COtI OT IOiHS. ) 88 ~ ~~~~~• That oa thin the 1st day qS October #. D. 197.9,. there war begun end holden a 9peiial 7esm oS the Commlerionera court of Kerr ionn0y, Ti7wr st t`s Oonrt Honae thersoS SA the town of %errville, S'ezar,- OPY ICH Sa; , Y8Iri&9T : - . Hon. Lea Aallaee, _„_~-____ _.,. - _ -..,~,,. Ccnnty Jpdga, arthnr Heal, ----•----------•-----•-- ^-----~ Qommiarioaer q~ YrN !net Ho.l, . Jemea Crotty, ____________________ ___....__-_. QppyplptllOAer oS ?zNiait 9o.E, Hugo iledantel)l, ____________________________ Qgmmiaaioaax of $reaia•t SIo.3, Oher.Bodgerr, ---__--..__________________~....- ~pugiealpner o~ Yxpeinet 90.4, J.T.YOOre, dherltl end Jno.R.Leavell, County, Olerk• ", '.... , The court having been regularly opened and the following prpoaedingr were had to-wit:-- Claims againrt Yerx' County waro allowed by the court ar'sho~n by reference to Yinutor of accounts ellarad in Book 9o,b on pegei 36 cad B{ which ii made s part oS these minutes. 90.449, 1(EHS COU9TY. 8esignatipn of e. C.SOhrainsr,~r. ai Yublio Weigher. The resignation of 6.p,Sohreiner,Jr,, ar i'ublio Nsigber in and,Sor Jnstiae Yreeinot Ho.l, of Kerr County, Tezea,, waa oonridered and accepted. 90.460 Yiy:State.ot Tesai, ,~ ,, In 9ommieriogeri uour~, xeri'.ipCnt,Y,xisar. County of Serr. 1 Special Uoto},mr Sarl~1, 7<911i~ Oq thii day Dame onto ba aonildered ~hs~ga~$er•oi appointment of s. three gna11f1ed property tatpaying oitiseai of 9onemUe~iane~^a ~4reaitp~'ta #oa, 1/iaa 4 aoR deiiggated and created into Road HSIIgldllt Ho+1, pS ,Karr, aouatg., lazy, ae, mambari OS tAi Board of hoed Commiarionerr qt said defined Road,?Platriot 90+3,, an4' aite,r,$na aoamldeTatioa of the matter, .the opart gppoinLed ~rthnr Risl, H•7kaurohel cad T,A.7~nfle;itaait,,igoh of wihos era qualified psoperty tazpaying oitlr+lna reelding within the bonadarlep o! acid iROad Tligiei 90.1, of Yarr County, Tezaa, who upon taking the oath OS offioa Fegwira4 by law, apd giving;. Bogd payable Lo the County Judges, or his anoaeeaorr Sn otY1o ae ip trust SqY tho psrmagent roads tngds ai laid politdggl^9nbdiaiilol4; d!s:, fl~lald~~t4itt194. kRowq ad, $OB4.Jlirtriot ao.2. of aerr uonnty , `.czar. 1a S1r erapnn0 s]oQ .oWnditioned ar., Ao9 ..pFggida#„.1~.,14x tqs .ioxnSy Commiirioaerr when acting as ;pad enpervlaore, i4id11 aogtlgne to,resve,ar w~berr.ot raid Hoasd until their rnegesgori ere ®elepted and qua1141iQ. or until the inilable rpa~. ~igda of the diitriot for which they were selected have bean espendad.~ The !fate of Tezai, ) Iq Commiesions ri Copxt,.,, ~; C©unty.T ~cii. County of Iferr. ) 9o,d61, Speolal OotoLer Term., AF,L.,rlsdl8., On thin let day of Ootob9r 6. y, 197,9, aegpr raFtp,. dAlp elaot,od and'quelitied and eoting commipalonQS o; Commieiionerr Yreaiapt p!I*r Cgnnty,Tezai, tendered his reelgnation si augh otiivial to t~ Oourt and the Oe~r,aftlr iogaidering earns, eaoepted the lame, an¢ appoiatod Y.K.f)cod, to till t1t+ une~pi7~4 ;tptAR og Ae~d ,aame~ Crotty, ' ar Cpmmiariomx o3 wld' Ftaainat. . ~/3 BESOLUTIOR ~ RffiP%CT. THE STATE OF TEEA9,,) In Commlaaioner Court, Kerr Connty,;exae, OOUHTY OF %13iR. )) Speaiel October Term, A.L. 1919. Whereas, on this the let day of October, A,L. 1919, James Crotty, ' tendered his resignation as a member of this Court for private and sufficient reasons and same has bean accepted, 1HD WHEREAS, •e id Crotty has been by the people elected their choloe as a nember oY th is Court for several terms. AR8 WHEREAS, his services, ae a member of this oonrt have been extra-ordinary painstaking and unselfish, h!i assooiati~n sincere and eordlel at ell times. T$EREFORE be it resolved by the aemaini~g members of this Court that as express our grateful appreciation of the splendid official services and eordiel aompanyx~ip oP the said James Crotty and our regrets that he has assigned his membership oY this Court. rURTHER be it resolved that these resolutions be by the Clerk of this Court spread on the Yinutea of Shia Court and a copy furnished the ea id James Crotty. There being no farther bueineee to none before the court at this time, and the foregoing minuta• Yrom page t1E t0 middle of page 413 hereof were read in open court and fund cor- rect are hereby approved. This October 1st, 1919. Anttpat, ~ ~ `b~.a ~~~ " ~ ^ounty Olerk, Loun~yTli 7V1"~ 0.o-0-0-0-0-0-0-0 THE sTeTE OF TEEAS,p COUNTY OF KERR.~ BF, IT REIviEMBERED: That on this the 15th day of Ootobar, A. D. 1919, there wee begun and holden a 9paoial Term of the Commissioners' Court of Kerr County, Tana, at the Court House thereof in the town of Kerrville, Texaa;---- OFIC%RS:PRESENT: gon. Lee Wallaae, -----------------------County Judge. Arthur Real, ----------------------------Commissioner of Preoinot No. 1, M. K. $ood, -----------------------------Commieaionar of Preoinot No. 2, Hugo Wisdenfeld, ------------------------Commiaeioner of Preoinot No. 3, Chas. •. Rodgera, -----------------------Commissioner oP Preoinot $o. 4. J. T. Moore, Sheiiff and Jno. R. Leavell, County Clerk. The Court having been regularly opened and the Following proceedings were had, to-wit: THE STATE OF TEIA9,p October 15th, 1919. p COUNTY OF KERR.p On this the 15th day of October, A. D. 1919, the Commiasionera' Court of Kerr County, Tesas, being convened 1n a Special Seselon at the Court House of said County, in Kerrville, Texas, a quorum being present, to-wit: - Lee Aellsoe, County Judge, Arthur Rawl, Cammieaioner of Preoinot No. 1, - 1d. K. Hood, Commissioner of Preoinot No. 2, Hugo WledenPeld, Commiseloner of Preoinot No. 3; an8 C. A. Rodgers, Commieaionsr of Preoinot No. 4. and passed the following order, to-wit: On this. dLy b4ima an bo;-1~e ~-ard the patitlon of Real Ooldwell, and over Piftq ,. , ,~