'f ~ The foregoing minutes Yrom pcge 415 bo 421 in'~~-~.. ~~ice Jere read in open Oonrt, .._ found wre noel,;; approti-xl, `,hi2 --re 17.1; 1i ~~.a;.' ,~~Y :?o~:n~:rh-~r, A.~. 1S'S, ~...:1 Co-.,•'.; Ad,'onrned til next tem. tte st: ,:.r J~.Lr~a.c .;~_ ~ q_a ~ z s~'~.ns.r, s _______ 'VTI. ii'7/'ll't "„Ir.f9iTi Lv'R' ]N uTtb" 1('If _-__-__ there was begun and holden a 9peaial term of the Commissioners' Court of Kerr County, Texas, at the Court House thereof in the town oY Kerrville, Teaas: uFr'ICERS PRESENT:--- THE STATE OF TEaAS.I COUNTY ~F KERR.O BE IT REMEMBERED that on this the 19th day of Iiovember, a. D. 1919, County Judge, Commissioner Preci not No. 1, Commissioner Preoinot 270. 2, Commlesioner Precinot 270. 3, Commissioner Preoinot 270. 4, ~~o~ Hon. Lee flallaoe, Arthur Real, M. K. Hood, Hugo Aiedenfel d, C. A. Rodgers, J. T. Moore, Sheriff and Jno. R. Leavell, County Clerk. The 0®uxt having been regularly opened and the following proceedings were had, town STATE OF TE%A9,Q0Q CCUNTY OF Y.ERR.O 'The Commissioners' Court of Kerr County in session Nov. 19, 1919, made and entered of record the following order: Under and by outhorlty oY Chapter 62 of the General Law oY the Tezas 32nd, Legia- lature., 1911;- That the sum of 1000. Dollars be and hereby is appropriated and set aside annual- ly out of the funds of Kerr County to supplement the funds of the u. S. Department of Agrioulture and A• and M. College of Tezas, in payinpr the salary oP the County Agent oY the Fa rmare' Cooperative Demonstration Work in Kerr County. Said sum shall be paid out upon receipt of vouohere drawn and approved by the Department's Authorised Agent and become available on or after the 4 day of Jan. 1920, And ae long as the U. 9. Department of AgrSOUlture will conduot said work in said County, this oourt order shall be eontinuoua, that the sum of X1000. Dollars be paid out as above stated annually, until revoked by the U. S. Department of Agriculture, A and M. College of Texas or the Commissioners' Court of Kerr County. In event said court finds it necessary to revoke the above order; the order dis- continuing serge eh all be passed only during the month of Nov. or Deo., which time will be near the close of a season and the year's work; otherwise this order shall remain do fn 11 force from year to year. -0-0-0_0-0-0-0-0-0-0----- Bo.460, Yen Oounty. ganvassing Returns of Spacial ffiection. Bovember 18th, 1919. Oa this day the bommisaionere' donrt aonveged and aenvsaeed the ratnrae of the 6peoial Sleotioa Rsld on Bevember 4th,1918, tabulation of the same is found is 8leotion YSnntae in Baok ~$ oa page 16 to whioh retsrenae is hereby made, and whioh book and election miantea are made a part of there minutes. -0-0.0-0-0_0-0-0-0._.