THE `BSATE (]e' TEZAS,) "~ In CommieeioeareCourt,'Ke ier iount~,Tazaa. - ' 1 Ho.438. ougaet ~exm, 1819. COUtITY OF %ERR. ) ~ August l,ltb:1919• - It ie ordered by the Court that the Juatioe Preoinote from this data on , shall be numbered 1, 8, $10-aad~4 and shall h4~'a ompdae d~~of the-i'our ColnmlaRa 4nera.. Yrepinot6 of Karr County, Tessa,, r@apeptively, an¢ haQO t~h0.A8me bouadaril,a Da,Bald Qo>AWieeionere rrec coats iJOe. 1, E, S,aAd 4 and the time for hol GilDg oourt in Jue tlge~?'.reolnc t, CIA •1, shall, be on the 4th .and qy in each month from this date; end lima for hp1d,14B Couut, y4 Jua floe Pr eainat No.E, shall be on the End monday.f,n eagh mgntty ifioai date of this arse;; and time i Yor holding Court in Justice Preodnot Ko.3, shall ba on th0 3rd 39Ona1y in eDcb WDntk from this order and QdmeiYor=holding Court ih-~datioe rtao inct Bp,4 0$ @qi d.,igp4~,y ,. shall be on the 1st Wonday In each mQp th iram_tb9 data pt th ia. order,, It, is Turthe;, ordered, the! any end ell Jnetioer 8reainat@ phate,R;eta„enb that 7aey.haxa ba,ep preatQd by,yha ~pb:miae.ionere Court of this County, be and they are herebty abollahaB and done away gvitJ} tad said Justice Prec lost .numbs Ya 1,E;3~.add~.y shall oonatittie the tour Jus.fiice .+'regingt@ ~qr Kp rr CAUnty, ~ "..t'~. ~: Y'J.:. s.:. :E%fl8• The state of ~e see ,) In Gpmmlaeto4ere 'court, 3Ce rr agY4t y,'~e~Cae, ) Bio.439, iuguat {ena, 19191 County of Karr, ) August llth,l819. . The Trustees of Common ~oho.ol,"1etrSOta num'bere 10 and i1,ICOlor be and they era hereby ins tructad,by tpa ~qu;t to pove_th® $oho01 Bouae in said Liatria to into the Independent 3ohpgl A1atr~.ot DY Ceat®x saint, '~exte. «sr««sssss«««.«««wss««««.««««««*««««««ass The state of ~ezae, 1 .., In Commlesionese Court, ~xr'Cqunty,>ezae. No.4110. Attgult. ~~sJq~~ 1819. . County of Kerr. ), Iuguat ]1th,19~~. '~°„~ , It Sa ordered by the Gourt ~{~a11x~147~iy ~ohR}'~1}glm,, bq god ha is hereby .. ~ ,, „ appointed Cheep inspector, Yqr Kair iqu4ty, TgzBa xor,,.R~~F1,~d t~na,~beginning August let 1919 and ending Ootober 31et,1819 at.e salary, ~18~66 R/$,~~Fe ~;'mgath ;QS .60.00 Yor the three ;~., r-. 1a months. „ , r«wrt«««s«}«*x«««««ssei~«•s~?ifM.iF«l;rtrt ««« ;r, The 3t ate oY Teaea,) In Commiiaioaer9~ Cpprt, Kerr Cou4ty.Tazae. S D1o.441. A t Term: 1919. county oY Kerr, ) Auguet,1191`a. The reports oY the Yollpwiag gtme4 oYYio4ra Rare examined sad approved, v1s: L~.H.Turner, ~uetioe o! the Xeaoe Freq;~,.no4 9pr1, Jno.R.bea~ell, County Cler and A. B.Wiliiameon, County Utreasuror, sad th• Repgrt oT the u:ounty Txeaeurgr ordered epred on the mintuea oY secs Court. &eport of A. B. Williamson, County Treasure; of Kerr County, +lxae, of Recelpte and hapendentiturea Yrom 14ey let,1919 to July 31at,1919, inoluelve. ~~ 3URY SUHID. let Glass. ~ , Balance last 8®pRZt, _______________________,.__.-~- ~ X9360 ,98~ !: To amount reoeived,si4oe last 8eport, ----------------~ .. 5.00,. Sy amount paid out e14oe last Report, ----------------- 191.40 By S} per peat. Commleaion on ameunt recofvas, ---- --- .11 By 2} pex oent• Commie lion on gg~ount gA3d out, -------~ 3.30 a Amour t to balanoe, - ---__..__ __--' ,--,.___-__ __ BAZAHCE. -°-------'-------_`---'--'--•'-'-'-' .`~~,y1R.i61,19 ..r 3+' F ,