TBK~BS.~1"$~' TEZAB,) •' In dommieeionere Oourt, 'Ke xrdounty,Tazaa. } Bo.438. August T, ezm, 1919. COUNTY OF KKRR. ) August 11 th.~919. It Se ordered by the Court that the Juetioe Precinote from this date on shell be numbered 1, 2, SfenB. 4 and shall Aevoompdaed~of the~FOUr CpmmlaBdonare Yreadncta oi' Kerr County, Tessa,, reape,ativ~ly,. and heQq tba.eame Doundafiiq,a ga.aeid Dommiaeioaere Prea mote Noe. 1, E, 3 aAQ 4 and the time for holding oourt in dun pip e. grepine t, AlA •l, shall be on the 4th .nondey Sn each month from this date; and time for hplding Court in Juatlae Preoinat No.E, shall be on the 2nd monday,in eaoh month fi',om date of this order; and time for holding Court in Justice Prec root No.3, shall be on the 3rd bond ay in eaoh month from th ie order and Sdmh_8or=balding GgarS in-Auetioe rraoinct Hp,4 of. pgld.~ppnt,y ,_ shall be on the 1st 1SOnday ~.n eaoh month from~tha data q3 this, order.. It, is 'PUrths;, or˘arad. that any and ell Jnstiae• Yreainote yhe~t~ exist~,,,anb ShAt. may. have bdan..4reated by the C'0'mmie's.ionere Court of this County, be and they era here bly,aboli®hed and done away witq sad aald Juatlae Yrec inet numbers 1,E3•and~4 .shell oanatitua the four JusSloe +'{epinptA gAr S4 rr County, :eras. *rsrxrs rrrtWsrsrrrarrr++rsrssrssrrrrrsssrrrrrt The State of +eaes,) la Commleeionereeourt, Kerr ipunty,+ezes, } Bc.439. August Term, 19191 County oY Kerr, ) 4uguat llth,1919. The Truatoea pf Common yahoo 1, "let ripta numbers 10 and 11,ICol ored) be and they are hereby instructed by the ~purt to move_thq„ yohool Rouse in said Vietric to into the Independent &ahaol Aletriot of Canter coint, 1a$4e- tsssrrrsrrssrs rrrrsrr+ssssssrsfssa!tr rssrs The Bt ate e4 Tezae, 1 In Gommlaalonere dourt, $err Gpur~ty,'iesee. ) No.4~id. ingueL, T~.y 1$~. County of Kerr. ), 1ugu9t llt}i.19i9;,+ , It ip ordered by the Count thatk:~legry ~rohAeyhelm,` be and he Sa hereby ,; appointed Bheep inspector, Por Herr oonnty, T6a99,,,fgr',R~,er~ad P~ time beginning August let 1919 and ending Ootober 31et,1919 at s salary X16,,86 &/3rper;mgAth.pr 60.00 for the three months. ,~ +rtsrrrrsr*sr++sssrrs*s#-rs#rtsiMSSawr••rr The 5t ate of TeaeB,) In Commiasloaerq Court, Kerr Oo uaty,T Sass. ) Bo.941. August 1prm,. 1919. County of Kerr, ) Auguet,llth,1919. Tha reports of the follvwing.nemed oYficera vsra eaemined and approved, 91L7 ~.R.TurneT, aunt iae of the Yeaoe Rrep,f,.no~q Dlp,,l, Jno,R, yeav all, County Cle r1 ana A. B.Williameon, County Qresaurar, end the Report of tho County Treaeurar ordered apred on the mintuee of said Court. Report of •. B. Williamean, County- Tre©surer of Karr County, "+gzea, oY Boaelpta end i+zpendent itures from May le t,1819 to July 31at,1919, in clus lve. 30R Y FUND, let Cl ass. , Balance last Report, ___ ________ _____________,._-_., _ =$350.98 To amount reoeivadeinas last Report, -~--------------- 6.00. By amount paid out sinoe last Report, ---------------^- 191.40 By E} per dent. Commission on amount recelvad, -------- .11 By E} per Dent. Commission on aigiount pA1d out, -------- 3.80 Amount to balan4e, _.._-_____ __.. __„__ __ ________________ $~- _ E- 6~. 7~- .. BAIJNCE. ____________ . ~_ a: _______ __________________ X2161.;17 .., W..:;.. , ~...,:.., .,., Yn S~ • fi ,. ~ iy ., ••N .:a