~~) The fore going rinutes Prom pe~;e 415 to r21 inc7.::e i~;c r; m_-c reed in open Oorrt., ..-:''~. fetvnd corroct, ore hcreL•r ;.tip; rov ~d, thi^ -~_e 17.t1~. '_nr ~,f :!o-*e:~ib:r, d. lt`:,~~. ...;,d Co_.r'.; ld~,-~>>^nad ia'tt it ne_'t term. ~ /~ :Stt~st: ~ S'~ AP. 1.A __._____ nl~r Jnr "e. ir;nrr,7}'nr -e~vr,N'r v . rr~lr~rmr ~-r, mrirul,' 'THE STATE OF TE%A3,~ ~ • CUUSTTY vF KERR .O BE IT REMEMBERED that on this the 19th day of Itovemb er, A. D. 1919, there was begun and holden a 9peeial term of the Commissioners' Court of Kerr County, Teaas, at the Court House thereof 1n the town oY Kerrville, Teaas: uFFIC EitS PRESENT:--- Hon. Lee Hallace, Arthur Real, M. K. Hood, Hugo Biedenfeld, C. A. Rodgers, County Judge, Commissioner Preoinot No. 1, Commissioner Preoinot 210. 2, Commiseioner Precinct 210. 3, Commissioner Preoinot Sdo. 4, J. T. Moore, Sha rift and Jno. R. Lea yell, County Clerk. The Oonrt having been regularly opened and the folloui ng prooee di ngs were bads, towit: ~60~ STATE OF TEBAS,oOo COUNTY ~F Y.ERR.O The Commissioners' Court of Kerr County in session Nov. 19, 1919, made and entered oY raoord the following order: Under and by authority of Chapter 62 oY the General Law oY the Teaas 32nd, Legis- la tur e, 1911:- That the sum oY $1000. Dollars be and hereby is appropriated and set aside annual- ly out oY the funds oY Kerr County to supplement the funds of the u. S. Department of Agr ioultura and A. and M. College oY Texas, in paying the salary of the County Agent of the Fa rners' Cooperative remonstration Work in Kerr County. Said sum shall be paid out upon receipt oP vouohere drawn and approved by tYa ', Departure nt'a Authorised Agent and become available on or after the 4 day of Jen. 1920, '' And ae long as the U. 9. Department of Agrioulture will eonduot said work in said County, ' this oourt order aha]1 be eontinuoue, that the sum oY X1000. Dollars be paid out sa above stated annually, until revoked by the u. S. Department of Agriculture, A and M. College ~I of Texas or the Commissioners' Court of Kerr County. In event said oourt finds it necessary to revoke the above order; the order dia- I~~i oontinuing same eh all be passed only during the month oY IQov. or Deo., which time will be near the close of a season and the year's work; otherwise this order shall remain 1n full force from year to year. -0-0. 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0.---- '; Ho.4BO, t°Tr Doty. ~anvaeaing Betnrne of Special Election. Eovember 19th, 1919. Oa this day the bommieeionera' Oonrt aonveged and oanveaeed the returns '~ of the 8peoial Eleotion Beld on 3evember 4th,1818, tabulation of She same is to~md is E].eotion Yinutae is Baok ~E oa page 16 to whioh reterenoe is hereby made, and whioh book and eleotion miantea are made a part oY thine minutes. -0-0.0-0.0-0-0-O.A-__