'°"' yz z 86&$ OOi/HTY. pEYli$HT Ol ~L8CTI0H OlFIC'R8. Ho~a$la~?'Q~1918. It ie ordered by the boost that The dlerka that held the Special ~onstitntional Yleotioa oa $iMnmber 4th,1919, and those that helped hold the $ead Sond 83eotion in Aom- miaeioners Yreoinot He.2, of Eerr Oonnty, Texas, eaoh be paid the sum of #E.00 for their services ae enoh sleotia~n blasts and that the returning effieers o! eaoh said elsoti~s be paid the eam of #4.00 eaoh, se allowed by law. _o-o~-o-o-o_o-o-o_~ ae.a66, S&@8 OOIINTY. 01aim Aliewed. Hovembsr 19th,1918. dlsim anal tooosmts agalast Eerr Ooanty, were allowed by tlu court as shown by refsrenos tol[Santea of Accounts allowed by phis donrt is Yiantes Book ~B oa page 40, Lo which rsterenoe is hereby made. -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-- The Slats o2 Tsue, } In Wmmiesionere donrt Esrr donaty,Texas• i{ Io.464 Hovsmbes 19th,1819. Oooni~ of Barr. (Parohaeeot land trams Albert 8erbat) It is ordered by the Aonrt that the following described laal;to_wit't• s strip of land 10 feet wide . tz® Albert Herbst, bsginaiag at the H.B.dorner of said 8erbat land and 7'^^+++~g to said 8erbet'e 9.$.Oorner, being olltbat tract of land dead to Bald Albert 8erbat by laltia (3es Sook S6 page 197 doed rooorde Parr eouaty), and the clerk of Lhi® •anrt ie inetsaoted to draw voucher on Hoed and s~lege land belonging to demmiealorrra Yrealaat $0.3, in favor of ayi Albert Herbst,for the anm of ~E7.EE being the amount agreed npoa lad accepted by the said 8erbat for said land. _o-o_o-o-o-o_o-o-o_ao__ the State of Texas, ) In O amieeienera ~onrt Kerr donnty,Texas, 3 Ho.~6b Hovsmbsr 18th, 1819. •annty of Serr. (In Yattera of Ahange of Eerrville da dypreea Oresk Road) It is ordered by the ionrt that a change be made in the Eerrvills and eypresa Greek Head from Ei7ist bioh and Wh.Lioh'e a distance of 600 vases in a northwestern dirsotioa over Ha.Eseh6 1mA. Lnd the sum of #E6.00 is ordered paid out of the Hoag and~',[e~.iimd apportioned to lamniesioneze' Prsaixiot Ho.S, t0 wm.IMal ier said lands and the Ilerk inetra- clad to draw vmsoher on said Hood and Bridge land Ho.B to pay for said land. _o_ao_o_o_o_o_o_o_o_o_o_o_~ Ths State oY Tsue, ) In dc~iieioners' donrt of Eerr Aonnty,Teue. 1 $e. 466 November 19th, 1819. Oonnty of Eery. ) l In Yattera at Yaeagpgs,inuBOf[rA,:ASa9oioMidedlmaeDae.od H:D.'Hsp3) ) @~ this day Dame oa to b• ooneidered tha,~poiasmmt si"a member of the the Saard of Road Oammiseianare of Head District Ho.l, and it appsariag to the Aonrt that Arthur seal, one of the members oY said board hsrstolers appointed by this Ooart, refused to serve and Yoeiaa Holakeaq+~a 3~eaidiay,YYtiaen:-mY«eaid