~~~s~°,'lets Itie arderod, ad~udgsd and deorsgd by the Coamileeionerq' Cpnr# of Bert Conaty, Tezae, that the bonidq e3 gaid County to be oalled Road Dlgtriot IIo. 8 Road Bondq, bs iagned under end by vfr~as of the Spaodal Road bgw for Yers Oonn#y 8. H. Bo. 880, passed by the 86th I,egtalaturs at i#a regular 1919 geaeioa. End"i 8aid b9nlq shall be nwabered oonaeoutively Prom one to one hundred thirty, iaoluglvs; they shall be oY the dgnominatioa of 81~s Hgndrefl Dollarq (#b00.00) •aoh, eggre- gating the qum of =66,000,00. Srds Thgy shall.bo dated January let, 1980, shall boooma due and payable aerial 'f0 years after data,. 4ths They shall bear interest at the rate o! Y1ve and one-half (ti~j per oentnm per annum, payable geml-annually, on the 10th days of April alai October oY snob year. b#h: Prlnoipal and in#ersat shall be payable on presentation sad surrender o! bond or proper coupon at the ofiioe oP the County Treasures in Yarrvills, Texas, or at the Chamloal National Beak of nsx York City, DT. Y. at the option pP the holder. 6#h: Ths Bald bonds shall ba gignsd by the County Judge, aounteralgned by the County Clark and registered by the County Trsaeurer and the seal oY Yart Cona#y shall be impressed upon each oY tksem. 7th: Ths Pao.$imils eignaturae oP the county Judge and the Oounty Olerk may Da lithographed on the aqupone. t~1 9th: It is Yurther ordgked, adjadgad and deorafd by t~{s 6ourt that to pay the ~tpreat on e,a1d bonds and create a sinking Fund euPYioieat to dsohargq #heus a# maturity a tax shall aePied,-.aaaeagel_.alsdedpllsotsd.Yor ~thp coming period oithrae ~Sj months Prom Jaa. 10th, 19$Q,to gpr13 l0yh, .1919P, and gaid tax aha11 be 4a~1na7~1y ~,av~gd~ aivRUally senses ,µ and annually oolleot•d gn;u7,1 taxable property in eald.ROad Jj~,ptt;io#;BOa E of Karr OouatY, 4 Texas, and a tta of nineSy iou; {~,}.oautq an eRaD oaxa HunlA,ra~ Dq,1.l~a paltut3pa oY tar,abla property in said Hoafl Dlgtriot $o, $', is hsxo now levied Yor '#hs.eai~ pgriod of S months,. Jan. 10 to April 10, 1920, whereupon at thq end of said peti4d of plRar, the Oonrt will levy the nsoeasary tax Ycs~ the next .yoa'~ . 9th: It in also ordered that ttss Okae. Sohreiaet Hank ba authorised to take and have charge oY said bonds, pending their invsetigatlon by the ittorney Oeasral, and upon their approval and rogiatration shall hgvs authority #o negotiate their pals and rs- oa170~1or.~aid Road Digtrioy the prooeedq thereoY• lOths Said bo~+d,a shall boar the sndorsament: "lasnsd by Kern Oeunty Yor account oY Road 'Digttiot Yo. E:. oY gaid County, and intgrest ynd priao ipal ors Ilayable by the Treaputer oY said Coun#y item gpsoial taates levied and collected by fiche County upon said Head Dietslot for that purpose". Yo-• 4aQ• NovambUr 19th 1$18,.' Ia C~ieaianerq';Qou;t oY:Ysrr 4ouaty, Tezae. ~ On thiq day o+~me on to be heard the '$peoial Novembe;.Term, 1,y19. b request and pptitton.Yor the appoiat- •meat.oi Jim Ralla9e, Atalaor 8lyumard and Oaoar ryowlin, as $papial BoArd oY Ccaamiggioasrp w aaAl ttoad Supervigerq Yor $oad lsdstriot No, 2, of Ysrr county, Texaq, sad 1# appsating to ~ths,opntt that. Paid pereoaq ors gwllYded Yor same aooording~to 7.aw, it ie ordered that A+WiI ~TSm wil3,aol, 11a1aor bhamapd and Oaoar Nowlin are hereby apppinLed as the 9peoial Board ~:. 9Y.Rw-d Oanmlaeioneis and Hpad.;$upsrvissrs oY ea id Road Digtr,~iot No, E aY Ysrr Uounty, Texa ~tTo~~}p~Y~m~t~ehyy~ duty :pY a~ ito~,d gFa~ggqmi.se~a`io`asr~ap ~apnd 8upervigs~+e a;ter hyvizy; quallYEid them- '~-f~°v Si˘ 41bi. ~~?~~ ~~. MT' $~'lTt,4i ~R W. F: .~ ~R r+ to .. x~.~ /,