k ) -.. "' ao ~ iozBa. #8 IT ##?~NBEBF:D, That on this t}r 1st day of aetober 4. D, 1819. there was begun and holdeq s Spsl~ial ?esm of the Commissioners Oourt of Yerr Aognty, Tpacaq, at the Court House thereof Sn the town of Yerrville, rezas,- ' OHY ICU#i. £'REiBNT Hon. Lea iallaee, -_ - __.__ ......_._..,..._,.,...,, gannty Jpflgs, orthnr itesl, ______________________r___.._.. pommias$oner p~ Ys esinsL #o.l, James Crotty. ____________________ __________ Qamgtiasioner of HrM fuel #o.E, Hugo wiedanfsl~l, ____________________________ Yymm$aa$gngF of $reelnat No.3, Yhea.NOdgera. _______________.,______.___..__ gr~misgionpr of Prpsinet No.~, J.T.YOOre, aher$ff and Jno,R.Leavell, County, plerk. The •ourt having been, regularly opened and the following prooeedinge were had to-wit:-- Claims against Yerr County waro. allowed by the gpurt as shown by reference to Minutes of sooonnts allowed in Book No.b on pegsp A4 and g6 whioh ip made a part of these minutes. Bo.449, K$HR COUNTY. 8epignatioa of A. C,SOhrelnor,JS. as Publio 1Ppigher. The rea$gnatiop of M C,Sohreines.Jr., as Publio A!sigher in and,for Jnstioe yreoinot No.l, of Kers County, '1'sZap., waa oons1dered e,nd eooapted. . No.160 fibs: Stata`,of Teaaa, ) In gommissionass wear;, Jeer! oonnty,tyaµa. County of Yers, 1 Speoal Uotolier ~erp, 1917. ` an thiw day oams onto be ooas$dorrd the ma'p¢ar,of appointment of ~ {o three qualified property teepaying oititpn• of Yamml.~lonesa J'sspia~ts #oa, 1 sad 4 qop designated and oreated into Hoed ASiRs~t- Bo,l, Rf JCex~. Congtyy, Tssy, aa, pamAess o! t!u- #oa rd of Hoad 7iommissioners o;.paid ds;road Hoa4-~lqt;Sqt #o.i,,. and attar ..sue oona$de.ratlow of tba setter, the oaurt,apPoi?ated •rthnr 8*sl, $e8amsohel',ap4 T~1,Aidarst4dt,,eaoh of whoa are qualified property tgzpaying oitlagns rpgid$pg wllhin tho,boundgsies of said #aed.D$gtsi No.l. of Yerr County, 1exaa, who upon taking tfu oath Pt offloe requlrap by law, and giving:: Hong, psyaDie to the County dudga, or his anooeagerp in oft to 9.. Sp trgst,tgt tlpt permanent roads funds at AFL ~tp17,tRq~1"gaDdi714IRU:; .fks,:~;ddM~SgMd%t~.wtrl.Rt...I~AOwA qAl, afM0...Uio;rlA.t +ro.T. of nprr ~onnty, +ezaa, in.')itiw ~RRnnt a,pg..cqu~itionad ai,go~ ,gto~$dmdwpy,,,lq>l.tgs Bounty Commitaioaers when poling as road anRei'FSaRra, #p4111 oontinue to,ssrvs ap A;embsra of said Board until their angvespors are peleoted sad goellfieq, os nnt11 tha ara$jaAle rpad 1SLAda of the district for which they were saleatad.have bean.azpendad. The Stets of Tezca, ) Ia Commippiom ra gagrte. ; pouq;y.,Texas. aonnty of Karr, j yOi~1«" Special 'October xerm, 4,L..,1919, On this 1st dqy of Ootobpr ~.u, 18jA,.'Jaq)ps rotty,,,dA7y ele.otad and'gnalifiad and eating ooRmipgioner o; Commisa$operp gi'ec$aot 3r0.8~ o~,Xw~rz aonnty,Tezas, tendered his resignation aa,sugh offiQiel .tD thp.CRUrt.;and th4 Ca~wrt.aft~r woN $dar$ng same. gooepted the same, and, appo$atad Ni.K.Hogd, to fill the ,pnpspi;p4 ;tai19 0$, paid ,1Tama,p Crotty, as Cgmplesiones ai ap?d prgpi[W't• S ti , .,i. y~ d ..