ) July 24th,1918. It la ordered by the court that, •.C.SOhrelner, Jr., being and he le hereby eppolated Pnbllo Telghsr la and for Jnetloo Pxeglnot 80.1, o! Serr Bounty, aezae, and Y.B.HOOd, be and he La hereby n$pointed Ynbllo Wstgher, La end for Jnetioe Prealnat 80.2. o! Yerr Qonaty, Tezsa, cad J.d.Deaton, be and he la hereby appointed Pnbllo Weigher in aad for Joatloe rrsolnet 80.4, of Yorr 8onnty, Tszae, saoh of whom ahall.gsflli#~:aa auoh YabiLo Tslghgre for the reapectlve Precincts in whlah they are appointed ea8 glue a good ,mod eaf- ilalent Boad ae required by law for Pnbllo Weighers ae pro7ldsd la the Aota o! the Thirty- glzth Legielatura ender 8hapter 36. --o-o- a o-0-o-0•oreso-o-o------- 80.43$, Yerr Bounty. petition of Geo.Bear Tor ~osd, July 24th,1918. Tha Patitlon of 8eo.yat,~rr.•t,sl. for Thirp C11:aa hoed !!om 8emwy ~llerkamy'e 8eeldenos to the $errtllls and Cypze6a Qresk Yablio dead. alter being daly oonaidered~eae ra~eoted. ~ • - o- o- o- o- o- o- a o- o- o- a o- a--- 30.438. IBHli CODBTY. 4deanoament to 6astaaa)C ier 8ommieelone,1819. July g4tlt,1828. The •lsrx of t61e Court la hereby dlreotefl to draw Yoaohos fos ~GO.00 oa •d Valorem Farad, one oa Bead aad fridge Pond for ~6Q.00 en4 one on the easy land o! Yerr ' County for #b0,00, esoh Ln faeor of lI.O.Psteraon, ae ap adtaapement •a RoaielllaSiw~=ior the year 1818, -o-o-o-ao-o-o- o-o-p-o-o- a~- .@ ,,` } There being no further bnaLneas to nome before the Court at Chia time, end the forogoing minatgs from page 400 to A02 inalueltrrwere seed !n opsri g4ur~, 4se kerpby appeased, and Boast vow stands ed~oarmsd ant~l nezt trim. ~' ~ttset: "~ - - - - Ooaa y ~ sr ' Oqn * a a,