~ i7 _~ ___ ballots the words,"8oz the is " ee of N12000.00 oP Rord Bonds sod Por the levy of the nec- essary try in support thereoY", n.:d all thoea opn osed thereto shall have v,~r itten or printed on their ballots the words,"Against the iss;.ance oP ~].2QQ0.00 Road Bonds and against the lovy oY the nocoGsar:: tar. in support thereoY", Said bonds to be issued for the purpose oY oonstructirg, r~airt^inini and opcrntirg macadamizod, graveled cr paved roads and turnpil:ea or .n aid thereoY. A copy oP this order si[;ned b„ the Cc:mt,;~ Judge o£ tho Co•..nty aforccaid abAll sorve as s prop or notice of said election, and the Cciu..ty Juci ne is directed to eauso said notice to be published in a newspaper in Kerr ~onnt~; or in Sa1H,P.oad District No,3,(if there be one published in said Road DiatrYet P7o.3), Por Porr comaecntivc weeks neat prea:dirg said oleo- tion and cause s notice thereDP to bo posted at t,~.e Co;-.rt k3ouse door and ore at threo other public places in said Road District 2do,3, of so.id Con~•a;;r Yor Pour consec-..tive vreeks prior to the dste of said election. No.454, Kerr Comity. Notice to Delinquents. 11 J11 J19. The Sheriff and Tax Collector, J.'~"J~3oore, is he~•eb~ instr'~.ebed t~~~ give vrritten notice to all parties who are dolincuent in tho pay.:ent of amounts berrovred Yrom Kerr-9o~uzty,~~~3bxa6,~under the Drought RelieY dot, to purchase seed for '.he past snap